Stopping Voldemort would've been the main priority for any person reincarnated as Harry Potter, but why limit the ambitions to the dark tosser? Why not set the sights on every delight the Wizarding World has to offer? Why not conquer Wizarding Britain instead, and everything that comes with it? Powerful SI into Harry Potter. Harry/Multi. Smut.
Harry kept talking with Katie while keeping an eye on Pansy and how she was behaving. So far, there had been no one who had approached her, and she didn't talk to anyone either. A few times, he saw her glance at Malfoy before sneering and diverting her eyes.
'Clearly there is trouble in paradise.'
"Hmm? Sorry, I didn't hear what you said," Harry said sheepishly when he missed what Katie said. She sighed before smiling faintly.
"It must've been a very harrowing experience last night, right? I mean, with him back and you all fighting Death Eaters," she shuddered, and he grabbed her hand softly. She looked up, face slightly red and eyes wide, and he smiled.
"We're safe, we're all safe. That's what matters," Harry whispered. Katie kept staring at him for a second before she nodded.
"For now," she whispered, biting her lips softly, and Harry felt his eyes drawn to the seemingly innocent movement. However, he exercised restraint and gently squeezed her hand. However, she surprised him by turning her palm upward and interlacing their fingers, and he looked at her.
"I'm scared, Harry. I'm scared of what is to come. My parents… my dad is a muggle, and I'm going to be a big target for them. My mom has told me about the last war when she fled Wizarding Britain… I just… I just hope things don't turn so ugly once again…"
Harry frowned before grabbing her small hand between his.
"Look at me, Katie," Harry whispered. She lifted her head, and he could see unshed tears of fear and frustration threatening to fall. "Nothing will happen to you or any of us. We'll fight them until the end. Things will not go wrong as they did the last time. I promise."
Katie stared at him for a moment before she sighed.
"I hope it will be as you say," she smiled, squeezing his hand softly. Taking his cue, Harry nodded with a smile and pulled his hands back.
"So… what are you going to do now that he's back?" Katie asked him.
"Well, we've all got to fight, haven't we?"
Katie nodded. "I was asking mainly about the DA. People will need it even more now, y'know? The attacks will increase soon."
Harry pondered upon her words. What she said made sense, but he didn't want to teach such a large group anymore. He admitted as much to her, who looked at him thoughtfully.
"What about selective practice?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well, instead of teaching so many at once, you could allot time to different people, either individually or in small groups, and then they will go out to teach and practice with others. This will allow personalized attention for you to work on their respective weaknesses while also enabling them to practice with others, which will help them improve their confidence as well. After all, teaching is the best revision, right?"
Harry looked at her with wide eyes, before he whispered, "Brilliant!"
Katie looked at him, amused, as he grabbed her hand in his and gave her a soft squeeze.
"That's a brilliant idea, Katie! And I believe it would be more effective as well. However, there is a small issue…" he trailed off, and Katie frowned.
"What is it?"
Harry looked at her before sighing.
"I know you won't blab about it, that's why I'm telling you. Dumbledore told me last night that he will be teaching me some stuff next year, so I'll have to allot a chunk of my time to that."
Katie's eyes widened.
"That's brilliant, Harry! You'll be learning from Dumbledore himself. I don't think he'd be taking too much time though."
"Yeah, I think it would be once or maybe twice a week, for a few hours…"
"Easily manageable, even with Quidditch practice." She waved her hand dismissively, and Harry stared at her.
"What?" She raised an eyebrow and laughed.
"I forgot about Quidditch, you know, after what happened this year…"
A dark shadow crossed over Katie's face before she muttered, "I hope that Umbitch dies in whatever ditch she's found herself in."
Harry looked up at her with wide eyes, and Katie's eyes widened at what she had just uttered. Just when she was about to tell him to forget what she said, Harry burst out laughing.
For a few seconds, Katie stared at him laughing his ass off without any care in the world and couldn't help but join in.
