
Behind Walls

A girl forced to move into another country to live with her cousins but she is trapped in a live triangle between her cousin and a friend. Whi will she pick?...

Chimdera_Michelle · Teen
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7 Chs

Flight To Korea

Two weeks had passed. Eleanor enjoyed every bit of it with her friends and also had Ryan to hang out with sometimes. They were the only people she told that she'd be moving to Korea. She wasn't really sad when leaving because she had memorable moment spending time with her friends. It would be hard to let go so easily but she had no choice.

She was now at the airport with her mom, Emily and her her mom also. Sophia didn't make it to the airport because she was preparing for her science programme. They waved themselves goodbye as Emily and Eleanor were holding in their tears as she walked into the airplane and waved her goodbye. Eleanor tried relaxing herself after she found her seat in the plane, she finally slept off after passing through the five stages of grief. When she woke up, she realized that all the passengers, including her mom, were asleep. She had a good 8 hour sleep already so she'd probably be awake until everyone woke up. Luckily for her, she had downloaded some movies she'd use to keep herself busy during the flight. She watched about 4 movies before majority of the passengers woke up from their slumbers. The moment her mom woke up, she put away her phone and greeted her. They didn't have any serious conversation in the plane, she was just thinking about how life would be in Korea.

While she was lost in her world, the flight attendant handed her her breakfast with a broad smile and greeting her in Korean

"Annyeonghaseyo. Achim sigsaleul jeulgiseyo" meaning: Hello. Enjoy your breakfast.

Eleanor didn't understand a word she said so she just reploed with one of the few words she had learnt in Korean.

"Kansanmidha" meaning: Thank you very much.

Eleanor was happy to have breakfast but her heart dropped to her stomach shen she saw tteokbokki with chopstick, two dumplings and some vegetables. She didn't know how to use the chopstics with one hand so just used both her hands. Her mother surprisingly knew how to use the chopsticks well. Them she remembered her mom was Korean and her dad was a South African. She inherited her dad's colour but her mom's facial features and long curly black hair. Ayfer looking at her mom holding the chopstics for 3 minutes, she was finally able to imitate her. After eating, she took out her phone and continued watching the movie. When she got bored of doing that, she slept off. When she woke up, she saw that the plane was preparing for landing, she panicked a little beacise the plane tilted like a rocket coming down to earth from space. When it finally landed, she let out a big sigh and praised the Lord. Eleanor and her mom got down from the plane and phoned Aunt Min-Hye to come pick them up from the air port. They sat at the waiters seat while waiting for her to come.

Aunt Min-Hye finally arrived at the airport with Jin, Eleanor's oldest Korean cousin. He was tall with black hair and had a wolf cut. He dashed out of the car to meet her mom. They embraced themselves and Eleanor just looked at the scene with a loon of disgust. She didn't like her cousins, mostly because they treated her like an outcast when they were little.

"Eleanor, sweetie, you've grown up so much! How old are you now?"

"I'm 17. Nice to see you"

At this point, she just had an emotionless face and refused to talk to Jin throughout the ride to their house. When they got home, Eleanor was shocked to see Jung-kook very muscular and healthy. As a kid, he hated eating so she thought he'd be way skinnier than Jin.

"Omma, welcome. Aunt, you're welcome to our home"

"Oh! Thank you sweetie. You're all grown up now! How beautiful"

Eleanor watches and them exchange pleasantries with much disgust. She had a gloomy look on her face watching everyone talk to themselves. Finally they helped them keep their luggage in their respective rooms.

She finally sat on her bed which was exactly under Jungkook's bunk. She didn't like the idea much because she might have falls with her friends at midnight because of different time zones. She was still thinking about the disadvantages of sleeping right under her cousin until he entered and interrupted her thinking. He looked at her, a little confused and waved at her. She just gave him a fake smile. He climbed over to his bed and sighed loudly taking his phone and scrolling through his chats that hadn't been opened all day. Eleanor simply glared at him, went to her bed and covered herself as if she were getting ready to sleep. She slowly drifted into delululand as she slept like a baby.

Eleanor's mom came to wake her up for dinner as it was already 6:00 p.m. She shook her a bit and she woke up. She was wondering where she but then it hit her that she was already in Korea.

"Sweetie, it's time for dinner. Come downstairs soon"

"Okay, mom"

When Eleanor got downstairs, she exchanged pleasantries with her aunt and sat near Jungkook. Her aunt filled her plate with a spoon of rice and 2 dumplings. She whispered a little "Thank you" to her and started eating. Her aunt and her mom started talking about how life was in Australia. Her mom told them how hard it was for me to fit in at school and coping with the high rate of racism there. Eleanor couldn't even touch her food at her point, remembering all the research her best friends made about the high racism in Korea. Eleanor becomes doubtful about having a good time in Korea, and it wasn't like she was even close to her cousins. She just ate her food and remained there emotionless till everyone else finished theirs. She guessed that she just had to hope for the best. But will there actually ever be a "best" for Eleanor...?