

In a world of wealth and privilege, a self-centered billionaire's life is upended when he learns that a woman from his past is pregnant with his child and seeking justice. As they navigate their intertwined destinies, they confront their own demons and the harsh realities of their world. Caught between arrogance and the stirring of unfamiliar emotions, the billionaire grapples with the consequences of his actions while the woman seeks redemption and closure. Together, they embark on a journey of reconciliation and growth, facing challenges and finding unexpected allies along the way. Through love, loss, and redemption, their journey unfolds, offering glimpses of hope and the possibility of a brighter tomorrow. But whether they can overcome their differences and find happiness together remains uncertain, as they navigate the complexities of their intertwined lives.

jhoe_hikay · Urban
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16 Chs



Alec" who are you waving at, because we aren't together now still doesn't mean you should get me jealous"

Laura" don't be silly that is Maximo"

Alec "do you mean the Maximo?'

Laura "how many Maximos do you know?"

Alec" well I know of the one you told me about, the one that got you pregnant"

Laura "then what do you think?"

Alec" I shouldn't let him leave, he deserves to be beaten"

Laura "don't be stupid, just keep calm, aren't I?"

Alec "no, I am not listening to that bullshit"

Alec ran after Maximo before Laura could even stop him but unfortunately, Maximo and Vincent had just driven off".

Alec came back looking down emotionally.

Alec" I couldn't catch up to them"

Laura" hmm, you don't mean it"

Alec" What do you mean by you don't mean it"

Laura "are you asking me, aren't you the persistent one, how come you didn't catch up"

Alec" I am just trying to help you out and…"

Laura "excuse me!!!, no excuse you, I don't have a problem in which I want a helping, you decided to do what you wanted to do, do you think if you would had beaten up Maximo I would have loved you or what, I am sorry but rape or not that would just make you the same as Maximo"

Alec" but…"

Laura "no buts the fact that you still have something to say, just proves to me that I am wasting my time here, goodbye".

Alec grabbed her by the hand and knelt down

Alec" I am sincerely sorry, please don't leave, I was wrong, you are a strong woman and you don't need pity, so, please forgive me I wouldn't forgive myself if you ignore for the rest of my life, you told me to stop but I was focusing on impressing you and how you really…"

Laura laughs out loudly.

Alec "seriously, I wouldn't "

Laura "I know you aren't joking and that's why I am laughing"

Alec" but I don't find it funny"

Laura "I will never ignore you no matter how serious a fight between us can be"

Alec" seriously!!"

Laura" yeah, sure"

Alec" thank you very much, this is the very reason I love you so much but to be on a safer side, I will rather like us not fighting at all"

Laura" hahaha, and you will be asking me why I am laughing"

Alec" I understand this but I don't but I don't understand the…."

Laura" shhhh, you are talking too much now, don't let me change my mind and leave"

Alec" sorry, my bad"

Laura "all this talk is making me tasty"

Alec" I could need a drink too"

Laura "you can go ahead and get us some alcohols, I will be waiting for you here"

Alec" ohh, okay"

Alec went and got some wine from the bartender.

Laura "okay, you are back!!, give me one"

Alec" what do you mean by one? I just got one for just the two of us and if it doesn't hit, I will get another one"

Laura "no give it here, go and get one for yourself

Alec" you know are preg…sorry, I will get myself snother one"

After some minutes Alec came back with another alcohol drink but for himself this time.

To his greatness surprise

Laura "give it here, go get yourself another one"

Alec" Laura, what happened to the last one I gave you"

Laura "obviously I drank it all, now give it

Alec" you know you have to drink responsibly"

Laura "I said I don't need your pity"

Alec" *he gives her the drink*this have to be your last one"

Laura" yeah, sure it is, now get yourself another one"

Alec" yes ma'am"

After some minutes Alec came back again with another alcohol drink but for himself this time.

Laura "give it here, get yourself another"

Alec" What is all these Laura?

Drunk Laura" all what? Can't I have a drink in peace again"

Alec" well if it was just one, there would have been the peace you are seeking"

Laura "just give me the drink, you brought me here to enjoy myself, right?"

Alec"yes I did but this is not a matter of pitying you again, you are an alcoholic, you need help.