"Merlin…" Harry said as he wiped his tears away, "I never expected our sweet, innocent Katie to curse someone like that," he snorted.
"Oh, hush you," she shoved him playfully, and Harry grinned. He was about to respond, but he saw, out of the corner of his eye, that Pansy put her plate to the side and stood up. Realizing that she was about to leave, he looked at Katie and gave her an easy smile.
"Well, I just remembered I need to pack stuff up for the train tomorrow. See you then," he smiled as he stood up. Just as he turned around to walk away, he felt someone tug his shirt from behind. Looking back, he saw Katie looking up at him with a small smile.
"Yeah?" He asked with a smile.
"Oh nothing, just wanted to tell you that I might seem innocent, but am I really?"
Harry stared at her smirking face for a few seconds before it registered. Was she openly flirting with him right now?
"Just something to think about, Harry. See you later," she smiled, before giving him a small push and going back to her breakfast. All Harry could do was stare at her seemingly innocent face before smirking and walking off.
'Well well well… that's a very welcome surprise. But first, I have a venomous snake to tame.'
Still smirking, he walked off, ignorant of his fellow Quidditch team member who was staring at his retreating back with passion dancing in her eyes.
Harry pushed the thoughts of Katie out of his mind for now, as he walked out of the Great Hall. He saw Pansy taking the far right turn and with a smirk, he took the opposite route and entered an alcove.
There were numerous benefits of wandering about the castle, and with the help of the Marauders' Map, Harry had discovered many secret passages over the years. The moment he saw Pansy take that turn to the far right and considered the mood she was in, he knew exactly where she would be going.
Quickening his stride, he tapped his wand to the statue of armour. The armour jumped to the side, and he gave it a mock salute before walking into the secret passageway. Once inside, he walked quickly until he reached the junction and took the path to the left.
Recalling where the exit was, Harry tapped his wand against the wall and smiled when a metal door materialized. Quickly, he tapped his wand on his head and grinned as a powerful disillusionment charm washed over him. Although not as good as his cloak, it was more than good enough for this.
He pulled the door open and grinned when he saw Pansy taking the turn towards him, roughly 50 metres away. Quickly, he pulled the door close and started walking in front of her, not far enough to lose sight of her but keeping enough distance to not alert her to his presence somehow.
In no time, they were in an abandoned part of the school on the sixth floor and Harry stopped in front of a long stretch of wall. There was only one room in the entire corridor, and he wanted to see whether she would enter that room or move further ahead.
With a smile, he watched as she stopped in front of the only room present before sighing. Quickly, he brandished his wand and pointed at her.
He cast a silent Confundus charm and watched with a grin as she entered the room without looking behind her. Chuckling to himself, he walked inside the room like a king and softly shut the door behind him before leaning against it. One tap of his wand and the door locked and silenced itself.
He watched, grinning, as she cast a multitude of dark spells against the wall, her face twisted into a snarl as she flung spell after spell. Small chunks of debris fell off the wall before reassembling and he watched in fascination as she threw spell after spell without pause.
"Fucking Malfoy and fucking Dork Lord!" She cried in anger as a purple bolt shot out of her wand and created a deep gash on the wall.
Harry perked up at that.
"Fuck you mother, father! How dare you do this to me!? I'm not some cattle to be sold! I would've been happy if it had been Draco only, but how could you put that in!?"
Another salvo of spells left her wand, and Harry found himself intrigued.
'I wonder… will Legilimency work? I haven't tried it though. What if I turn her into a vegetable?'
He decided to wait for a few more moments to see whether she would reveal more.
"Fuck Malfoy Senior. Fuck Fudge and fuck that bloody toad! And that pompous, fucking prick, had the gall to ask me to entertain him and his buddies as practice for my future role!? Fucking scum!"
Harry watched in delight as Pansy snarled and flung so many spells that a massive pile of dust and debris filled the space near the wall.
He had heard enough to know what the crux of the matter was, but there was only one thing left to confirm now.
'Well, no time like the present. And it's not as if I'd regret doing this to her. She's awful.'
