
Between the top and bottom

After leaving a sound life in his world. The boy is forced to reincarnated to another world with magic. He is very angry and tries to escape this world, but can he achieve this ? Let's find out how is going to survive now !!

Cosmo_Qain_3853 · Urban
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11 Chs

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In the chilly night a middle schooler is walking inside a corridor. He lighted a small magic lamp in red and strated to hum a song . The song is fast paced and gibberish but he seems to enjoy it . After moving out of the corridor he reached the stairs. The stairs are wide which causes the echo of the sound produced by his footsteps so he took minimum steps while reaching the roof of the building . He placed the red magical lamp on the railings and sit atop of it. He was humming the same fast beat song slowly the whole time.

As he was humming these songs , tears come into his eyes.

" You will never know ....". He ended the song while crying very much. As he wiped his tears a hand of a adult touched his back. Startled he looked back and almost slipped with out of balance for the sudden shock.

" Ahh.. Sir Vicer ! What are you doing here ? ". Silva couldn't help but ask this.

" I should be asking this question Silva . You are roaming the dorm without any fear of the school conduct ". Sir Vicer responded with a poker face.

" Then that means there are arrays in the dorms too ? ". Silva questioned.

" The arrays are for any intruders . The weak cultivators like students below 18 years can be sensed by us teacher from afar ".

He paused a little looking at the face of Silva and his red eyes .The trail of tears is the witness of what Silva was doing untill he reached him.

" I won't ask the reason for your tears but I must tell you these tears won't be your last . Do you know why Daniel didn't took the cup of eternity ? Because with happiness , sorrow and regret would have accompany him us too for eternity ".

Silva didn't understand at first but then he recalled the story of three foragers which is told to every children in thier childhood.


At the beginning of human civilization . The three foragers of different kind became friends . They decided to search for food together . One of them had intelligence , one had power and one who always wanted good relation . In fact the third forager made those two friends with his ability of conversation. As they were collecting some fruits they found the god of greed sitting on a tree waiting for them. The god of greed fulfills any type of wish anyone wanted .

Seeing the god of greed all foragers seem very afraid at first but then god of greed put some baits and showed them what he can do . First he gave them food and water as they were very thirsty and hungry. Then he gave them warm clothes and and precious and shiny metals. ( Remember all three foragers are of different kind . Like homo erectus , homo sapiens and Neanderthal )

Being in the influence of God of greed no one can stay away from greed. All kinds of lust swarm their minds and they asked them to him. Seeing them god of greed smiled and said , " Looks like you three want something from me , right ?".

All of them agreed .

" Then all three of you can ask me a wish and I will provide it ".

" What kind of power can you give us ?". the intelligent forager questioned.

" I can give you whatever you want . So much food that will never get empty , precious metals , eternal life , a high power , high status and much more ".

All of the foragers decided to ask each other and they all agreed to each other .

" Give us strength so that we can live above all living being ".

Getting these answer tne god of greed smiled wickedly and said.

" Sorry to say but I can't give you all three the same wish ".

All three of them then started to think seperately .

The intelligent forager came up first and said , " I want to harness the natural energy and cultivate it ". ( The basic Idea he came up with is that natural energy will keep him young for years and give him strength and with longevity and strength he can douch more thing he desire )

Hearing this the forager who believe in power came up with an Idea and said , " I want the ability to harness a energy with greater power then natural energy ".

"Your wish is granted ". The god of greed said. The forager smiled. in satisfaction.

The third forager got shocked seeing his two friends like this but as he was also succumbed to the greed he said in low voice.

" Give me the power to understand this world and other species ".

"Huh... What ? ". The god of greed got surprised but he gave the the third forager his wish thereafter.

Then he asked each of them one by one why did they chose thier wish. The first forager replied.

" I could have chosen infinite longevity or wisdom but both are curse to anybody .The person with both infinite life and wisdom will suffer much much more than a normal person suffers".

" Hmmm.... deep thought and greed for power as well ". The god thought in his mind .

Then he moved to tbe second forager .

" I want the power which stand above all and only the strongest will rule the world ".

" He thought a decent one but it is still a simpleton . He doesn't know the meaning of survival of the fittest . ' Fit ' doesn't mean strong ". Then the god moved to the third one . He was very curious at this point of time .

" I believe we humans can go further with our ability to make friends so I want to understand the world more . It secrets . What it wants to tell us ? Other things ".

" The ability of understand each other is a crucial things. It was going to evolve either way and turn into languages and cultures but what you have wished will make this world so much more you can imagine ". He said to the third one . He didn't quite get it but he was happy to hear those words.

The god of greed disappeared and they returned to thier own tribes.

The first forager build the world while harnessing the qi energy and build the world for the modern homo sapiens . The second forager build his own with greater power but all of his people couldn't inherit it and die but the individual people are far stronger than average sapiens . Later they named themself Danav . Later the people got corrupt with the influence of dark qi so they became evil and named themself dark foragers. Thier population became limited with the passage of time because of high mortality rate .

The third forager helped both of his friends while communicating with animals they trained the animals . While some creatures themself evolved themselve to become magical and dark beast depending upon what qi they cultivated. The modern human civilized the Neanerthals with homo sapiens together while they couldn't do the same with Homo eructus so the power of second forager couldn't pass through Homo eructus leading to a huge disadvantage.