

“Janice?” Clyde called her gently, afraid that she would disappear if he calls her too loud. She looked at him in shock, wondering who he was referring to. ____ When Janice disappeared without a trace, everyone thought it was just a vanishing act. But for Clyde, something doesn't add up. He sets out to find the truth, but as the search led him down a path of danger and intrigue, he finds himself crossing part with Jasmine, a woman who bears a striking resemblance to Janice. He began to wonder if Jasmine was Janice in disguise. He forced himself to get closer to her. As his obsession with her grows, Jasmine found herself drawn into a web of lies and deception. She starts to wonder if she has something to hide after all. ____ Cover art not mine.

Khristabel · Urban
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16 Chs

A Sheep Among Wolves

"Six months, Miss Alexis. And you have until Friday to give me a reply. Have a wonderful night rest." He said with a tone of finality, paid for the meal and stood up to leave but Alexis's next words halted his footsteps.

"I'm aware of your needs for a contract bride. I know everything, CEO Finn. I know the reason for your desperation for a woman who is in for a short term commitment." Alexis said, her voice confident. She watched as he froze, then turn to face her. Seeing that her words had an effect on him, her morale was boosted. This is her chance to place her own deal and if he refuses, she will have no option but to do this her own way.

"I know you need an heir," Alexis said boldly. "And don't think you need me, the perfect candidate? With the Hans influence and affluence, I could be a valuable asset to you and your company. You know how desperate the shareholders are to get you out of the way as the CEO of the B.N Group, and I could help you keep your position. But, I'm not going to be some contract bride, I want something in return. She looked him right in his eyes knowing this was the perfect moment to make her demand. 

  "What do you want in return?" he asked. His voice icy. He didn't buy the idea of making bargain with her, but he was curious to hear what she had to say. 

Bingo, her guess was perfect. A businessman like Clyde would never think she is making this sacrifice just for the sake of love. Who cares about love? An overrated best feeling with the worst pain. She let out a sigh and shook her head lightly, shaking off the thoughts whirling in her head. Now was not the time for some irrelevant thought. She had to stay focused on the matter at hand.

"You will announce me as your wife to the public." She proposed and relaxed back on the chair while waiting for his reply. She acted as if she was at ease; she was anything but relaxed. This was a bold move that will surely backfire but she had to try.

"And what happens after we divorce?" Clyde asked, his ice blue eyes staring into her soul. He is not a fool to her plans. He knew what she was after but he still wants to give her the benefit of doubts. He was a master at reading people, and she had no chance of hiding from him.

"After the divorce? Hmm, we go our separate ways," she said, her voice deceptively light. "You can compensate me for the time and efforts. I will be on my way and in return, will retain your position as the CEO of F.N. Group. Deal?" she held out her hand for a friendly handshake but her eyes holding a steely resolve.

"Not a deal Miss Han. I gave you until Friday to respond, but, forget about it. Let's act like this conversation never happened and keep in mind that I don't take kindly to being threatened. Have a wonderful night, Miss Han." His words dripped with a chilling tone of finality, leaving no room for debate. He turned and left Alexis to her world of thoughts. She very well knows that Clyde is not one to make an empty threat. He always lives to his threats.  And she had no desire to test his resolve. 

She gulped down the cup of hard drink before her and out of frustration, hurled the glass cup against the nearest wall. "If I can't have you for myself Clyde, no one else can. I will make sure of that," she murmured more to herself and smirked evilly.  Her eyes glittered with a dangerous light. It was clear that she wasn't going to give up without putting on a fight. Whatever the cost may be, she is determined to have him, even if it means destroying everything in her path. 



"Do we really need to go to the club tonight? I'm tired and I don't think I can…" Jasmine protested. She has never been the type to go partying nor clubbing. Could you blame her? She can only go after signing her death warranty; the Andersons will make sure of that.

"Oh yes, we do," Ava cut her off. "C'mon Jasmine, today is Friday and we won't be working tomorrow. Please." She begged. She really doesn't want to miss it. Nothing special is going to happen but she still doesn't want to miss it.

"What about Brad?" Jasmine pressed.

"What about him? He's not going to find out. Well, unless you rat it out to him." Ava replied sassily.

Jasmine sighed. Ava is really impossible to deal with and she is not one to take a "NO" for an answer. Reluctantly, she agreed.

"Fine, we will go but on a condition." She said, bringing up her games to dissuade Ava from forcing her to the club.

"Bring it on." Ava said confidently.

"We won't stay till dawn. We will leave as early as it's safe. Deal?" Jasmine proposed, crossing her arms. 

"it's always safe in City Dot but if you insist then, Deal" Ava agreed without batting an eye causing Jasmine to squint her eyes. Something is fishy. Why would she agree without arguing? What is she up to?

"Stop looking at me like that, Jas. You are scaring me." Ava complained.

"Oh yes, I have to because you are up to something and it is not something good." Jasmine retorted.

Ava rolled her eyes at her and went in to dress up while Jasmine followed suit but not after contemplating on her actions. 

Soon, they left for City Dot; the biggest and most expensive nightclub for elites in City S. Jasmine was awed at the sight before her when they got there. Ava parked up in the garage and did some finishing touches on her makeup, smacked her lips and turned to Jasmine, "welcome to City Dot, baby Jasmine. Let's get in for a new level of adventure."

"Are you sure about this Ava? I don't mind waiting for you here. In the car," Jasmine said, trying to convince Ava from going in. she just can't shake off the strange feeling building up in the pit of her stomach. It had started when Ava mentioned of going to City Dot nightclub. She had wanted to tell Ava while at home but how could she have explained the feelings? It's weird and scary to her but then, she decided to go in with her. If push comes to shove, she will leave there. So she thought.

Ava alighted from the car and Jasmine followed suit, she had had a second thought about her and Ava's dressing but she never expected the indecent scenes before her. She sighed and trailed behind Ava.

Ava greeted the bouncers like she had known them for life. Well she had known them since she is a regular at the Nightclub. Jasmine eyes were moving around rapidly in high alert, trying to decipher any suspicious movement. "Stop being paranoid, you're going to ruin the fun," Ava said, elbowing her and they went it. "I'm not being paranoid. I am being cautious." Jasmine protested causing Ava to roll her eyes. Almost immediately, Jasmine hands flew to her ears. The music blaring in there was piercing to her ears and all she could do is cover her innocent ears.

"Someone is watching us, Ava," Jasmine voiced out immediately they got in to the VIP section. A section for the elite of elites. She had felt the hairs on the back of her neck stood up immediately they entered the dancehall and as they progressed towards the VIP section, the intensity of the eyes seems to have increased and she could not help but voice out her fears.

"You are thinking too much, Jas. There are many people here and you do not expect them to be blind. Most of the guys here are looking for a prey." Ava said, discarding Jasmine's feelings. "You know what, wait for me here; let me go get us a drink from the bar. Don't talk to anyone. Don't take any drink that is not from me, okay?" Ava warned like a mother-bird protecting her chicks and pats her on her shoulder while Jasmine could only nod while she left. 

Jasmine looked around as Ava left and she could not help but be awed by the VIP section. She found it impressive, but she couldn't help but feel out of place. She sighed and continued looking around until someone blocked her vision. "Who do we have here, a sheep among the wolves, huh?" the voice bellowed, causing her to flinch. Jasmine heart pounded as looked up to see who was standing before her. Her heart missed a beat as she stared at the god-like demon before her, like a predator hovering above its prey. She tried to think of a way to escape the situation, but her mind was blank.