
Beyond Sanity

In an unexpected twist of events Ryota finds himself in a fictional world with an even more unexpected gift. Follow the captivating journey of a reincarnated psychopath as he discovers life anew. Armed with knowledge and rotten to the core, he set his eyes on his new stage, as well as the pawns that rummaged around it.

TheNeutralEvil · Anime und Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 2


The elderly man looked confused and slightly irritated at the question.

"What kind of foolish question is that, Ryota?" He asked, shaking his head.

Now it was the boy's turn to look confused. "Ryota? Who's that?" He muttered, watching the man open his mouth to speak only to close it a moment later with a look of realization.

The look of realization then turned to sadness before shifting to resignation as he sighed. "I can't believe this. It actually happened." The man said, massaging his temple.

"What happened? Stop speaking so cryptically and answer me." The boy asked, a bit more aggressively but it didn't seem to bother the man.

"You lost your memories." The man said, finally giving him an answer, not that it was satisfactory.

He was about to talk but he stopped himself, remembering the unfamiliar face he saw in the reflection. It was only for a few moments but he was absolutely certain that it wasn't his face.

Coupled with the odd feeling in his body, he had a lot more questions than he liked. 'That's not right. I remember everything, right from my childhood to my supposed death.' He thought.

Rather than continue denying the given answer, he took a different approach, wanting to hear what the man had to say before coming up with possible conclusions.

"Explain." He said simply.

The man simply scoffed. "As blunt as always. You were reckless. You started a fight with some thugs, you won but not unscratched. You suffered a head injury and according to the doctor, there was a 69% chance that you would lose your memories and he was right." He explained.

The boy silently took in all of this but then the man muttered again. "With a quirk like yours, I wonder how that even happened."

That immediately caught his attention. "Quirk?" He echoed in confusion.

"Ah yes. Superpower, meta ability, whatever you want to call it." The man answered before sighing. "This is going to be a long day."


A few hours later, the boy sat alone in the medical ward, the old man nowhere to be found as he pondered his situation.

Sorting through the pile of information dumped on him and his own memories which he trusted were accurate, he had come up with multiple theories but only one that seemed accurate enough.

He had died, that he was sure of. He had died and somehow, he was alive again, in a different body and in a clearly different world.

'Ryota Takahashi. That's apparently my name…or at least, it was this body's name before I got here.' He thought, staring at the ceiling.

Whether or not he got reborn and lost his earlier memories, it didn't matter. As long as he didn't remember it, it wasn't him.

He then turned his attention to his hand. "A quirk huh?" He muttered out loud as his finger grew to abnormal lengths.

He recognized the term quite well. In an earlier search for passion, he had delved into the entertainment industry of anime, hoping to find satisfaction. Though he had put much effort into enjoying it, he found no passion there.

The knowledge he gained during that time helped him identify the term 'Quirk' and while he was the type to believe in the supernatural, he couldn't deny what was right in front of him.

His quirk, as he had found out, was quite powerful. The elongated finger morphed, shifting its shape to a sharp claw.

Biokinesis, the ability to manipulate life and living organisms, including but not limited to genetic alterations and physical distortion and/or augmentations of biological functions.

'Quite the ability for someone like me.' He thought, realizing the irony.

He was put on the path to become a doctor in his past life and in this life, he had this type of ability. His advanced knowledge of the human body and its functions made him the perfect user for it.

The door opened once again as a bald man with ram like horns on his head walked in with a set of clothes.

"The boss wants to see you." He said in a respectful tone.

Barely glancing at him, Ryota took the clothes, changing out of the bland white patient gown he found himself wearing when he woke up.

The man had the decency to turn around, giving Ryota some privacy despite the teen's utter indifference.

"Let's go." Ryota told the man, signifying that he was done changing.

As the man led him out of the medical room, he looked around, taking in his environment. During his conversation with the white haired man from before, he had discovered where he was; a Yakuza headquarters in Japan.

If that wasn't confusing, he didn't know what was. He was apparently a member of the yakuza before losing his memories.

As they made their way through the building, they passed many people with different features that gave guesses as to what their quirks were. There were low murmurs as he passed and the respectful nod they gave him spoke enough about his high status.

It didn't take long for them to reach what appeared to be a conference room, the man from before sitting at the table with a patient look.

Ryota's eyes scanned the man's entire being as he entered the room, now knowing a decent amount of the circumstances around him.

The man in front of him was the head of the Yakuza group he belonged to, Ito Takahashii…his grandfather.

Upon seeing him enter, the man gestured for the bald man to leave, now watching Ryota carefully. "It seems you've calmed down now. I understand that this is a lot to take in at once."

Taking a seat, Ryota's composure was calm and collected, unlike the confused look he sported mere hours ago.

"I apologize for my earlier reaction. It's still a bit disconcerting to be honest but what's done is done." Ryota said, waving it off.

The advantage of being labeled with having amnesia was that he didn't need to pretend to not know anything. He was free to act like himself without too much worry.

The man's eyes narrowed for a moment before he spoke again. "To be honest, this is a bad time for something like this to happen. We already have enough problems to deal with so I'll advise you to do your best to stay out of trouble. For the time being, you are not to leave the premises under any circumstances."

Ryota frowned for a moment before nodding. "Alright."

-[Ito Takahashi]-

Looking at his grandson in front of him, he didn't know whether to be happy or sad. The sight of the boy being so calm was a bit off putting.

Before the amnesia, Ryota was a headstrong, reckless and stubborn boy who acted on his impulses and caused trouble. He loved his grandson but he could be a headache at times.

How was he supposed to lead the organization with such rash behavior?

That was the question he kept asking himself until now. The Ryota that sat in front of him was like an entirely different person, not showing more than a frown at the order whereas he would have previously been outright furious.

Whether or not this amnesia was a good thing was yet to be seen but he would keep an eye on him to make sure he didn't cause any trouble for the time being.