
Being The Villian So No One Else Has To

Every world that has superpowers has superheroes and supervillains. At least, that's what Ryan thinks. The only problem is that there are plenty of heroes. but no villains. The last "big bad villain" was defeated and subsequently killed over 20 years ago. Ever since then, no villain's stepped up. usually, Sarah would be more than happy with that, but in the stead of villain's, all the heroes have become lazy celebrities, complacent and weak. They still save people, but damn are they incompetent at it. They never had a real challenge in 20 years, so why would they need to care? So, Ryan, in a fit of drunken inspiration, decides to use his superpower to BE the next "Big Bad". Inspire the Heroes to actually try again. Plus, which comic nerd hasn't thought that being the bad guy would be pretty fun?

E_Oyasumi · Aktion
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

"So, how's your sad depressing life?" Sarah asks Ryan. Ryan, like usual, sighed and rolled his eyes without giving an answer.

Sarah looks away for a moment. Despite the joke question, she genuinely was worried. She knew her big brother was super depressed about heroes these days, and honestly, she couldn't exactly blame him. She didn't really like heroes these days either, but her brother had used it as an excuse to kill himself inside. That's why she organized this 'get together', to try to break him out of his funk. That's why she organized every 'get together'. it never worked. Even now, she can tell that Ryan is starting to wish he was somewhere else. Maybe that was because of her personality, she did have a pretty strong one, but she thinks that it's purely because her brother would literally rather wallow in self-misery.

A couple drinks later and Ryan is pretty drunk. Really drunk. Honestly, that surprised Sarah a bit. Her brother was a lightweight, and they both knew it, and he really hated getting drunk. Sarah could probably drink several more beers before she even started to feel the effects, but her brother was out of it. Because of this, he was willing to speak his problems to Sarah, considering being drunk has a tendency loosen the tongue.

"None of these modern 'heroes' *hic* arrrre real heroes! T-they do nothin but pose *hic* for camera's and get paid! wwhat these faker's neeeeeed is a supervillain to fig-fight. *hic* Give me the-the true heroes again! Hell, I wo-would do anyyyyything to *hic* to see true heroes again!" Ryan drunkenly ranted for around ten minutes.

Sarah, listening to his brother's ranting, raised her eyebrow. That's how he felt about heroes? 'Don't get me wrong,' Sarah thought, 'heroes these days certainly have an ego problem, but surely they can't all be that bad, right?'

Sarah started to tune 'drunk Ryan' out, before something he said caught her attention again.

"Maaaaaaybe I should be a supervillain! *hic* y-yeah, I h-have the powers *hic* and the m-motive and smarts to pull-pull it off! *hic* Yeah, I- *hic* I think I will be a s-s-supervillain! Tea- *hic* teach those heroes w-what a real challenge *hic* loooooooks like!" Ryan stated dramatically, before sliding off his chair. Sarah quickly pushed him back on, while thinking about what he just said.

Sarah took a sip of her beer, thoughtful. That proclamation would usually be met with mocking laughter, in fact If it were anybody else but Sarah, it probably would have been. But Sarah was nothing if not pragmatic, and she was really starting to get worried for her brother. He's a lightweight, who hates being drunk, and yet he drinks himself into a stupor? That's not natural, and it does nothing but make Sarah fearful.

Sarah glances over to her brother again, while a slow smile creeps unto her lips. Not only might this be a good distraction for her brother, (if he goes through with it, that is) She was also just about to apply to join one of the hero academies, and what could possibly make her look better than taking down a supervillain? She would be the talk of the month, maybe year! After all, there hasn't been even a super criminal, let alone supervillain, in 20 years now. Sarah fully smiles a bright, and somewhat sinister smile while looking at her brother. 'Well bro, let's see how "evil" looks on you, shall we?'

A couple minutes later, she would be seen dragging her brother back to his apartment, and you could swear that she was practicing heroic monologues.