
Bitter_Sweet Fragnance of Love

Si_zen · Fantasie
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9 Chs

Ch_7: Under his surveillance

Aiyana summoned them to restore the flower bed as shortly as achievable. She then went inside her dining table. The table top was already served with exquisite meals. She sits down and starts eating. From her garden, another two lasses came inside and bow in front of her. Then they went to her bedroom and brought formal clothing.

After finishing her breakfast, those lasses assisted her to put on her clothes. Then they bow her again and faded away in thin air. As predicted Alex didn't come by her. So she decided not to summon him forcibly.

It was already nine so she snuck into her car and went directly to the office. When she caught up there she saw only the staff which means the CEO hasn't arrived yet.

She stayed for him in his office. She was early as she doesn't desire a bad impression on her first day. But the delay was compelling her boredom to the core.

After a few minutes of waiting she stand up and bow her head as Dylan stepped inside. He froze for an instant and sit in his chair asking Aiyana to sit as well. Aiyana grabbed her seat and stared at him for him to authorize her career.

Dylan paused and give a rapid scan to his office as there was no more aroma coming from her. He then extended towards her and said," I know you're promising at what you do but as you were recommended by Alex I wonder if it's okay to solely provide you with an office instantly. Likewise, I heard you don't work from the office which implies you lack office knowledge along with your manner of course."

Aiyana's heart was pounding as she assumed the job she desired was falling over her hands like sand.

Dylan summed up," So here's my deal if you don't mind. If you wish to work here, work under me directly for a few months as an intern and my secretary. You can work on your texts as well."


Aiyana's eyes grew wider upon hearing his proposal. Are you kidding me? Are you fucking kidding me? I was already anxious thinking about how I gonna work in an office and you are suggesting I work directly under you and that too under your surveillance.

Dylan snap her out of her daydream and asked again. So what do you feel about this? You better respond to me quickly. I don't have an entire day only for you.

Aiyana took a tiny pause and said," done, I will do it." She felt if she didn't come to terms she'll get tossed out and make Alex let down again. She didn't want to bother him. Moreover, it wasn't even her ambition she just created her plan on spot and fibbed to Alex when he asked about her dream. So she didn't want Alex to learn the truth. Who knew the day would come this shortly?

Dylan was keen to know about her as she conveyed the fragrance of someone he once used to dote on. She also was dear to Alex so he didn't want her to get hurt. He was afraid she will turn down the offer but she accepted which earns him satisfaction.

He made a few modifications in his office and handed over Aiyana her own working space. After working all day, finally, it was the moment for her to flee. She asked for approval and fled.

Dylan envisions asking her to drive home so that he can catch a glimpse of her house and garden but then it felt a little concerning as she was her employee and it was just her first day at work.

Aiyana went directly to bed without even changing. She was exhausted as hell as she never worked this much in her life. Frankly, she never worked her entire life.

She was almost falling asleep when her phone rang. She picked it up lazily as she let out hello.

Aiyana it's me, Alex said from another side.

As Dylan can't go to her house he asked Alex to check out. Alex said," I'm sorry for yesterday. I left without a word. Is it fine if I visit you now? I'm free today and you've already completed your work. There's still an abundance of duration before it gets dark.

You won't be required to consent to such fortes. I've told you before too. Just come in whenever you desire. You're like a fam....(she hesitated and resumed again) you're a family for me. If Alex could catch a glimpse of her look now he could've caught sight of the warmest smile he could have ever seen on Aiyana's face.

She was exhausted yet she approved of Alex coming. The admiration she had for Alex and Zinnia was like a big sister. No matter how much she fight and castigate them, no matter how much she spoiled them she constantly wished for the best for them. They weren't the random neighbor she came across in her childhood. They were someone she came to this world for. They were someone she wanted to protect.

It doesn't matter if they aren't blood-related. They were for Aiyana, someone who was destined to meet and tied by the rope of fate. Though Alex wasn't able to witness those warm smiles he felt the affection through her voice. Her presence, her care, her everything reminded him of a particular person that once was part of his life. This is one of the reasons he always wanted the best for her.

He ended the call and led his way to her place. He hoped to make sure everything was alright. A few winks later, Alex arrived as Aiyana lead her toward the exact living room where she hosted him before. She poured a glass of wine for him and herself.

Alex noticed the dressing around her wrist. He already learned about her injury from Dylan. Dylan didn't want things to get awkward between him and Aiyana as she was just a mortal at least that was what he felt so he didn't dare to ask and interfere in her personal life.

Alex softly drew her hands toward him and raised a question," Did anything happen after I left"?

Aiyana nodded from left to right expressing no without a phrase. There was a subtle hesitation that was seeable on her face.

Are you fibbing to me? You are so sluggish that I can't even presume you injure yourself doing household. Alex's tone slightly turned into mocking from polite.

What...I was clashing with that bitch you detest. And you dared to utter nonsense Aiyana screamed inside her heart. Her eyes were gazing at Alex as if she was threatening him for pointing out how slothful she was hinting at a bit of dissatisfaction with his poor judgment skills.