Slowly, he walked forward as Pansy sat on the floor for a breather, her lovely chest heaving and her shirt clinging to her body from the sweat. Harry shook his head to clear his thoughts.
'There'd be time for that later. For now, full concentration.'
Looking into her eyes that were staring at the ceiling, Harry pointed his disillusioned wand at her.
"Legilimens," he intoned, barely voicing the spell that Pansy couldn't hear over her deep breathing, and he was immediately plunged into her memories.
Quickly, he controlled himself and searched for a particular bundle of memories. He saw flashes of memories depicting her turning down Draco on multiple occasions despite fawning over him for years before the memory from the previous night surfaced.
"Nice of you to join us, Pansy," Draco whispered into her ear, and Pansy smiled at him. They walked forward and she saw Warrington, Pucey, Nott and Rosier sitting on the sofa.
"What's going on?" She asked. Draco smirked.
"Well, Potter and his bratty pals might have escaped us, but they've gone to the ministry. Father told me that they had something in store for the arrogant group, with all his pals in attendance. Should be wonderful."
Pansy smiled as everyone laughed.
"After tonight, Potter will be no more. They will take care of the little pest. But for now, my dear Pansy, we need you to take care of us."
Pansy frowned as she looked at Draco.
"What do you mean?"
Draco sighed.
"Listen Pansy, I've overlooked the fact that you've never let me go further with you. Hell, you fawn over me and we've yet to even kiss! But I've ignored that. Haven't I?"
Pansy slowly nodded. It was true, after all.
Draco smiled.
"But we are about to gain a huge victory tonight, and it calls for celebration, right? So, I have decided that you get the honour to entertain myself and these noble and upstanding members of our society tonight. It's written in our contract anyway. It might not have been signed, but who cares? It's formality anyway. And this will be good practice for you too," he chuckled as the others laughed.
Pansy looked at Draco with wide eyes, full of disbelief.
"What the fuck, Draco!?" She cried out as she looked at him. Seeing his smirk, she lost it.
"You know what? You can take that contract and shove it up your ass, Draco Malfoy. I'm never signing it," she snarled. Malfoy's face twisted as he gritted his teeth and looked at everyone gathered, who were looking at him with frowns on their faces.
"You stupid little-" he raised his hand to slap her but froze mid-motion as the door was slammed open.
"What is going on here?"
The cool and collected voice of Severus Snape caused everyone to stand ramrod straight, and the head of Slytherin looked at everyone critically.
"Cease this foolishness now and follow me, all of you, bar Parkinson."
"Professor, what happened?"
Snape stopped and slowly turned around to fix Nott, who had asked the question, with a serious look.
"My job is to inform you, and if you want me to do it here and now, then so be it. Your parents were caught in the ministry by the aurors tonight, garbed in Death Eater regalia and fighting against some other witches and wizards. The Dark Lord made his appearance and fought against the headmaster, and his return has been revealed to everyone. Potter and his group arrived here ten minutes ago along with the headmaster after the arrests were done. Your parents are right now being shipped to Azkaban, pending trials."
Draco's knees gave away, and he fell to the floor in shock as the others stared at Snape, who looked at them emotionlessly.
"Miss Parkinson, go to your dormitory. Curfew has started."
Pansy looked at Draco before turning to nod at Snape and slowly walking away, not bothering to give them another glance.
Harry watched all of it unfold with a grin and noted with slight surprise that Snape did care. That surely earned him points in his book. However, he was looking for one specific piece of information, and he dived deeper in pursuit.
With a triumphant grin, he perused through her memories and learned about her true stance in this war.
'Interesting,' he thought, 'so Miss Parkinson over here is apathetic towards muggles and muggleborns. Doesn't care about them but won't try to save them either. And what's this? Oh! Cruelty just for the sake of it. Malfoy's been a very bad influence on you, huh Miss Parkinson? All of it for his approval, and what did it get you?'
He chuckled mirthlessly now that he thought about it. Even if she didn't mean all of it, she had committed those acts out of her free will, without any compulsion.
