
Benders slice of life

It Will be updated when I can legend of korra fanfic. Ocxkuriva/lin beifong/maybe p’li

MikeyAgoat04 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Ch.8: Plans

[Mc Pov].

Sitting in the middle of the ice, tenzin hugged me slightly, i didn't know what was happening, a green glow came from my chest, like a snake, and wrapped around my body along wit my face. The more pain I felt the tighter it got, until it stopped and I realized something..looking at the glow I felt it's warm, seeing Mimi little body hug me as much as she could.

"Master katara what's going on?".

"I have no idea, that's something for you to understand isn't it?".

Korra asked katara as she stepped forward seeing the green light, I looked over to her and smiled as tenzin let go seeing the light move around us. The light danced around her, before going up above us and shined bright. Small and some large spirit's appeared. Dancing around the light as korra's eyes had stars in them, she watched as they spun around us, blurred images became more focused, looking at them it showed the spirit world I had seen. The giant owl and the memories of times passed, I understood it was a way to say sorry with out having to say the words.

"Beautiful isn't it".

"I've never seen anything like it, are these..".

"Yes there echos, things to precious for me to forget, I guess i just needed a reminder".

"It's beautiful, eh".

I stood, watching my mother and the others look at the spirits dance, grabbing korra's hand, and bringing it up as a large spirit passed over head. The glow shined in her eyes, as she saw the memory of me and tenzin laughing. Tenzin walked to Pema kissing her head and watched as the spirits shot in to the air glowing before disappearing.

"Looks like you learned a lot, while you were away Jin".

"Yeah I did mother, I just needed a reminder..I'll make things right".

"That's my boy, you were never the type to give up, no matter how much it hurt".

"I was just lost, I know where to go from here..tenzin I'm going to republic city with you" I talked with katara as tenzin looked on, only to stop as his eyes shot open and looked at korra.

"You'll be waiting a while tenzin, is staying here to teach me air bending".

"Is that true then I can wait, how long is the training?".

"See about that".

"Hmm, what aren't you telling tenzin?".

Tenzin rubbed his neck, turning away and looked at the ground. Pema seeing this, looked at tenzin with a weird face, then stepped on his foot slightly. Making him look at her.

"You were going to have to tell her eventually..tenzin".

"Uh, alright, listen korra I need you to know something".

"You aren't staying are you?".

Tenzin was trying to find the write words to say, before katara chimed in, and spoke what she thought was going to happen. Korra's face changed, looking at tenzin's facial expression, and crossed her arms.

"Korra there are things going on in republic city, I can not ignore them.. I'm sorry but your air bender training will have to be postponed".

"What?! No,no your supposed to teach me air bending? You can't".

"Korra please understand..".

"Before this blows up, I say we bring her with us..".

"Yeah!" Korra looked up at me and gave a thumbs up.

"Absolutely not! The avatar is not ready for republic city, I'm sorry".

"And why not? I think me teaching her would go better then you alone, besides being locked away isn't good for anyone" tenzin went back and forth with us, Korra becoming happy hearing my words, as I walked away,.

"Tenzin it's your choice, but either way she'll get there..you know how mother is" with a smirk I walked into the compound. Tenzin looked over to katara, who had a mischievous smile, smacking his face because he knew.

"Alright! But if you do so much as leave the island, I'm sending you back! You hear me!" Tenzin flipped his robe and walked away with a proud look.

"Ahh! Thank you…I mean I'm greatful master tenzin" Korra said getting excited before she bowed.

"Your in for hell" katara looked at korra shaking her head and walked with Pema.

"Huh, what do you mean?" Korra asked getting a weird feeling as she watched the two walk away, and hearing them giggle.

"When it comes to air bending, I don't think anyone stronger then Jin, but he can be intense. Ask why tenzin cut his hair even before the tattoo's" katara spoke, laughing a little as she walked in the the compound, as Pema laughed and followed.

"What does that mean?! Answer me! What's that mean!?" Korra had a chill run down her spine, feeling the top of her hair, and thought about Tenzin's bald head. Her eyes popped as she thought of the worst.

Walking into my old room, I had flashbacks of when me and Lin first came here, she was shy and the first thing she did when I tried to hold her, she punched me. I laughed a little, thinking as the world changed a little and I sat on the bed, watching the ghost like images moved around.


"Damn! Wasn't expecting that".

"Uh, I'm, I'm, Ah, look I'm sorry! I didn't think you'd try and hold me".

"I mean, you came and laid with me? I placed a finger on you and was launched" rubbing my back I got up, smiling at her red face as she turned away.

"You know..you know I'm not good with this, I don't want you to think..that I don't want to try.." Lin lowered her head, her whole life she never was in this kind of situation.

"It's fine lin, look you don't have to push yourself" I walked up to her, placing my hand on her cheek and made her look at me.

"Jin, I'm just scared".

"I understand but it changes nothing, I will wait for you to be ready lin..because I know how I feel" kissing her forehead she pulled away a little.

"Then why won't you say.." she only acted like this around me, trying to turn away.

"I been waiting a while to say it..lin I'm in love with you" before she could finish I kissed her lips, seeing her close her eyes, and both of us felt the world melt away.

[end flashback]