
Being Myself In Naruto

A soul who was being experimented with AI chip in his brain. Due to some failure he died. Reincarnating in the world of Naruto with the advantage of AI. With his calm and calculated personality watch as he reaches a height that no one in the world has reached. Obligatory Disclaimer : I do not own the Naruto Series, nor any of the characters that inhabit it. I'm writing this just for fun and my grammar is not so good so don't expect much from this. Book cover pic is not mine I rook it from Google. P.O. : If you want to write a review atleast read till 20 chapters.

Commoner_Prince · Anime und Comics
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47 Chs

Chapter 11.

" Tim, Nara Shin, Kara and Omezu Lin you guys have qualified to the next round. You have 40 minutes till the next round starts." Finishing this he returned back and stood at the side of Hokage-sama.

After 40 minutes Jonin proctor returned to the ground.

" The first semi-final is between Leaf village Tim vs Sand village Kara."

Shin looked at me and said. " Be alert this guy doesn't seem to be easy."

I nodded at him and replied " I will you also strategize your fight against that Omezu guy his Shokogan isn't easy."

We both smiled as i headed towards the ground. While Kara came from other side.

Standing on the opposite side we waited for Proctor to say Start.


As soon as the word fell i used body flicker and dashed towards him while he quickly released His puppet from the scroll and three some smoke bombs on the field to make it harder for me to find him.

I dashed were he stood earlier, now there is no one here not even his puppet. As i stood there trying find a way to defeat him. Suddenly I heard a sound from my right side without even looking i rolled forwards and continued to mave away from this location as i peeked at my back were quite a dozen of needles are stabbed into the ground at my earlier position.

Taking a time to hide behind the tree i performed a few seals while I inhaled as soon as the seals were finished i exhaled a small wind tornado which swept all the dust as well as the needle that were still moving towards me.

Looking around I quickly found Kara and his puppet standing far away from me while there was hole on the right and left hands of the puppet throwing poison needles at me.

I quickly created a shadow clone which darted towards the puppet and Kara diverting their attantion while i sneaked towards him from the opposite direction. I even left my sword to the clone.

This time Shadow rushed directly to confront the needles and since there weren't that much needles as earloer clone could still fend for himself. Giving me some precious time to attack.

I circled the ground from the shadows. Quickly reaching behind him taking out a kunai i quickly stabbed towards his back.

The feeling of stabbing this time was quite different from the human touch. Perceiving that something isn't right i retreated quickly while the front side of my body still faced his back. I could see Kara head turning in 180° clearly telling that from the start he had us all fooled since bothhis bodies in the ground were puppets while real body hid somewhere controlling both puppets to attacks.

Abandoning the act one of his Puppet still held onto my Shadow clone while the other puppet rushed towards my retreating figure while continuously firing poison needles.

I used body substitution technique to dodge away while trying to find his body. I continued to dodge while i ran a whole circle of the ground not finding anything i looked up just at this time i saw something shine behind the puppet that was chasing me.

The reason why i didn't quickly cut the strings attached to their backs was simply because if i can't find his body he can control them whenever he wanted no matter how many times i cut the strings. Atmost he will lose some chakra while i will lose my chakra plus my stamina.

Now that i saw strings i contined to backtrack it and let it lead me to his body which i couldn't clearly perceive at first as his body was attached to the side walls of the ground and he stood right at near the top with a cloth covering his body while he kept releasing chakra from his back to keep himself attached to the wall. The only thing visible is his eyes and both wrists which is totally unnoticeable unless you get a clue.

Finding his body i didn't want to let him go so i dashed back and hid behind the tree creating another Shadow clone. This one rushed to attack puppets while also throwing kunai at main body which he dodged and rushed since he knew he can't hide anymore. Controlling both puppets vigorously he tried to push my Shadow clones into a dead end.

But at this time one of the Kunai at his back released smoke as my body released the transformation technique that i performed on myself.

Without him a chance to react this time i didn't slow my hand and pushed my kunai towards his head. At this time just before i killed him Jonin proctor rushed in and held onto my kunai.

I turned and looked at proctor. He smiled nodded and let go of my hand. Kara just stood there silly still trying to understand his near death experience. Not caring i walked back into the room.

Just after I left Proctor asked Kara to leave who was still absentminded and continued by saying.

" This match Tim won."

" Next match is Leaf village Nara Shin Vs Sand village Omezu Lin"

Meeting Shin on the stairs i bumped my fist against his encouraging him to win, While he congratulated me.

Nodding at each other i headed back to the room while he headed towards the ground.

Standing opposite to Lin Shin still had a lazy expression on his face.

"Ready" Both of them nodded not even looking at proctor.

" Start" He said and rushed back.

As soon as proctors voice fell. Shin retreated back towards the walls were shadows were created by the wall and the trees. A perfect place for a nara clan jutsu to to let his full strength out.

Lin just looked at Shin retreating not intending to stop while he steadoly performed hand seals. Just as Shin hid behind a tree Lin released Wind blade jutsu. Which cut most of the trees from the bottom nearly attacking the tree were he hid.

He just silently used this time to create a Shadow clone using atleat half of his cakra letting Lin think that this is his real body to divert the attention Lin. while he continued by using shadow imitation technique.

Lin attention was drawn by Shins Shadow clone as he continued to attack him from a distance while using Shurikens, Kunai and Explosion papers.

He kept on retreating until he stood just beside a pit created in earlier matches.

Shin used the weapoms thrown as a medium to connect and extend his shadow to capture Lin.

Why do all this because from the start Lin has not even once got inside the range of his Shadow. This range must be told by his Sensei to him. Any way i used this opportunity to perfectly capture him but i still hid behind a tree cause if i come directly in front of him. His Shokogan will dry out the remaining chakra of my body. Not taking any Chances he continued onto use shadow stitching technique to use one of the shurikens falling beside the pit. And control it to attack his neck.

Placing the Shuriken at opponents neck. He waited until Proctor announced the result.

" This match Nara Shin Wins. "

Before he came out and looked at his master piece. Since he still didn't release his jutsu and proctor didn't disturb seeing that Shin didn't want to go for kill he let him enjoy Being a leaf village ninja can still get this little benefit.

His master piece of land filled with weapons in the middle Lin Stood with his back facing me but still he could see shuriken on his neck from the side. Admiring it for a time he released the jutsu.

After seeing this Proctor announced.

" Shin wins the match and qualifies for final."

" Final will happen in 10 minutes. you can take." proctor continued.

Seeing proctor heading back Shin Interjected.

" Sir i want to withdraw from the finals."

Everyone got shocked as proctor continued to ask.

" Are you sure about once you withdraw you may lose the opportunity to become Chunin"

" Yes sir I know and i really want to withdraw."

" Why"

" Because I've proved myself in the earlier matches both my wit and strength to everyone. I think Hokage-sama will definitely give me Chunin. If i still don't get it that means the strength i shown is not enough i will get better and try again next time. And another important point is that my chakra reserves are dry even with 10 minutes i won't be able to recover much. It's better to withdraw now then get beaten."

Proctor nodded at this while Hokage-sama just smiled. I looked at Miko as she looked at me as we both sighed. Because we knew that all this speech is bullshit Shin just wants to be lazy. Well whatever he deserve be lazy. With all these tense battles one after another even i am tired.

Proctor announced

" Since Shin withdraw. The Champion of this chunin exam is Tim"

This time i jumped directly from the room landing steadily on the ground enjoying everyone appreciation. While sensei smiled and Hokage-sama nodded meaning i have gained his recognition.