

three friends, a stud, a girly and a boy , who has been friends for ten years, decided to go for an auction ' THE ROYALS ' , only to end up discovering mysteries about themselves, Will they still be friends or will they break up the ten years friendship,and what for?.

Skyler101starp · Urban
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6 Chs



first of all please don't ask me how my date went because Euphoria and Daniela are the two witches in my life.

but sadly they're mostly right about so many things in my life, example is this date that I went.

but that's not my problem, the main issue now is how am I going to tell them what happened without the girls laughing at me.

ahh how annoying and frustrating.

it was already evening, I know that the girls are not going to sleep by now but I was determined not to make my presence noticed, therefore I chose to tip toe up to my room.

I slowly opened the door, okay lucky me everywhere was dark.

tip toeing like a cat in the middle of the night, I made for the stairs only for the lights go come back on.

" OGA date welcome " Daniela said, she was standing very close to the switch with Euphoria standing beside her.

God am dead.

" so... how did your date go ?" Euphoria asked.

ahh , the question I was avoiding.

" it went well " I answered but the look they gave me told me that they wanted more than just it went well, they wanted more gist, which I can't give.

" just well? OGA gist us the real thing " Daniela said moving closer to me, I tried moving back but I nearly trip and fell because of the stairs , I had to hold unto the handle for support.

" I told you, it went well " I answered her while trying to maintain my balance.

Before I knew what was happening, both girls bursted out laughing.

God what did I do to deserve such friends?

" did she dump you ?" Euphoria asked, I could sense the mockery in her tune as she asked me that question.

" No, she didn't " I answered, truth be told, she didn't dump me, I actually left her there after paying the bills because I wasn't getting the vibe with her, there was no connection between us, the girl acts like she knows it all, fine I get it, she schooled abroad , had her Masters degree abroad but that doesn't mean she's better than everyone else.

Daniela schooled at Clifford University, Euphoria schooled at Nottinghamshire University England, I personally schooled at Harvard University England yet we don't behave like the world is at our feet.

" OGA... OGA data?" Daniela's voice brought me out of my trance.

" anyways, we all know how the date ended ..... so let's discuss about something more important than some useless date " she added, I was more than happy when she said those words.

" yeah, so let me get upstairs and freshen up then we can talk about other things " I told them, without waiting for them to respond to my statement I ran upstairs.

I prefer hanging out with my friends even though they're the witches in my life.

I got up to my room, unlike what people think about men liking dark colours, I personally like bright colours, that's why the colour of my room is sky blue, the bed spreadsheet is ocean blue, my curtains are White as the match the white tile floor,

my closet was Blue.

as you might have noticed, Blue is my favourite colour, and that makes me a huge Chelsea fan.

I got to my bathroom which happens to be white and gold.

the walls were white, the floor was also white same with the ceiling, and the bathtub, the shower was golden , matching the curtains.

I knew I don't have the time to sock myself in the bathtub thus, I went straight to the shower,


I was finally done with dressing and was currently sitting in the sitting room with the girls.

Daniela brought out her laptop, and I wish I was still at that date of mine, she sat down close to me while Euphoria sat down on the floor completely focused on her PS5 game.

I tap her right shoulder but she hit my hands off, I glanced at Daniela, she probably understood what i wanted her to do, thus she dropped her laptop by the side and walk over to the Tv switch, she switched it of.

" what the f*ck!" Euphoria exclaimed out loud.

" that was the semi final " she lamented, not that Daniela cared away, she walked back to her sitting position.

" now that we're complete let's read the message from ' THE ROYAL " Daniela declared, Euphoria turned to face us, she was still sitting on the floor.

we all listen attentively as Daniela read her email first, before proceeding to read mine, she paused when it was Euphoria's turn, she looked at us before going....

" Dear miss Euphoria Ikechukwu, we're sorry to announce to you that your request to join THS ROYAL, got rejected ....." she slowly look at Euphoria, I also did the same, i wanted to see her reaction.

" we cannot accept someone who is part of the LGBT community considering the fact that it's against the law of country, we wish you all the best in life ..... .... this is insane !" Daniela said out, I couldn't agree less.

" what is wrong with being bisexual ?" i asked no one in particular, am a total straight guy, no doubt about that, but I don't judge those in the LGBT community just because am straight.

i looked at Euphoria, she was completely unshaken, like what happened was nothing to her, but to me it was more than nothing, if a reality TV show could be so much homophobic then what about the people in it.

" at lease now I can play my game in peace " Euphoria said glaring at Daniela.

I know that Euphoria and I aren't that close the way i am with Daniela but still... she's my best friend.

" Jamie do something " Daniela urge me.

" what should I do ?" i asked innocently,

she ended up giving me that puppy look of hers, well joke on her cos am immune to that look.

" Jamieeeeeee....."

" what what what....??" I asked in frustration.

" what do you want Jamie to do ?" Euphoria finally asked,

I know what she wanted me to do, I can do it, like it's just a piece of cake,but i Don't want her to tell me, then it will be like she compelled me into doing it.

" he knows what am talking about " Daniela said,

gosh , this girl is a Witch.

" fine...but just know that am not doing it because of you" I told her.

" yeah whatever " she gave me that sarcastic reply while Euphoria stare blankly at us, she was totally lost that's for sure.