
Bitter_Sweet Fragnance of Love

Si_zen · Fantasie
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9 Chs

Ch_5:Black velvet petunia

Aiyana, congratulations on your new job. I'm happy for you. Cheers!!! Zinnia clinked her glass with Aiyana as she cheered for her.

Thank you.All thanks to you and Alex for giving me such an opportunity. But I'm not confident as he said come and meet me tomorrow. He didn't ascertain my preference. Moreover, I've never worked in an office as a regular. Never have I ever worked under someone's demand. Except for Alex that too cause he's my finery pal. Aiyana took a deep breath as she took a sip of wine.

Suddenly someone put their hands on Aiyana's shoulder. It's gonna be alright. You're just hyping things up.

She instantly recognized the voice and dragged his hand from her shoulder and pin him down on the table.

Ahh, Aiyana it hurts. Alex tapped his hand on the table as he struggled to lift his head that was pressed by Aiyana.

"Oh, Alex it's you. I thought someone was messing with me.Sorry."She sneered as she raised her hand Alex eventually took a breath of ease.

Zinnia covered her mouth to cover up her laugh.

I don't consider your proclamations Aiyana. That was harsh but wasn't unpredictable. He rolled his eyes.

By the way Zinnia when will you depart? Aren't you skipping your classes a lot? Alex fixed his gaze on her as he raised a question.

Oh yeah, I'll be off by tomorrow eve. I was about to speak that but you asked sooner. Zinnia said.

They all had their dinner and head back. Alex dropped his sister off and asked her to pack her belongings before bedtime.

"I've something to talk about with Aiyana so you go first I'll come back shortly".Telling this to Zinnia, Alex get inside his car and drove off.

Aiyana, I haven't been to your new villa. Where is it? Alex asked curiously.

Aiyana guided him through the route and they were at her place.

Alex: "Won't you invite me"?

Do you even need approval to come? Just hop in. She leads the way to her living space. Remain here I'll get something to drink.

Living isolated in the such massive property. You could've just leased an apartment. Alex whispered to himself. He stands up and gets closer to the window. He always knew Aiyana dote on blooms so he wasn't amazed to catch a glimpse of a tremendous garden outside.

He opened the window and abruptly a familiar flower drew his attention."BLACK VELVET PETUNIA".His eyes grew blue and he subconsciously backed off a bit.

What are you doing outdoors, Alex? Isn't it breezy there? Aiyana yanked him handing him a glass of wine.

He shut his eyes instantly and subdue himself. He extended his hand to get the wine as he said, "No it isn't."

I was just catching a glimpse of your flowers. Did you get such huge possessions just to plant these flowers? Alex said mockingly yet Aiyana's comeback lowered his attitude as she replied yes with a subtle nod and a smile.

Don't you feel it's too hefty for you? At least lease out some housekeepers and surveillance. How can you live solitary in such an immense area? He indicated his consideration as his stares were rectified on that petunia.

"Are you worried about me or flowers"?Where are you darting huh? I'm here. She waved her hands in front of his sights as she talked.

She moved her eyes in the exact guidance where Alex was peeking as her hand moved towards the flower. Do you like shady buds? She picked up one petunia and handed it out to him.

Alex's body narrowly shifted away.No, he replied. I don't like them. Do you...he wavered bowing his head. His lips were shivering as he spoke out.

Aren't they appealing? She whispered in Alex's ear giving him goosebumps all over his body.

Let me tuck it on your ears. She gradually attempted to tuck the flower into his ears.

Aiyana! stop joking. Are you messing with me or you don't understand what you're accomplishing? Alex shoved her hand back and the flower fell to the dirt.

Black Velvet Petunia is assessed to be a mystery. It embodies darkness and is used especially in mourning. Noticing Aiyana attempting to set those flowers on him gave him chills. I'm not deceased yet, Aiyana. His hands were shivering and he sustained a distance from her.

Alex I know I was just having fun. I wouldn't dare to give you a flower of the gloaming of course. She hold his trembling hand and dragged him inside the house again.

She tried to comfort him. I know you don't like particular flowers. Why don't you come here after dawn I'll give you a brief garden excursion where you will stumble upon your favorites. Consider today wasn't your day, what's say? She beamed.

Alex freed the hand that she yet was grabbing, finished his liquor in one go, and departed without an utterance.


If you determine to come hereafter, hope you arrive prematurely. I need to go before 10 you know that right? She cried as he shut the door.

What is wrong with him? It was just a little gag. Why is he getting so hyped up? Ahh...leave it he will be okay shortly. I need to doze early today. But it's already so late. She grumbled as she closed the window. She halted there and peeked outside. Is the Black Velvet Petunia the only thing you notice there, today? She smirked and closed the curtains.

Alex called Dylan. Hello, Dylan are you still in the hospital? He asked. There was haste in his voice.

No, I get back home. What's wrong? Are you alright? He replied.

I'm reaching there. Telling this Alex hunged up and drove to the Ryulf Mansion. He clutched Dylan as soon as he arrived there and saw him. He was shivering and sweating heavily.

Alex, what's wrong? Look at me. Dylan lifted his face and met his eyes. Calm down first. Here sit and sip some water.

I ...I don't understand about the fragrance you spoke about but I ...I felt her as well. It wasn't Aiyana but that fl...flo..that flower it was hauling me. And when she leaned toward that flower I saw her eyes...her eyes..Alex was fumbling a lot.


Dylan shake him up as he raised his voice. Calm down and tell me. What are you chattering about?

Alex took a long gust and eventually relaxed down as he saw Dylan in front of him. Before it was all blurry as he was terrified and wasn't in his right sense.

He said, "I too felt her existence when I was close to that flower. And I know it isn't because I fear that flower...I did sense her. And when Aiyana leaned toward that flower her tone altered. She was usual before but when she picked that flower there was a shadow of raven mist. It wasn't substantial but there was. If it weren't for my exceptional vision I too could've not witnessed it."

I'm scared. Aiyana lives there all unattended. I can't send Zinnia as she needs to go back. Dylan, I'm tense about her. She is just a mortal.

And those flower beds...That wasn't an ordinary garden. Those were ....those...


Dylan takes hold of him as he failed his balance. He carried him to his bed and pressed his two fingers on his forehead. Alex was still attempting to convey but gradually he took off to a night of deep sleep.

He sends some of his helpers to help change him.

Did he just say garden? It's regular to have one. But he said it wasn't regular. And what about that "BLACK VELVET PETUNIA"?It's a rare one. How can she get her hands on such ...I need to go inspect myself. Dylan shut his eyes to concentrate but because of the exhaustion he instantly fell asleep.