
Between 2 worlds

Breaking most curses are not easy most especially when it comes from the mouth of a witch who witnessed her child killed before her eyes,placing a curse on the head of the three kingdoms present at scene, which only twins with divine and strong elemental powers can break,and placing the second curse on the Bibarni Rock to hold the soul of her daughter in other to haunt down the souls of every twins down.Who will break the curse,how will they break a curse that is nearly unbreakable

Oreoluwa_Oyebanjo · Fantasy
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65 Chs

Chapter 63: Secrets.

"My Princess, His Majesty ordered your presence on the execution field", A young man delivered.

"I'll be there in five minutes", she replied and the man left then annoying and noisy Menza came in.

"I'll destroy you Liza, if anything should happen to my brother, I promise this would be your last day in earth, I won't even spare you to breath your last breath....

"Lalalalalalala", she sang covering her ears tight.

This is all my fault, I didn't order my knights not to ever let you into my quarters again not to talk of barging into my room.

"I just came here to warn you Liza, if anything should happen to my brother", Menza warned angrily.

"Just get lost", Liza replied.

"I swear in my child's life, if I don't make you pay for what you've done.....

"Just get out, looser", Liza cut her off.

"I guess today there would be a change of rule, cause that failure of a father of yours would do everything to protect the guilty and punish the innocent, even if he knows the truth, he'll back you up cause he wants to eradicate us with reasons".

"You know you are pregnant?....I'm sure you know that, you aren't that dump, shouting, yelling, aren't good for pregnant women...oh!, should I congratulate you for gaining your freedom from self isolation, you finally came out of that house of yours. Goodness, new story for the crowds uhn?", She smirked.

"Let them say what ever they want to say, it's their tongue, I don't care...

"Ego", Liza cut her off. "You know what?, I'm not planning on killing Jaze, why would I kill the one and only person I love with all my heart and soul?... Actually, you should be on your knees with your hand folded and tears rolling down your face pleading with me to save your brother but you are way to proud to do that, I'll make sure I drag your guards down"

"That love you are blabbering all about is wrong, point of correction, it's called obsession and your obsession is on a higher rank level, your obsession towards my brother is upgraded and alarming, to be sincere with you, you are getting worse as the day go by and people like you end up being disappointed, it's more visible now that you don't love him, you are just greedy for more power and authority", Menza said angrily.

"Menza, let this be the last time you'll call my love for Jaze obsession or greedy for powers, be warned...consider yourself lucky that I'm in a good mood today, else, I'll ensure I kill that child of yours before I kill you", Liza said calmly but she didn't look calm, it's more like she's controlling herself. "I won't allow you to provoke me any further, not today that I have a very important business schedule and my time with you is up", she left the room after that.

"Come back here", Menza dragged her hair tight, pulling her back into the room.

Too bad, she already ordered her knight to leave, as per when she's up to no good again.

"Now listen to me attentively cause I know you are mentally deaf, I still have something I can use against you, I haven't forgotten that you are responsible for your mother's death and I have my evidence as well, somewhere your hands can't reach, even if you kill me, Jaze would find it and expose that you are behind the assassination of Aunt Allela.

She felt Liza calm down after that, that was the only secret that is capable of bringing her back to her right senses. Actually, she doesn't know the reason why she killed her biological mother but she witnesses everything and even have a full prove evidence against her.

"Though your father never loved your mother cause he was after mine, he'll probably go crazy when he realizes you killed your biological mother... Goodness knows that your family side is complex, Fatilazi loves Azra when he has a wife, Allela is father's friend, Liza killed Allela, her biological mother, Fatilazi killed father for the throne and so he could get mother and now all of them are dead except from him", Menza said angrily.

"Menza, what if I say you had the cure to uncle Avan's ailness before he died making Piyani hate me thinking I had it", Liza smiled.

"I never had the cure, I only had the control and that old tortoise took it from me so that I won't save him, he wanted his brother in law dead", Menza replied.

"About Kia's sudden blindness", Liza smirked.

Before Kia died, she had turned blind after consuming what she assumes to be her allergy. And it was all Menza's doing, not like she intended to but it was also Liza's plan. Afterall, Kia's ability of being an absorber threatened her a lot and her sharp tongue also agitates her violently.

"You planned it and I executed it, we are both equal and infact, she's dead now", Menza smirked. "To bad this secret is useless now", she said sarcastically.

"What secret?", Liza asked, instead of Menza replying she walked out of her room.

What secret?

Menza had witnessed so many things she shouldn't have seen as a child, she knew the cause of Princess Allela death, Grandpa Toffers death but who does she want to tell the stories to that would bring those involved to justice, is it Jaze who isn't even ready to avenge their parents death or who?.

Of course Menza knows Liza isn't going to let her father kill Jaze, she just wants to taunt her with a little bit of her secrets and show her she's one step ahead of her.

Menza sat down on her bed, looking so pleased, Zeenat sat on the chair staring at the once 'Smiling is not my portion' looking so pleased with herself, she couldn't help but wonder.

She drank enough water to satisfy herself. "Hey", she called Zeenat who's busy staring at her in a akward way.

"Are you going to watch today's drama with me?", Menza asked and Zeenat gave her a look of 'What the hell as suddenly come over you?'

"You aren't", Menza gave her a look of your loss.

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Sorry, my updates would be slow cause I'll be busy with school work.

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