

In a world of wealth and privilege, a self-centered billionaire's life is upended when he learns that a woman from his past is pregnant with his child and seeking justice. As they navigate their intertwined destinies, they confront their own demons and the harsh realities of their world. Caught between arrogance and the stirring of unfamiliar emotions, the billionaire grapples with the consequences of his actions while the woman seeks redemption and closure. Together, they embark on a journey of reconciliation and growth, facing challenges and finding unexpected allies along the way. Through love, loss, and redemption, their journey unfolds, offering glimpses of hope and the possibility of a brighter tomorrow. But whether they can overcome their differences and find happiness together remains uncertain, as they navigate the complexities of their intertwined lives.

jhoe_hikay · Urban
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16 Chs


Maximo"Am always putting people at risk,it's better you just leave"

Vincent"It was an accident both Clara and Laura,everyone makes mistakes"

Maximo"but not all make deadly mistakes "

Vincent"Laura's was not a deadly mistake"

Maximo"but it can be ,what if she gets frustrated and abort the child,I can't tell her to do that because I know the pain than loosing someone dear to you,or what if she commits suicide"

Vincent"Or what if she gets over you and just get on with her life and cater for the child".

Vincent"I know you are in a lot of pain but you have to get ready and on the way I will dress your wound"

Maximo"oh *he stops hugging and cleans his tears*I will get a shower now and go and get my suit ready"

Vincent"yes sir"

Vincent was exiting the room.

Maximo"Vincent*Vincent turned around and look at him*thank you*Vincent "no problem,you are my best friend after all",Okay but remember this,I remember don't remember this because it never happened."

Vincent"hahaha,yes sir,who was even crying?,no one right?"

Maximo"hahaha, exactly it was no one ,okay back to work ,get me my stuff and we will be off and also as a thank you give take any suit you like,You know this is a new contract with a new company."

Vincent"don't bother yourself with that remember nothing happened here"

Maximo"haha,yes nothing happened but I still want you to have it."

Vincent"No need for that sir"

Maximo"You are really getting on my nerves,that is an order,now fuck off!".

Vincent"yes sir!"

Vincent hurried his way out.

Maximo got a hot and painful bath due to the fresh injury he had earlier,after the long bath we was done and Vincent was already waiting for him in his room.

Maximo came up and saw him wearing a new suit.

Maximo"Why would you take my new suit?,do you know how much that costs?"

Vincent starts stammering"I..I.. thou.th..."

Maximo"I am just joking,hahaha"

Vincent"hmmm that joke was expensive "

Maximo"The suit really suits you and looks really nice on you,you can keep the suit".

Vincent"Thanks and thanks for the suit now can you get ready so we can move?"

Maximo"Well because we are friends still doesn't mean you have to see my dick"

Vincent"Oh sorry,I will excuse you whole you dress up."


After minutes of dressing,he finally came out.

Maximo"okay let's move "

Vincent"Okay sir Since we are going together I should drive right?"

Maximo"No,at work ,they should see you as my second in command not my body guard or driver"

Vincent"okay sir,I will dress the wound in the car"


Vincent dressed the wound and they got to one of his companies,the one which they were to sign a contract with a new brand which will cause a merge of both companies.

The company is running is a perfume brand called"CARLA'S REDOLENCE "

They got to one of his meeting rooms which was ment for just for people and they chose that room in the sense that the meeting was only between the sole owners of separate companies or brands and their Personal Assistant.

They got there and to his surprise.

Mia"you are late for someone that scheduled the meeting"

Maximo"Mia!!,what are you doing here?"

Vincent whispered"You never came for the other meetings you only said I and the other board members should conclude and you will come for just the contracts with the the company"

Maximo whispered back"but didn't you know she was the one at the club"

Vincent"yes I knew she was the one but you where getting over something so i.."

Maximo"drop it,that's enough,the more you talk the angrier I will get"

Maximo"Mia,I fancy seeing you here"

Mia"Yeah ,you never expected this"

Maximo"To my surprise,yes,I never,you know we started off at a wrong foot "

Mia"Yeah but no need for chit chats right now,we are here for business and not for,you know?"

Maximo"oh pardon me,So , according to my assistant here you would like us to have a collaboration in businesses,I just want to brief everything out to my understanding so can you tell me why the co-operation will be good and my business "

Mia"In your absence we discussed on why it will be best for your to co-operation with my fashion brash "MIAH",and also talked about...."

This discussion went on for minutes.

Maximo"Okay let's conclude everything,Vincent get me the contract"

They did the signing of contract about joining his perf brand with her fashion brand and agreed to call the brand.

Maximo"Since it is a joint brand now ,it would be wise to change the brand name"

Mia"Yeah,I thought about that,Sonia"

Sonia is her Personal Assistant.

Sonia"Yes ma'am "

Sonia"Well it will be called MIAH"

Maximo"Really, isn't that the same as your brand,we are in co-op,you didn't buy my product"

Mia"Sonia you told me you thought of a good name"

Sonia"Well ma'am,when we have a good name is there any reason to change it"

Mia"Good question but don't this is a co-operation now we need an agreement and clearly Maximo doesn't"

Maximo"well I can't angry if it has the name CARLA in it"

Mia"Carla,is that an girlfriend or who"

Maximo"you don't need to know"

Mia"you know we are more than just joint brands ,so,you can tell me,is it a finance".

Maximo"No,my sister"

Mia"you must love that your sister a lot,can I see her sometime"


Mia"awn,why can't I"

Vincent"He isn't comfortable with the questions you are asking and we both think you rather stop,we just want to choose the new name and move along with our separate lifes"

Mia"I will just pretend like I didn't hear that but withstanding you are right ,we can came here for business and we are to decide a name and you want me to accept the name CARLA in it when I don't know why you want to use it"

Maximo"I said she is my sister,so can we move to deciding now"

Mia"hmmm, I will just take that,but we need one more word to complete it"

Vincent"What about CARLA'S SECRET"

Mia"no one asked you"

Maximo"he is my personal assistant and I let him do what he wants ,so I also go with the CARLA'S SECRET,what do you think about it, Sonia "

Sonia"Ma'am to be sincere the name sound nice but we will prefer MIAH'S SECRET"

Maximo"Typical you,why wouldn't you"

Mia"what of we combine the names that would go"

Maximo"yeah that would be nice"

Sonia"that would be MIALA SECRET OR CIAH Secret"

Mia"Let's just agree on CIAH SECRET though we both hate the name"

Maximo"yeah "

They signed the deal and wrapped every up and Maximo was about to leave he got a phone call.

*ring ring*

Maximo"This is Maximo speaking,who is this?"


after some seconds

Vincent"Maximo,what's wrong"he said that as he saw a shocked expression on his face.

The phone dropped from his hand to the floor.

Maximo"It's all my fault "

What do you think about Maximo as a character?

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