Harry saw how she cursed those first and second-year muggleborns and half-bloods with boils before threatening to do worse if they tattled. He saw some of the so-called pranks that she employed on young students from all four houses. He also remembered how she had mentally harassed Hermione, Ginny and Luna until now and how she had actively participated with Umbridge in whatever twisted deed the evil toad wanted to commit with the backing of her bunch of sycophantic assholes.
Satisfied that he had obtained all the information he wanted, Harry backed away from her and leaned against the wall in front that had finished repairing itself. He saw Parkinson snap out of her trance before quickly pointing her wand forward.
"Who is there? Show yourself," she shouted, pointing her wand ahead. She yelped when Harry disarmed her while simultaneously getting rid of his disillusionment.
"Well well well, someone's not happy," he grinned, and Pansy turned to look at him.
"Potter! The fuck do you think you're doing!?"
"Oh Miss Parkinson, what do you think I'm doing?" Harry asked, twirling her wand in his hand and looking at her with a smirk.
"You filthy half-blood! How dare you!? Give my wand back!"
Harry tutted.
"I don't think you're in a position to make any demands of me, Ms Parkinson. After all, you don't have your wand," he smirked, still twirling her wand as Pansy seethed.
"Don't think you'll get away with this, Potter. I'll bury you where you're stood," she snarled. Harry gave her a deadpan stare.
"Cunts many times stronger and more capable than you have tried. None succeeded. What the fuck makes you think you could harm even a hair on my head, you fucking stupid bint!?" Harry roared, and Pansy flinched as she stepped back. Harry smiled.
"Forgive my outburst, Ms. Parkinson. I simply get agitated when I look at filthy trash. Happened throughout the year whenever I saw Umbitch and her personal group of thugs. I hope you understand," he chuckled.
Pansy stared at him as if she was seeing him for the first time in her life.
"What the fuck happened to you, Potter!?" She couldn't help but ask, his insult not even registering with her.
Harry looked at her and sighed. He could try, right?
"Tell me Parkinson, what do you feel about Voldemort's return?"
Pansy flinched violently.
"What the fuck, Potter! Don't speak his name!" She shouted, looking around as if expecting Voldemort to pop out from anywhere.
"I don't care. Now answer and answer truthfully. I'll know if you don't, and you don't want to test me, not after what happened last night."
Pansy stared at him, and something inside her yelled at her to do as he said. She sighed.
"I don't care about him, and I'd rather he stayed dead."
Harry stared at her for a moment.
"And what about muggleborns and half-bloods? What are your honest views about them?"
Pansy sighed again.
"What's with all these questions, Potter?"
"Answer. Now."
Pansy abruptly shut up and looked at him, before she nodded.
"I don't care what happens to them. They can all die for all I care," she admitted.
Harry chuckled.
"I didn't expect you to speak the truth, if I'm being honest."
Pansy shrugged.
"It's you. What does it matter? Now, my wand," she remarked, holding out her hand. Harry looked at her extended arm and chuckled before tucking her wand inside the second compartment of his wand holster.
"Not so easy, Parkinson. Sit down," Harry said, conjuring two chairs and sitting down. Pansy's nostrils flared but she did as she was told. Harry noticed as she crossed her stockings-clad legs and interlaced her fingers together on her lap before looking at her and grinning.
"I know what happened last night, and I have a proposal for you."
Pansy's eyes widened as she stared at him.
"W-what are you talking about?"
Harry sighed as he looked at her.
"Warrington. Pucey. Nott. Rosier."
With each name, Pansy's heartbeat skyrocketed until she stood up in alarm.
"No one else knows, and no one else will know. Sit. Down." Harry intoned patiently.
Despite her shock, she complied.
"H-how d-do you k-know?" She stammered; her palms sweaty.
"I have my ways," Harry said dismissively. "Now, are you ready to talk or not?"
Pansy stared at him before she nodded slowly. Harry smiled.
