
Beyond The Omniverse (DC)

This is the story of a man who is given a second chance at life. Reborn into one of the strongest universes and armed with an equally strong system to level the playing field. Will he succeed in this life where he once failed? Will he follow the light, the dark, or a mixture of both? What is in store for him in this new world? This is the journey of a man on a quest to live a fulfilled life. PLEASE READ Author's Foreword I answer the most frequently asked questions in there. If you have other questions, DM or write a comment. I will do my best to respond. DISCLAIMER: I don't own any characters besides my own. They all belong to their respective companies.

Legxndary · Anime und Comics
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57 Chs


December 25th, 1995

General POV

"Present Time!" Kyla screamed. She excitedly ran to the Christmas tree, her sweater blinking with Santa lights. Trey followed right after her, wearing a matching one. He was just as excited for Christmas this year, though more excited about what he was giving others. Their parents joined them on the couch. Alexandra finally got her wish of a matching holiday sweater Christmas.

"Someone's excited," Tyson said, sitting beside his wife. They both smiled, looking at their children.

"Sis, why don't you go first?" Trey suggested. Kyla then attacked her presents as if her life depended on it. Everyone gave her an assortment of toys, dresses, and a watch. Her final gift was from her little brother.

"I ordered this one special for you. Nobody else in the world has this." Trey said, handing her a small box. Kyla hugged her brother tightly before opening the gift.

"So cute!" Kyla said, rubbing her face with her present.

She had got a shiny Eevee plushy. Trey had Bruce make one exclusively for her.

'What she doesn't know is there's a Hypercube with a surprise inside. Should anyone try to hurt her, it will blow them to kingdom come.' Trey thought evilly.

Trey let his parents go next. They opened Kyla's gifts which were cookies she handmaid with Lois, along with a pair of watches. When Trey asked what they got each other, his mother blushed. He stopped asking, not wanting to know why his father had a massive grin on his face.

"All right, everyone come with me outside," Trey said, confusing his family.

"These are exclusive exotic cars I ordered for you. Merry Christmas, Mom and Dad." Trey said, holding up some keys.

Outside were two new cars: a black SUV and a white luxury car. Trey had gotten his parents the Night shark & Obey 10F from GTA V. He fully upgraded them with the most protection possible. Trey also added what he gave Kyla into a secret compartment of the trunk. He felt elated that his family finally had some form of protection.

"I have the best son ever," Tyson shouted, inspecting every inch of the car once Trey handed him the keys. Alexandra was still dazed seeing the gorgeous vehicle in front of her. She wanted to say she couldn't accept something so expensive, but the words got stuck in her throat. Looking at her son's genuine smile, she knew she had to accept. Acting fake bitter, she took the keys and started inspecting her new car. Alexandra fell in love with the gift. Kyla hugged her brother from behind, watching their parents act like her for a change.

Christmas finished three hours later. It took two hours to pull his parents away from their new toys. Trey got a new piano & guitar from his sister. His dad bought him jewelry along with a silver watch. His mother gave him the best gift. An exclusive coupon to be exempt from three photo sessions next year. He'd use this new power wisely. With great power comes great responsibility. They ended the day watching Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer together.

December 31st, 1995

In New York, two men stood in a newly furnished house. The gray two-story house had been filled with the latest clothes, technologies, appliances & baby supplies.

"Are you ready?" Desmond asked Red. It had been three years since he last saw her alive. Red nodded after taking a deep breath. He always regretted losing her the way he did. Liz had been murdered just like her husband years prior. Whenever he looked at their daughter, he always regretted what happened to them. He thanked Desmond & whatever higher power that was out there for giving him a second chance. Nodding towards Desmond, he watched as he summoned Elizabeth Keen into the room.

Before she could say a word, Raymond stumbled toward her. His eyes never left her face. He reached slowly and gently held her by the shoulders. Trembling, he asked her.

"Lizzie?" He whispered, desperate to know if it was really her.

"Reddington?" She responded, confused about what was going on. Desmond then used his telepathy to fill her in. As her eyes regained clarity, she lunged into Raymond's arms.

"It's me that night. I couldn't do it. It's me. I'm back." She said in his arms. They stood embracing for a long while. Red was holding her tight thankful she had returned to him. Both were so happy to be together again. They stood for another twenty minutes until, Desmond coughed to get their attention.

"Thank you," Red said, letting go of Elizabeth. She was about to do the same before Desmond stopped her. Confusing her.

"He asked me to bring back, not just you," Desmond said to the confused woman.

"Liz?" A tall white man asked behind her. Elizabeth's world stopped hearing a voice she hadn't heard in years. She looked at Red to confirm. He smiled, stepping back.

"Tom." She said, turning around with tears down her face. She jumped on him, tackling him to the floor. Desmond & Red left the room, giving the couple some alone time together. One hour later, they came back out to the living room. Tom did something completely unexpected. He hugged Raymond.

"I know we've had our differences in the past. Thank you for asking to bring me back." Tom said to him. Raymond awkwardly hugged back. On the other side, Liz walked up to Desmond.

"I don't know what I can do to repay you. Thank you! Words will never be enough for what you've done for us." Elizabeth said, grateful for a second chance. He smiled at what she said. Desmond's eyes glowed one last time, turning his attention to Raymond.

"Raymond, I'm leaving. If they have any more questions about this universe, Jarvis will inform them. Oh, and she's in her crib sleeping". Desmond said softly, walking out of the house.

Both parents looked at each other, not believing what they had just heard. They stood rooted to the floor. Raymond grinned, walking into the room down the hall. Both parents cried when he returned with a baby in his hand, taking her from his arms. Their daughter Agnes had also returned. When they finally put her back to bed, they embraced Reddington again. He hugged back, promising himself never to let it happen again. They all spent the rest of the day watching fireworks bringing in the new year. For Liz & Tom, a miracle had happened today. Their family was reunited.

At the request of some readers I made a pateron. patreon.com/Legxndary

I also made a discord server https://discord.gg/5hRz4RJR

Hey, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Make sure to leave a review or comment to share your thoughts and opinions on the story. I’m always open to new suggestions. Criticisms are also welcome. I love finding new ways to improve my writing. Currently, we have no discord. (May make one if there is demand for one.) Wishing the best to anyone who has read my story, peace.

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