
Behind Walls

A girl forced to move into another country to live with her cousins but she is trapped in a live triangle between her cousin and a friend. Whi will she pick?...

Chimdera_Michelle · Teenager
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7 Chs

Day with Kookie

Eleanor woke up at 6:00 am. She said her prayers and got up to freshen up. After that, she realized she was the only one awake, gladly she didn't make much noise to wake up Jungkook.

She sat on her bed and decided to watch some MSA videos. While she was watching them, she felt guilty about not doing any cleaning or vacuuming like shed always do whenever she woke up. She didn't want to seem like a brat to the family so she decided to be a good girl and earn some respect in the house.

So she went down the stairs quietly, grabbed the vacuum cleaner and her headphones, to boost her energy. While vacuuming she hummed the song quietly, but when it got to her favourite part she sang it out loud and danced, not so loud to wake anyone up.

"And it's a fever, fever, fever, FEVER!"

"Yeah! Go baby gurl"

Eleanor stopped in her tracks as she turned to view Jungkook who was holding his phone and videoing the scene. He had a large smirk on his face as he looked at her and showed her his phone which was currently on TikTok and his thumb ready to click on the post button.

Eleanor gasped and rubbed her hands together pleading not to post it.

"Please, please, pretty please don't post that!"

"Why? You look like a really cute potato with that frog voice of yours"

"Okay! First of all, I don't look like a potato, and secondly, my voice could win me a Grammy, meanwhile you're couldn't even win you a bottle of Pepsi from your mom!"

Jungkook frowned and moved his finger closer to the post button. Eleanor gasped and moved closer to him.

"Say one more word and... PAOW! It's gonna be rolling all over TikTok. So, the only way you can get me to not post this is..."

"Ugh! Say it already!"

"Is, if u let me use your mom's Wi-Fi password"

"Okay, but why? You have a WiFi connection already."

"Yeah, there's a data usage limit that doesn't let me use more that 2 gigabytes a day"

"Dayum! Okay, there is no problem with that. Is that that the only thing I have to do?"

"Well, maybe also help me in doing chores too!"

"Oh c'mon bruh!"

"Yeah, yeah. So continue vacuuming or whatever. Mom's gonna wake up soon"

Eleanor continued listening to music while vacuuming. Jungkook was making kimchi fried rice. After vacuuming, she went to the kitchen Kookie was making breakfast to learn from him. He taught her the steps, they laughed a little and were really getting along with each other.

Some moments after they had finished making breakfast, everyone came downstairs and were surprised to see Eleanor and Kookie at the table with perfectly made breakfast on it.

"Good morning everyone"

Eleanor and Jungkook greeted them at the same time.

"Eleanor, did you help me vacuum? coz the floor doesn't seem as dusty as last night and I know Kook wouldn't have done it"

"Umm, yes ma'am"

"Oh, you're such a darling. Wife material already! Jungkook doesn't help me out with house chores at all! All he knows how to do is cook, make videos and play games all day"

"Omma! I help you wash the dishes sometimes too! No one recognizes my efforts in this house, tired of trying"

"Can you see how his whining? He's such a baby, I'm lucky to have you here to help out. Your mom did a good job training you"

"Oh please her dad did all the training, she grew up really fast, more mature than I ever expected!"

"Okay, so if we're done discussing can we have breakfast now? I'm starving"

Jin walked over to the table and stared at everyone else signaling everyone to have breakfast. Everyone proceeded to take a seat at the table as Aunt Min-Hye filled everyone's plates with food.

"Eleanor, you're such a thin kid! Can see you clearly now you aren't wearing baggy clothes. Come on, have some more!"

Eleanor's eyes widened at her aunt's statement. Her aunt said she was too thin, meanwhile she was thinking of starting a diet plan of drinking only water for three days straight! Her aunt filled her plate with as much rice and dumplings as possible.

"Omma, can I also have some more dumplings"

Jungkook whined for more, pouting, with some food at his left cheek

"No, you whiny head, you've had 3 already! Besides, you've already gained enough weight"

"Ohh, so Eleanor comes and steals all the spotlight from your favourite child, hmm"

At that moment Eleanor started feeling noticably weird. She wasn't used to large family dinners like this one and especially not used to being talked about in her presence. She hated being the centre of attention. She wanted to say something but she kept quiet.

Jungkook put his hand on her lap beneath the table while doing the finger thing and looked at her signaling her a look that meant 'what's wrong?'. She shook her head and continued eating. He didn't realize he continued caressing her lap until she tapped his hands.

After breakfast, Aunt Min-Hye and Eleanor's mom went to the store for grocery shopping leaving Jungkook and Eleanor alone since Jin went to work.

While Jungkook and Eleanor were busy on their phones, Eleanor watched some tiktoks while Jungkook was busy playing a video. She didn't feel really comfortable as she felt a bubbly feeling in between her legs.

She ignored it but when she felt it flowing, her eyes widened and she slowly led herself to the toilet. She locked herself up and tried calling her mom but she didn't pick up. She then probably remembered that her mom hadn't removed her phone from silence as she woke up.

She slowly walked out of the restroom but was afraid to sit anywhere to avoid staining it. She wanted to tell Jungkook about it but she didn't know how he'd react.

Then she decided to ask him to take her to the place where his mom usually kept toiletries.

"Umm, Kook?"

"Yeah, yeah, what's up ?"

"Umm, could you take me to the place where your mom usually keeps toiletries?"

"What do you wanna do with those"

"Please, just take me there it's urgent"

Seeing the look on her face, Jungkook knew she wasn't joking and took her to the place. When she saw some tampons, she smiled widely but definitely didn't wanna take that infront of Jungkook.

"Why you looking at me that way? Take it already"

"Yeah, but umm, could you just scoot aside while I took something?"