"I'm glad. Am I right in assuming that you find it unsafe now that Voldemort has returned? After all, both of us know what happened last night, and what your parents agreed to in that contract."
Pansy's eyes widened before she nodded in resignation. Harry smiled.
"I can offer you sanctuary, at my side. You'll be protected, as a proxy member of House Black. The lordship passed on to me after the death of Sirius Black. The Parkinsons will have no sway over you, slight as it might have been since you're of age, and once Voldemort is defeated, you can choose to continue as a member of the Black family or go your merry way."
Pansy's eyes widened as she listened to his offer, beyond intrigued and overly accepting. However, just when she was about to shout a resounding Yes, something held her back.
"What's the catch?"
Harry smiled.
"A simple vow, to be my eyes and ears inside the house of the snakes for as long as this war continues. You'll bring me any information you might come across. That includes the possibility of taking his slave mark, should the need arise."
Pansy's eyes widened. "A spy!? That's a death sentence!"
"Don't be overdramatic," Harry waved his hand dismissively, and Pansy bristled. Quickly, she got up from her chair and grabbed his collar with both hands, pulling him and getting in his face.
"Stop being dismissive of this, you fucking asshole! You have no idea what I'm going through right now! My-my own parents… sold me like a harlot!" Tears pricked her eyes as she dropped to her knees in front of him, her hold on his shirt loosening until she held on to his knees and wept.
Tears of despair and frustration that she had been keeping a firm hold of inside her burst open in a raging storm and Harry looked on as she cried her heart out. In her sorrowful daze, she had buried her face in his lap and Harry softly ran his hand through her hair, caressing her head slowly.
A few minutes passed and Pansy looked up at him with tear-stricken eyes.
"I have no one," she whispered, her voice broken, and Harry felt a twinge of sympathy for her.
"You'll have me, for as long as you want. I won't enslave you. I won't compel you. I am offering you a fair deal. Uphold your end of the bargain and I promise you won't have to worry about Malfoy, his cronies or your parents ever again."
Harry stood up and pulled her to her feet. This close, Pansy had to tilt her head upwards to look at him.
"What is your answer, Pansy? Will you take this leap and start a new chapter in your life, or continue as you have been all your life? You know you'll be hunted down if you decide to flee somewhere."
"I have been dreading to think about the future since he returned. I'd thought that Draco will protect me somehow. How foolish I was," she scoffed self-depreciatingly.
Pansy looked at him for a long moment, searching his face for any sign of deception, before she gave a resigned nod.
"I agree to be your spy in Hogwarts."
Harry looked at her and nodded.
"I don't want you to feel that you are enslaved. So, there will be an equal exchange of binding vows. Dobby!"
A soft pop sounded, and Harry smiled when he saw his faithful friend appear.
"The Great Harry Potter calls for Dobby?"
Harry grinned.
"Sure did, my friend. I need your help, can you do it?"
Instantly, a flood of tears overflowed from Dobby's large eyes.
"The Great Harry Potter calls lowly Dobby his friend. Oh sir, Dobby is not worthy!"
Harry looked at Pansy who was staring at the house elf with wide eyes and chuckled.
"Come on, you're worthy enough. I want your help. Can we start, Dobby?"
Instantly, Dobby stood up ramrod straight and put his fist right where his heart was supposed to be in some kind of salute.
"Dobby will be happy, Great Harry Potter Sir!"
Harry grinned.
"This is Pansy. We are going to perform an unbreakable vow. Will you be the binder?"
Dobby turned towards Pansy with wide eyes before he nodded.
"All right then," Harry said before he turned to look at Pansy and extended his hand forward. Pansy looked at his hand for a moment before looking at him once again. Harry simply smiled. With a sigh, she held his hand and interlaced their fingers.
"Do you, Pansy Parkinson, swear to never betray Harry Potter in any manner?" Harry intoned, looking at her.
"I swear."
"Do you, Pansy Parkinson, swear to follow every command Harry Potter gives you to conduct your duty as a spy, as long as it does not involve intentional harm to an innocent?"
