
Benders slice of life

It Will be updated when I can legend of korra fanfic. Ocxkuriva/lin beifong/maybe p’li

MikeyAgoat04 · Anime und Comics
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9 Chs

Ch.7: Broken heart

[mc pov].

Standing there, while looking at the statue, I watched tenzin walk up and lean on it.

Looking over at me he shook his head slightly. Smiling I rubbed the back of my head, knowing I was bringing the mood down but I couldn't help it. .

"Honestly, after you left..we fought with the red lotus and somewhere in the middle her and p'li fought".

[flash back].

Lin shot out her wires, dragging herself to p'li as she stressed her face, shooting combustion shots at Lin, getting close enough, lin gripped on to the ground and spun.

Trying to take p'li legs out, p'li moved back sliding on the ice to make distance as lin kept up her aggressive attacks, pulled up chunks of ice, lin swung them around throwing them at p'li.


"It's because of you!".

"Uh, back off already!".

"Your not going anywhere! If it wasn't for you..he he..he wouldn't have had to push himself so far!".

"If you guys hadn't taken him! I wouldn't have to lose him again!".

Lin shot out her wires as she yell making a metal blade on her arm, as p'li actually used fire bending to blast herself back and yelled. Both moved at each other as they threw their fist out, hitting each other's face, they stepped back as Lin kicked p'li in the stomach and was met with a fire ball. Rotating slightly to move out of the way, where p'li wanted her to be before Lin was punched in the face.

Jumping up, p'li brought her knee down, Lin rolled seeing the ice crack at the place her head would have been, shooting her wires she wrapped p'li leg and pulled her over. P'li spun to wrap her leg as she shot fire out, stomping down to stop herself before she was hit in the shoulder by a metel blade.

"Why couldn't you have just backed down?! Why fight against him?!".

"Ah! You don't know anything! It was you that turned him against me!".

"You don't get to put this on me! He loved you and you did this!?".

"Then why did he leave me for you!?Someone like you! All these years I looked for him, all this time alone! All I wanted to do was be by his side, but when I found him he had you!".

"You don't know anything! Do you know how many times he tried to escape!? Always wanting to look for someone, I'm guessing that someone is you and when you find him this happens! How foolish could you be!".

Lin and p'li threw punches, rolling as lin was on top then p'li, back and forth. Their face's were bruised, blood at the corners of there mouth, until lin was on top and yelled in p'li's face. Tears hit her face as she threw a punch at p'li with no strength.

"Couldn't you see! He could have stopped all of you..but he couldn't bring himself to hurt you! Couldn't you see that..now he is gone! All because he loved us..because he couldn't let either of us get hurt..but you chose to bring him to that point. How can you say you loved him!".

"You have no idea, you know nothing about what he means to me, how much pain I had to watch him go through..ahh!".

P'li head butted Lin to get her off, they both laid there, breathing hard as p'li couldn't help but understand that it was her fault. When she couldn't come up with a answer she yelled out instead, looking over to the place I had disappeared, both woman cried.. exhausted and their hearts in pieces they passed out.

The rest of the team, along with the red lotus who had lost watched this, tenzin and bumi who held korra. Looked at each other and then at the place the spirit world had opened, as kya ran to Lin and tried to heal both of them. Kya rubbed lin's face as she saw tears still coming down, soft words of my name came out of Lin's mouth as the world went silent. Kya knew better then anyone, the pain lin was in, having been the only person that truly heard how she felt about me. Tenzin who tried to keep up the façade of being calm walked over, looking at p'li and was angry but understood a heart in love could be a misguided one.

[end flash back - mc POV].

"After that, p'li was Imprisoned and Lin was healed. When she did wake up everything changed, she had burst of anger and wouldn't eat or leave her room for days. Even aunt toph could do nothing, we visited her but she barely looked at us, and if your name was brought up…she shut herself away. When she finally began to get better she distanced herself from everyone and focused on work..even to this day, she refuses to talk about it".

"Lin..I..I'm so sorry I wasn't here, if only I did something different!" I yelled as I fired out a compressed shot of air, it shot forward, blowing a hole in the side of the temple.

Shooting out more as I drowned in my own hurt for not being here for her, I shot forward, rushing out onto the ice as I floated slightly, and yelled. A little force irrupted from my body in a dome.

"Calm down jin! It's ok! It's ok..you don't have to be strong right now..I'm here" tenzin rushed to me as i fell to my knees, katana brought Pema closer and stopped a little away as korra, who thought they were under attack came out looking a mess.

Katara put up her hand, stoppping korra from going forward, they all watched as tenzin hugged me, and for the first time in 12 years. The pain, longing and worry hit all at once, a cry that wasn't loud came out of my mouth, a cry that could only be felt from ones soul echoed, as I truly missed the other pieces to my broken heart