
Being The Strongest Hunter

In this world where people with various magical powers called Hunters, fight with the monsters to save this defenseless humanity. A trial tower. Completing it is the dream of hunters. As like our MC, A highschool student Allen was a normal high schooler and a hunter. Until he survived from dying. A mysterious system called "Leveling system" grants him the power of a player. Only a system that only he can see. Joined the biggest hunter academy to fight with the strongest hunters all over the world. Now his dream is to be the strongest hunter and complete the tower. Finding a way to save this humanity. As his dream, he just started "Leveling up".

ItsEmon · Fantasy
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25 Chs

A Deadly Battle and Unexpected Encounter

After the class was over he started going home. Izumi called him,but he didn't hear that.

"Why is he in a hurry?" Izumi thinks.

Reaching home he started getting ready.

"This quest will be hard. Need to be prepared for everything."

He went to the tower.

" I think the 6th floor will be the best. There will be Orcs."

He went to the 6th floor. He started finding an Orc village.

"I need to kill those soldier orcs. They are B rank."

After searching for some time, he found the orc village.

He saw some soldier orcs.

"They are far away. I need to call them here."

He took out his bow. He pointed the arrow to the orc.

"After this they will come to me. That will be my change."


He threw the arrow, but


Orc cut that arrow. They started coming.

"They are coming."

Orcs started finding him. Allen was hidden from them.

He took a smoke bomb with him.

"I need to blind their view for a minute."

When they came close to him. He used that.


He was waiting for those orcs to come out.

An orc came out


Allen cut its head.

"1 down 6 to go."




An orc threw an arrow. It hit Allen right shoulder.

"Shit, smoke is gone."

He took out that arrow and started running.

His wound healed in a moment.

He ran to the deep forest.

"This place will work. Because of lots of trees, they can't stay as a group."

As the plan orc group got splitted.

"Yes, plane work. Time for action."

Slice! Slice

"Three down, four more."

Allen threw a rock.


Orc looked there


"It's dead."

Other two orcs were together. Allen came in front of them.

Those two started running.

Zap! Slice!


"You are the last one."

Last one started begging for his life,

" Plz, leave me."


Without wasting time he cuts his head.


He went to the village.

"I have to kill the last one."

He started finding other orcs but he couldn't find any.

"Where the hell are they?"

After searching, he found the orc leader.

Orc leader was waiting for him.

"I was waiting for you."

"That's good l. I don't have to waste time." Allen said.

"It was your mistake to come here."

" First I didn't have any interest in killing you, but now I'm going to kill you." Allen said.

"You're dead."

"Let's finish it."

Leader ate something and started getting bigger.

Leader Orc gets 3 times bigger than before.

"Why the hell, it's become this big." Allen thinks.

Orc takes his ax and starts coming.

Twang! Twang!

"Bow didn't do any damage."

Allen used his speed and attack.

Zap! Whip!

He tried to cut his leg, but

"It's too hard to cut."

He couldn't do that.

Orc leader attacked him. Allen tried to stop it with his sword, but


" It's stronger than me. Can't hold it anymore."

That orc used his full strength, Allen couldn't stop his attack,


He hit the tree.


" Aha! It's too strong. I need to do something fast."

He got up and started fighting.


Then he touches his pants pocket.

He remembered that poison spider he kill in the forest.

"Yes, this will work. I can paralyze it."

He found a spear and applied the spider poison on it.

"It will take a minute. Have to hold it for a minute. Let's finish it."

First he tried to distract it with arrows.

Then he used his full strength and speed, he throw the spear.

Zip! shunk!


It hit his left shoulder.

After that he started falling.

Orc attacked him again, but this time Allen can stop it easily.

" Now, the fight is over."


Orc fall on his knees.

"Being strong isn't enough. You should use your brain." Allen said.


" Rest in peace."


He cut its neck.


"Yes, did it."


Quest complete

[ Player level up ]

[ Player level up ]

[ Player level up ]

[ Player level up ]

[ Player current level 20 ]

"I level up."

Allen gets his reward.

[You unlock new ability ]


"Got a new ability."

Then he entered the status and looked into the ability.

[ Can Absorb ability, strength, agility

etc from the dead things you defeated]

" This is awesome. I need to try it fast."

He tried this ability on the orc leader.

He came in front of the body and says,

" Absorb "

He started to absorb its body.

"Absorb complete."

At last its dead body stayed.

Upgrading status

Strength increased by 50

Health increased by 40

Agility increased by 10

" Now, it's starting to be fun."

Extra reward,

Boost potion ( A rank)

"Got an extra reward."

He opened his Items option and checked that item.

[ Boost player status for 10 minutes. ]

"It will be more useful in hard situations."

After that,

" I think I should leave this place."

Other Orcs started coming from other places.

He started going out. But

Suddenly he heard something from the 7th floor.

"What? I can hear something from the 7th floor. It's impossible."

First he didn't want to go there, but curiously he went there.

"What am I doing? I shouldn't come here."

Still, he went to the 7th floor. He goes to dark Castle.

He entered and saw

" That's impossible

He saw a Dark Knight sitting on his throne.

"How is there a Dark Knight still alive? I should leave this place."

He started going out and the door closed.

Dark Knight gets up.


System came out with

Special quest

Defeat the Dark Knight (S rank)


Special weapon

Dagger > EXA <

" What? Defeat the Dark Knight."