"I swear."
"Do you, Pansy Parkinson, swear to carry out the duty of a spy with utmost diligence until Harry Potter releases you from this duty?"
"I swear."
They saw three glowing threads entwine their joined hands before vanishing.
"That concludes your end of the bargain. Now, it's my turn. Go on."
Pansy looked at him and nodded.
"Do you, Harry Potter, swear to protect Pansy Parkinson to your very best as long as she is under the duty as your spy?"
"I swear."
"Do you, Harry Potter, swear to allow Pansy Parkinson to be a proxy member of House Black for as long as she remains faithful to you?"
"I swear."
"Do you, Harry Potter, swear to release Pansy Parkinson from any and all oaths when she has discharged all her obligations to you?"
"I swear."
They saw three strands of glowing white entwine their conjoined hands once again before vanishing, and Harry smiled before turning towards Dobby.
"Thank you, Dobby, you were great," he grinned.
Dobby burst into loud sobs as he popped away without any response. Harry chuckled, before turning around to look at her.
Pansy was looking down at her hand, and Harry chuckled. She snapped out of her trance before looking at him.
"Don't think you've won or something, Potter. This is simply a mutually beneficial agreement, and nothing else. Once the war ends, you go your way, and I'll go mine," Pansy remarked with faux confidence.
Harry looked at her with a raised eyebrow before taking a step forward. Pansy's eyes widened as he continued to walk and she found herself retreating until her back hit the wall. Harry slowly closed the space between them and put his arms on either side of her. This close, she could smell the scent of his cologne as if wafted and encased her in its presence.
"Is that so?"
Pansy looked up at him with wide eyes. Never before had she seen this side of Potter, and it scared as well as thrilled her in ways she couldn't explain.
"P-Potter, w-what are you doing?" She stammered as Harry brought his face close to hers until she could feel his breath on her lips.
"Nothing, why?" Harry whispered.
"Our deal… our deal doesn't include this…" she whispered.
"I know," Harry whispered as well, and Pansy felt his breath on her lips with every word he spoke, "but who says we can't include whatever we want?"
"H-Harry… I-I…"
"Shhh…" Harry whispered, and Pansy abruptly shut up, her eyes wide and staring into his emerald ones, "you don't have to say anything right now. I can feel it all. Don't worry, I can wait, but I guarantee you, Pansy, when all is said and done, you'll stay with me."
Pansy stared at him, her breath coming in short gasps as her mind registered what he said.
"W-what makes you s-so sure ab-about t-that?"
Harry looked at her and chuckled.
"The fact that you called me by my name just now is very telling," he whispered, before softly caressing her cheek with the back of his fingers. Pansy involuntarily leaned into his touch and he pulled back with a small smile.
"I take what I want, Pansy," he whispered, and Pansy stared at him with wide eyes, "don't worry, you'll know that soon."
Slowly, Harry closed the gap between them and placed a featherlight kiss on her lips before pulling away. Pansy barely registered what happened as Harry called her name and she abruptly looked up to see him placing her wand on the chair he had conjured.
"See you around, Pansy," he smirked that damnable smirk of his, before shutting the door behind him.
All Pansy could do was lean back against the wall, her palm on her chest as she felt her rapid heartbeat and tried to calm herself down, all the while telling herself that he had simply taken her by surprise and that she didn't feel anything.
However, try as she might, she couldn't bury the traitorous voice inside her head that was shouting how absolutely turned on she was right now, and how much she wanted to rip Harry Bloody Potter's clothes off.
It was a useless battle in the end, and Pansy quickly darted forward and grabbed her wand. Casting a locking and silencing charm on the door for good measure, she quickly conjured a dildo and pushed her already soaked knickers to the side.
The cries of 'Harry!' echoed around the abandoned room as Pansy Parkinson indulged herself, her mind overflowing with the unexpected object of her desire who had turned her entire world upside down in less than an hour.
To be continued…
If you'd like to read in advance, check out for more information. Thanks for reading.