
Between 2 worlds

Breaking most curses are not easy most especially when it comes from the mouth of a witch who witnessed her child killed before her eyes,placing a curse on the head of the three kingdoms present at scene, which only twins with divine and strong elemental powers can break,and placing the second curse on the Bibarni Rock to hold the soul of her daughter in other to haunt down the souls of every twins down.Who will break the curse,how will they break a curse that is nearly unbreakable

Oreoluwa_Oyebanjo · Fantasie
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65 Chs


"Amayi, you said something about Mayiara", Princess Anomayi reminded her.

"I saw another Vision", Amayi said. "Would you choose me over your sister in cases of life and death?", Amayi asked.

That question caught her by surprise, she didn't expect such a question. but come to think of it, who would she really choose.

Is it her sister she spent only few years with or Amayi, the woman that raised her ever since the death of her parent.

" Actually you choose her over me in my dream", Amayi smiled. " You did the right thing"

"A-Amay-yi, are you dying", she didn't know when tears started to roll down her cheeks

" I have seen my future already, be a strong ruler once I die", Amayi smiled and wore an amulet around her neck.

"Wear it and don't ever take it off, it can only be passed down to Avalin princesses, don't make any mistakes of passing it over to a prince", she explained.

"What's the Amulet for", she asked.

"The pendant means vision while the rope means understanding, once the pendant shows you a vision the rope would help you In understanding it"

"Can you tell me one of your vision?", Princess Anomayi asked and Amayi smiled and nodded her head as a reply.

"A woman would come here oneday with a Fiery demon and Fairy demon living in her", She narrated.

"How is that possible?", Princess Anomayi asked.

" That was all what I saw"

"So short", she complained.

"Anomayi, visions don't take forever", Amayi explained.

"Another Vision", she requested.

"A demon would be able to break the seal of this Kingdom, she would be so evil, more evil than Maza [Head of the Witches], and she would take the life of many, she'll bath in the pool of blood"


"Cause she's being possessed"


How can a demon be possessed.


"The Avalins think they can play wise but they are wrong, we'll find a way to break the seal", King Fatilazi said angrily.

"They are indeed wise father cause no one can break the seal except if you want to sacrifice your life for nothing", Prince Ward said and the exhausted king signed.

"My king, the field is crowded and the crowd are already getting impatient for Jaze Quin Zuin's execution", A young knight informed him.


All eyes were on her as she came down the car. What she loved most. ATTENTION.

What more does a model want if not for that.

Students came running to her while opening their books for autographs.

But the students are not her business for now, else, she would have signed over twenty autographs.

She walked down the hallway ignoring the stares of the incompetent workers.

"Ma'am you don't ha....

The young secretary trailed off immidiately she saw the person she's talking to. "Oh my goodness, Piya...

She wasn't able to complete her sentence before the young model walked into Mrs Rita Norene's office.

"My Job...is gone!", The secretary bit her pinky finger after she realized what just happened.

"What a pleasant surprise", Mrs Rita Norene gave her a dire stare.

"Don't act like you are happy to see me", Piyani said, ignoring Rita's unwelcoming stare, she sat down.

"Obviously, I'm not"

"I know you aren't, let's get to business, I need information about a student", she said sounding serious.

"And what makes you think I'll just dash out my students information without thinking twice about their security"

"May I know when you started to care about other people's security?", Piyani asked, obviously surprised with how Rita mentioned security like she really cared about her student's life.

"That's non of your business Piyani", she snapped.

"Anyways, I'm not as heartless as you, I only need information about Favour Nova", she said getting to business.

"Favour Nova?, What do you need her for?", Rita asked.

"I don't need her, I need her information", She corrected.

"Why?", Rita asked.

"Non of your business "

"Then your business here is over"

"Nope, I'll pay"

"Piyani Asher, money isn't everything, I'm not dump, you don't need Favour Nova's information, you want to use her information to penetrate into Lucina Anj's personal profile"

"You can say so", Piyani shrugged.

"I can see you have an eye on the girl", Rita smiled.

"And you have many eyes on her", Piyani smirked.

"You got bodyguards for Favour Nova all In the name of security like you really cared while in reality you are keeping an eye on Lucina's movement", Piyani said carefully, reading her reactions.

"Don't bother wasting your time here Piyani Asher, if you don't have any other thing to say then I'll say END OF DISCUSSION, now out of my office", She yelled angrily.

"Oh really?, I'll take my leave now but note one thing I have an eye on the girl and I know your every move, stop brainwashing your son into having a relationship with Lucina for your benefits, leave him alone.... actually, your daughter is against you so it would be easy getting her, don't think I'm a fool to share my plan with you, have a horrible day ahead of you Mrs Rita Norene", she stood up, adjusted her sunglasses before she left her office.

"Mom, isn't that Piyani Asher?", Richard asked as he stepped into her office.

"What do you want?", she asked angrily.

"Hey, did someone step on your toes or what?, keep your anger for Mona, I'm not interested", he said calmly.

"Leave", she said trying to keep her cool.


"Oh, I'm sorry", Piyani apologized.

She just collided with a student accidently.

"It's okay", The student bent down to pick her books up.

Piyani crotched down to assist the student in picking up her books but something caught her attention.

"You are Favour Nova?", Piyani asked.

It was only then that Favour noticed who she just collided with when she looked up.

"P-Piyani Asher!"

"Hi", she smiled.

"OMG, I'm Favour Nova", she immidiately stretched her hand for a hand shake.

She heard earlier that Piyani Asher, the Famous model was in their school but she thought it was a rumour.

Instead of taking an handshake, Piyani requested for her phone.

"Here, that's my number", Piyani gave her signature smile.

"I can call you?", Favour asked and she nodded.

"Here's my card, you can come to me if you need any help", she smiled but before she left she made sure she wiped the past 20 minutes memory of the ladies standing behind Favour.

Norene's Companies aren't to be trusted, birds of the feathers flock together.

"Who would believe me?, I didn't even ask her for an autograph and she gave me her contact number, a mare student and a Famous Model, Piyani Asher", She smiled but the bodyguards she was sharing her emotions with didn't even seem interested. "Don't you guys have any emotion, I'm sure you don't know her, if you do, you'll be envying me right now", She frowned but the bodyguards face still remained as blank as ever.

Boring fellows