Eleanor quicky took some tampons and thanked Jungkook for taking her there. Well she wasn't expecting the day to go so well because she knew that any moment from then, the damn cramps we're gonna hit her.

Jungkook continued playing his video games. Then he called his mom to let her know that he'd be going out to hangout with his friends.

"Hey mom. You guys okay out there?"

"Yeah, me and your aunt are fine. Why'd you call, you need something?"

"Umm, no. I want to tell you that I'd be going to hangout with my friends. Just Incase you don't meet me at home"

"Okay, but can you take Eleanor with you? I don't want her to be alone"

"Umm, no problem. Bye"

Jungkook didn't really hate the idea of taking Eleanor along, so he agreed.

Meanwhile, Eleanor was on her bed wearing her hoodie and was about to lie down. Yup, them cramps already got her down.

"Hey El'"


"I'm going to the park and mom says you should come with me"

"B-but must I go with you?"

"Yeah, cuz I can't leave you all alone here. So get dressed and fine downstairs"

"Isn't what I'm wearing alright?"

Jungkook scanned her small body from head-to-toe and then picked a pair of matching hoodie and sweatpants.

Eleanor wore them and slowly went downstairs, Jungkook noticed her slow walk and asked if she was okay and she nodded with her eyes.

The place where they were going to wasn't too far from home. It was at a building with very few persons coming in and out of it. When they got to a particular place, they saw a few guys and a girl who were definitely gonna be his friends.

When Eleanor saw them, she immediately admired their gorgeous looks and smoky outfits.

Jungkook:"Ayo, what's up guys?"

Boy 1: "We good broski. what's Poppin? Umm is this your girlfriend? She looks cute, should I steal her away from you?"

Jungkook: "First of all, stop being flirty for a damn second and second of all, she's my cousin. Eleanor, these are my friends, guys, this is Eleanor"

Eleanor gave them an emotionless wave and looked away. While Jungkook and his friends were busy having a conversation, she just stood there with one hand on her stomach, as the period cramps got severe but she couldn't do anything about it.

She could feel her body swelling up with goosebumps. She took out her phone and saw that it was 4:00 pm. She decided to text Dylan since Fabiola and Sophia would be having a class.

"Hey, you busy"

"No. Sup gurl?"

"Not so good, wbu"

"I'm fine. You okay ?"

"Just outside with my cousin right now, he's hanging out with his friends and I don't feel so good"

"Is he making you uncomfortable or is your presence just being ignored?"

"Yup! Totally ignored out here "

"Sorry Hun"


"So what are you doing?"

"Currently texting a boy, telling him how I don't feel so good. I guess that's what I'm doing right now"

"Seriously? You're just chatting with me and that's all?"

"Yeah, I'm being left out. Wished there were actually seats rather than sitting on the pony wall"

"Sorry. Oh, I have a class right now TTYL"

"Bye. Thanks for keeping me company"

The cramps became worse but she didn't have the courage to tell Kook. She didn't want his friends to see her as weak or annoying so she just kept mute.

She walked a good distance away from them when she lost the feeling in her fingertips and started shivering under her hoodie and her temperature was high. She regretted not declining in the first place. Now she had to deal with all this pain herself.

When she looked at Jungkook, he didn't even take a glance at her. He was too busy discussing with his friends, I mean, could you blame him?

After an hour, Jungkook finally glanced at Eleanor and his heart dropped to his stomach. She was completely pale, shivering and looking outside. She didn't look alright at all. He cursed himself under his breath and decided that it was time for him to leave.

"Hey guys, I think I have to get going. I'll text you all later!"

He ran over to where she was and took off her hood to hold her now cold and dry cheeks and caressed them softly.

"Elly, you okay? Why didn't you signal me or anything? What's wrong?"

Eleanor just looked up at him and looked at the floor. He took her hand and started walking but he noticed that she couldn't move properly. He slowly made her get onto his back and took her home.

Luckily for him, no one was home yet. He took her to their room, sat her on the bed, and asked her to take off her hoodie in order to receive fresh air. He left the room to give her some privacy and came back in just to see her curled up like a ball and covering her whole body except her face with a blanket.

Kook crouched down to her level and put his hand on her head.

"Hey, Why didn't you say anything to me when you started feeling this way? What's wrong wrong?"

Eleanor shook her head and he frowned at her. He hated when people told lies. She looked away from his eyes after he gave her a stern look. She then whispered quietly

"it's that time if the month"

Eleanor shut her eyes weakly. Jungkook felt guilty and kissed her forehead.

"I promise it's never gonna happen again"

Eleanor just smiled and shut her eyes.

Jungkook made dinner for everyone in their absence and brought some food for her. She refused to eat at first but when Jungkook made a frustrated face, Eleanor started eating because she didn't like being scolded. When she finished eating, Jungkook asked her to freshen up while he picked up an outfit for her.

He picked out a short sleeveless white dress with a split. She didn't want to wear at at first but she knew it was just so that fresh air could get to her.

Eleanor felt more relieved but not as relieved to get a good night sleep. While Jungkook was asleep, Eleanor was still struggling with the cramps.

In Australia, she would have normally cried herself to sleep, but she didn't wanna wake Jungkook up with her noise. But when she couldn't hold it in anymore. She let out a small welp. Jungkook got down from his bunk to check in her just to find me silently crying.

"Eleanor, what's wrong, is it hurting again?"

Hearing his voice, she got startled then sad that she had woken him up. He sat near her and massaged her abdomen. She would have done that herself but the feelings at her fingertips were not stable.

He kept massaging her stomach for a long time till she got to sleep. When they woke up, Eleanor thanked him for helping her out last night and also apologized for waking him up.

"Thank you very much for last night. I really appreciate it"

"Anything for my baby sister"