Drunk Laura "I don't need any help from you or anyone"

Alec"I don't care if you don't talk to me again but I am not giving you another to drink"

Laura "oh, then let's see how you cope".

She started dragging the drink from him and in the process of the two of them both dragging it, it fell and broke.

Drunk Laura "see... wha...t you've caused, you are worthless"

Alec"Laura, I never knew of this side of you, you are pregnant for Christ sake!!"

Laura"I..am no..t doing this right.... now"

Laura pushed him to the ground and went to get another alcoholic drink and when she came back Alec was highly disappointed.

Alec"I never knew, you were the one I fell for"

Laura"iff.... you are not okay.... with what you are seeing now. You can lea...ve"

Alec"who said I was staying, I am leaving you need help and since you don't want the help I can't give you, goodbye"


Alec was already leaving her when he heard a sound, like a glass shattering and a slam to the ground. He looked back to find a pregnant woman, Laura, on the ground. He hurried to her, she had passed out.

Alec"Laura wake up, Laura wake up, someone help me out".

Nobody was even concerned, they were busy dancing and doing other things, the noise was much he had to carry her up. Has he carried he noticed the shattered bottle cut into her flesh.

Alec"I told you don't drink, but no you didn't listen, no see the outcome".

Alec carried her up, due to her being pregnant, it was hard for him to get her out of the club but still he did. He stood beside the road on a pavement in a set mind of finding a cab to get her to the hospital.

There was no public transportation, it was late already. After several minutes the ride he ordered arrived. The Uber man helped in putting her in the car and drove off.

Alec"drive faster!!"

Uber man "This is the faster I can go"

Alec"I said drive faster!!!"

Uber man "if I go any faster than this, the police could be now our tail".

Alec"I don't care, if you drive faster I will pay you double the original price".

The greedy Uber man didn't hesitate and drove as fast as he could to the closest hospital.

They got there and luckily for them, there were no police around and he paid off the Uber man.

He hurried in and asked for a stretcher and said it was an emergency, nurses hurried out with him and they took her in.

Nurse 1"Sir you can't come in further with us, the professionals will take it from here"

Alec"I have to come!!".

Nurse 2"Sir, you arguing and not listening will only delay her being attended to".

Alec"oh! I will wait but please give me a feedback as soon as possible".

They carried her to the room where she was to be treated.

After some minutes the same nurse came back.

Alec ran up to where the nurse was as he saw her.

Alec"how is she?"

Nurse 2"No need to panic sir, it was just a minor alcohol poisoning"

Alec"she was poisoned?!!"

Nurse "Well not directly, when a person takes too much alcohol into their system, drinking too much, too fast increases blood alcohol concentration (BAC). Too much alcohol in the bloodstream is called alcohol poisoning. It can cause a person to pass out and that's the case for her".

Alec"I warned her, she wouldn't listen"

Nurse 2"she is still unconscious but when she wakes, she will be up and able to go".

Alec"oh what about the injury she got"

Nurse "that has been cleaned and dressed"

Alec"okay, oh, she is pregnant and the fell down"

Nurse "oh yes about that, I am just a trainee here, a doctor will do that but for now, they aren't available, there have been a large intake of patients with urgent treatments, she would be fine".

Alec"oh okay, I will wait till she wakes".

Nurse "well that's the main reason I came here sir, I came to inform you that you can't stay here overnight but you can go and come back tomorrow morning"

Alec" oh, okay"

Nurse "and sir please fill the form there at the counter before you leave".

Alec" oh no problem, but can I see her before I go"

Nurse "yes WARD 56"

Alec went ahead to the room and indeed she was still unconscious, he left the room, filled the form and went home.


The next day Alec got to the hospital to meet a bad news

Nurse "Sir we couldn't reach you since, there is a bad news, your friend over here just lost her child, due to the alcohol intake and the fall, I am so sorry for your loss"

Alec was speechless and didn't even know how to react or what to do.

Nurse"Sir, sir!!,"

Nurse 2"he is in a state of shock, come we have things to do"

Nurse "she is at the maternity ward which is the 3rd room on your right once you take this stairs"

Alec glanced out of his shock and hurried to the room where she was and he met a doctor outside the door who was apparently on a call with Maximo.

Doctor "Sir am sorry to inform you this, this early morning but your wife just lost her child and we would like it if you would come over".