
Being The Strongest Hunter

In this world where people with various magical powers called Hunters, fight with the monsters to save this defenseless humanity. A trial tower. Completing it is the dream of hunters. As like our MC, A highschool student Allen was a normal high schooler and a hunter. Until he survived from dying. A mysterious system called "Leveling system" grants him the power of a player. Only a system that only he can see. Joined the biggest hunter academy to fight with the strongest hunters all over the world. Now his dream is to be the strongest hunter and complete the tower. Finding a way to save this humanity. As his dream, he just started "Leveling up".

ItsEmon · Fantasie
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25 Chs

Conquering the Dark Knight - A Hero's Rise

Defeat The Dark Knight ( S rank )

" What defeats that? It's an S rank knight.

Either 4 or 5 Hunter couldn't defeat it. This system got mad."

He tried to get out, but the door got closed.

"Now I'm dead for sure. "

He looked at the dark knight. It gets up. It took its sword out.

"No way back now. I have to fight it."

Allen gets ready.

"Come on"


In a blink, it came in front of him.

"It's fast."


It attacked him


Allen moved, but it cut his hair.


He fell to the ground.

"Mam, that was close."

It attacked him

Whip! Break!


"It doesn't give me time to move."

Knight started attacking again and again.

Allen just move, but

Whip! Ahaa!

This time he couldn't move at time,

He injured his leg.

"I have to attack."

His leg got healed. He attacked it.

Zap! Whip! Clash!

"It's more powerful than the orc leader."

He moved away

"If I hold that strength for a moment. It may break my hand."


This time it used dark fire.

Allen moved from the fire, but


Knight came in front of him and

Pow! Aha!

Punch him.



Allen hit the wall.

"It's hurting like hell."

He looked at his sword

"It will break in a stick."

Then he remembered about the boost potion.

"It's time to use the boost potion."

He drinks that potion.


This time Allen hold it with his hand and


Punch the knight.

It went far away.

[ Player status boost ]

[ 09:45 ]

"It's my time."


Those two move fast and hit each other.

Those two didn't move for a moment.

Allen holds its hand and smacks him in the ground.

He holds it on the ground and

Thud! Thump!!!

Started punching him. Knight holds him and throws him away.


"This isn't over." Allen said.

This time it holds Allen head and

Smack him in the ground.

"Not so easy."

Allen tried to move its hand.

He moved its hand and kicked it.

Knight gets up and uses dark fire.

Knight used fire around it.


Allen ran between the fire and punched it.

"No use of this."

But he can't move it. It holds his neck to the wall.

Allen couldn't move anymore.

He used his full power and punched it.

Aha! Aha!


Zap! Thump!

Allen kicked it. It fell around his sword.

It took up his sword.


Allen sees

[ 00:49 ]

"Don't have time. Need to finish him quickly."

Allen look at his sword

"One strike, after this sword will break."

He gets ready,

"Let's finish it."

Zap! Zap!

Clash! Whip!




Thud! Thump!

The Dark Knight falls down. Allen on his knee.

"Ohhh! Oh! I moved a moment later. I might die."


Allen lies on the ground.

[ Player boost over ]

" I did it. I defeated a Dark Knight. On my own."

He full body got healed.

After sometime,

He gets up and goes to check on the knight.

He went to see it. It was still alive.

He raised the knight's sword.

" It's the end."


Allen finished it.

[ Player level up ]

[ Player level up ]

[ Player level up ]

[ Player level up ]

[ Player level up ]

[ Player current 25 ]

"I level up again."


"I shouldn't waste time and I should absorb it."

" Absorb "


[ Absorb complete ]

Player received,

Ability - Dark fire ( A rank )

- 3rd eye ( C rank )

Strength increased by 90

Agility increased by 80

Magic increased by 60

Health increased by 110

" Yes, I can feel this power. I know the ability Dark fire. But, what is the 3rd eye?"

First he entered the status and checked the 3rd eye.

[ Player can see other people's status ]

" Awesome ability. So the knight saw my status in the first place. Then he started fighting."

Then he uses the dark fire ability.

" Dark fire "

"What an ability. Now I can use magic."

Crunch! Crunch!

He heard someone was coming. He was going but he looked at the knight's sword.

"I should take it with me."

He put that on his inventory and went out of there.

Before he goes,

Those people saw him.

"Look there is a person." Unknown hunter said.

Then Allen went out from there.

Those hunters came and saw the dark knight's body.

"This is a Dark Knight. How there is something like this here."

They informed higher rank hunters about this.

After hearing this they came. They were shocked after seeing a Dark Knight.

"Why the hell is there a dark knight still here? A Higher rank hunter said.

Then he went to them and asked,

" Who killed it? "

" We don't know? But when we came here we saw someone going out of here." They said.

"What? Are you sure?"Hunter said.

" Yes, sir."

" Only S rank or higher rankers can defeat a Dark Knight. Who came here? " Hunter said.

" That was close. They might see me. "


"I'm starving."

He watches the time. It was 9 pm.

"I should take a shower and go out for dinner."

He went to shower. After shower,

"No, I forgot to receive my reward."


He opened his quests and received his reward.

[ Player received dagger ]

> EXA <

"A S rank degger. Need to use it next time."


"I should eat first. Then I will check this."

He put that degger in the inventory.

He went to a restaurant.

After finishing, he was going but he heard Someone saying," There was a dark knight on the 7th floor."

"Aren't all dark knights defeated?"

"Yes, but maybe one survives somehow."

"I was afraid. Did those people see me? But they do not." Allen thinks.

Then he went home.

He started checking those items.

First he checked the knight's sword.

"It's an A rank sword. I can use it. "

[ Dark sword - increased 30% strength and agility for the use.]

Then he took out his dagger.

[ EXA - double damage and increased 70% agility.]

" I'm going to use it from now on. "


He got a message on his phone.

[ The admission test has been approved ]

" Now the real fun begins."


Author Thought : If you love the novel, Just stay with it.