
Beyond The Omniverse (DC)

This is the story of a man who is given a second chance at life. Reborn into one of the strongest universes and armed with an equally strong system to level the playing field. Will he succeed in this life where he once failed? Will he follow the light, the dark, or a mixture of both? What is in store for him in this new world? This is the journey of a man on a quest to live a fulfilled life. PLEASE READ Author's Foreword I answer the most frequently asked questions in there. If you have other questions, DM or write a comment. I will do my best to respond. DISCLAIMER: I don't own any characters besides my own. They all belong to their respective companies.

Legxndary · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

Business Plans Part 2

December 18th, 1995

General POV

Not long after, Desmond regretted his decision to summon his new subordinates. It wasn't because they weren't good. No, he hated it because, in today's meeting, they were pointing out all the flaws in his so-called plans. They held back nothing after fully understanding his business, powers, and the basics of the system. (He kept certain things hidden for security reasons.) Jamie looked over at him. She had a smile that wasn't a smile on her face.

"Love, your idea to gain a never-ending supply of money with your powers is smart. Your planned execution is, for lack of a better word, moronic. You will still need manufacturing plants for all your companies. I know the Duplicator & the Microbots eliminate the need for resources. Even so, you'll need them, so you don't draw attention to yourself. What would you have done if anyone investigated?" Jamie admonished him kindly in her British accent. Desmond stayed quiet, knowing the most he thought of was getting Jarvis to cover his tracks.

"I have to agree with her. You've done a good job keeping a low profile, but that's not enough. These companies need to gain power slowly, so we can dominate in the future. We don't want to ring any alarm bells with the people you mentioned before. We can still go with your idea for production with some additions. Jarvis & Friday will scan the schematics for each technology we produce. We'll patent them alongside ordering the resources necessary to produce them. Half of them can be used for other off-the-books projects like the secret bases you mentioned. Microbots can be used secretly after we have buildings built by a construction company. No one will suspect us as we build what we need." Edgar chimed in.

"If I can add one thing. I don't understand why you limit yourself to the system. Your plan can apply to many businesses without the use of the system. You could easily become the world leader in agriculture, for example. Money laundering to criminals, creating jewelry, or becoming an ammunition supplier. You are so focused on the system that you don't consider other avenues right in front of you. Running the race like a hare when you're the most powerful tortoise in existence is wasting your potential." Raymond said, shaking his head.

"Okay, Okay, I get it. I was wrong. I was smart enough to get help from you all. That has to count for something, right." Desmond defended himself.

"No." They all said in unison coldly. Desmond looked away. They were right. They didn't have to be so rude about it.

"The only way this company will reach the heights you promised is if we do it the right way slowly. You got us off to a great start, but now we're taking over BIS. Trust in your judgment of our capabilities. We will run it properly. In addition, you'll be taking lessons from each of us on how to run each sector. Our leader can't be lacking in any areas." Eli said with no room for argument. Desmond reluctantly nodded.

They finished the meeting with the restructuring of BIS. Eli would take over the Military, Food, and Transportation sectors. Jaime got Retail, Clothing, Hotels & Art. Edgar was doing Entertainment & PR. Raymond would control Banking, Alcohol, & Criminal Enterprises. He'd work on a new blacklist with Friday. The Tech sector would be given to their final member, whom they'd meet later.

'It's a shame people like Reed, Senku, Stark, and Azmuth are in higher tiers for summoning. Otherwise, I would've used them here. No matter, Superhuman tier knowledge will get me by for now. I can't wait till I hit nuclear so I can build some Iron Man armors.' Desmond thought to himself.

The last thing on the agenda was creating new identities for his new companions. They had Jarvis redo his identity as well since it had some holes in it. The new backgrounds made them orphans from all over the world. The story being they came to the US for new opportunities. They would all take the GED & Do online courses for degrees. Of course, Jarvis and Friday would do most of the work. They had businesses to run, after all. Desmond had Jarvis and Friday make a similar protocol for whenever anyone else was summoned. As they finished, the final guest arrived.

"Lady, Gentlemen, Other me. It's good to see you all for the first time in person." Trey said, walking into the apartment. He snuck out after the premiere for Princess Mononoke & The Nightmare Before Christmas.

"So how does it work" Raymond questioned, looking at both leaders. He found the cloning ability fascinating.

"His thoughts are my thoughts. My thoughts are his thoughts. There's no difference between either of us. It feels as if one brain is controlling two separate bodies. Although if we close or limit the mental connection, he feels like his own separate person." Trey explained, coming to the table. He then summoned the last members of the business team.

Two children, along with a giant, appeared in the room. The giant blonde man immediately took his gun out, pointing it at the group. The man had a determined look in his eyes. The kids stood behind their protector.

"Can I fight him this time? I haven't actually fought once in this body." Trey asked. He got up, doing light jumps to warm up.

"Why are you asking? I already felt it through our connection that you already made the decision. Do it. I'll explain the situation to Artemis & Juliet." Desmond said, shaking his head at himself. Trey got into a fighting stance.

"Butler, stand down. Let's hear them out." Artemis Fowl said, taking off his glasses. The eight-year-old's brain was working on how he got here. Butler put the gun down but never left his master's side.

"You guys are no fun," Trey said. Desmond & Trey began to use their telepathy to explain the situation.

"I'm in a new universe," Artemis said. Coming to terms with his new reality.

"You seem pretty calm about this," Eli commented.

"My world had magical creatures. A universe full of magic, aliens & superheroes is not that far off from it. Trey, why did you summon Juliet and me as kids?" Artemis asked.

"I needed friends my age for the sake of appearances. Juliet specifically because I want to give her an opportunity to become a hero." Trey Replied.

"Me a hero?" The young blonde girl questioned.

"Yes, you have great skills for someone so young. You also have the right character. If I gave you powers, you could easily become a hero. My offer is similar to you, Butler. You'll need powers to protect Artemis if you stay." Trey said.

"Besides running these tech companies, what else do you want? You already have a team, from what I see." Artemis said, trying to understand why he chose him.

"I want you to be my right hand for the business side of things. At 12 years old, you were running a fully functional criminal empire. You discovered fairies & figured out how to use their technology. By the end of your life, you saved the world at least twice. You never had any powers, just amazing intellect. I need that type of ingenuity on my team. Everyone around you is an accomplished, proud individual. They all, however, agreed to you joining after I showed them your story." Trey explained.

"Can you summon Holly?" Artemis asked hopefully.

"I can if you want me to. I was saving summoning her till we had a safe place for her to live. There are many people who'd be interested in her." Trey warned him. Artemis was admit, however.

"Please summon her now. Make her my age with all of her memories." Artemis said. Trey then summoned her using the system. After explaining the situation again, it was time for them to decide.

"I agree. Being a hero sounds like fun." Juliet said. Trey then looked at Butler, who looked at Artemis & Holly. He would agree with whatever his master wanted.

"I'm in. This new world looks interesting. I can't leave Arty all alone here." Holly said.

"I agree if we get the same magical contract you gave them," Artemis said, holding Holly's hand. Trey used Contract magic again. Once everyone had signed, his business team was genuinely complete.

Would you all prefer five chapters a month or a chapter every week? Also, I'm considering adding (DC) to the title because the story has gotten almost no traction. Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below.

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