
Behind Our Masks

Her family deals in stealing and fencing art. His family deals in killings, drugs, and everything else. Her family has nothing but it's name which is still feared even though it's not as powerful as before. His family has the fear of everybody because they put fear in everyone who crosses them. So what happens when they're put in an arranged marriage a day after they had a one night stand. Follow the rollercoaster of emotions and see whether they make it through. And just for kicks we get a bad guy with plans that no one can predict.

DamonKane20 · Urban
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34 Chs

High as a Kite

Becca's POV

If I knew that my quiet time alone with Nathan would have gotten interrupted in such a horrible manner, then I would have just opted to have taken him to an island far away from all of them.

Their arrival caused a lot of changes that frankly I should have foreseen. The first of them being that I've been asked to prepare snacks for my guests since it's only what a good host would do.

I hope they like crisp burnt goo because that is the extent of my cooking abilities. I almost throw in the towel till I decide to just serve them some coffee straight from the pot and some crackers. Maybe a juice box for charlotte. When I come out the 2nd change is already pretty much in effect. My space by Nathan's side has been filled up by charlotte and on the other side is my grandma, both of them flanking Nathan who is now thankfully dressed in sweatpants and a new t-shirt.

When no effort is made to clear a space for me I decide that two can play at that game, so I drop the snacks on the table and head straight for Nathan's lap. But in a surprising twist of events, I'm pushed aside as Isaac barrels past me and plops himself right down on Nathan's lap. After placing a kiss on Nathan's cheek he turns to me as he mouths the words 'sorry, but she's scarier than you' he says as he motions towards her with his neck which earns him a smack on his head from charlotte.

I look around and find that the only other chair available is the one farthest from Nathan and that's not what I want at all so I decided to take a risk that totally pays off.

I walk over to Ryan and shifting his coffee cup aside, I sit down on his lap. I must have broken him because he immediately stops breathing. I look at Nathan to see that his eyes have turned cold as he glares daggers at Ryan. Ryan on the other hand picks up a piece of paper and a pen from the table beside him.

"What's that for?" I ask curiously

"I'm just making some last-minute revisions to my will. If your boyfriend is going to kill me I might as well remove him from my will then" Ryan says as he scribbles down 'my first edition copy of the Percy Jackson books will now go to Isaac Haynes' and then he signs it.

Nathan doesn't really waste any time in coming up with a very clever solution as he suggests a game of monopoly to force us all to the floor.

The minute Isaac gets up Nathan immediately rushes over and makes himself very comfortable between Ryan and I. Charlotte notices the change and hops into her father's laps as my grandma inserts herself between Nathan and I. so now here I am stuck between my grandmother who I'm beginning to suspect is trying to steal my boyfriend and Isaac who is currently looking at his phone nervously while ignoring everyone else.

The third change isn't really much of a change but more of a mistake on my part. It seems that I may have used my coke beans to make the coffee I served and right now my grandmother and Ryan are as high as motherfucking kites.

Isaac surprisingly was too engrossed in his phone that his cup was long forgotten and Ryan got a hold of it because right now he's giving charlotte actual cash to buy Delaware from her.

And my grandmother is trying to lick Nathan's face because she said and I quote 'he smells like ice cream'. Luckily enough, Nathan and I never got around to finishing our cups and so we might be slightly tripping but it's all good.

Halfway through the game and 7 hours later, Ryan makes the mistake of buying Dubai which makes charlotte and my grandmother so angry that they're now trying to beat him to death.

Well, charlotte has him in a sleeper hold which is making him turn purple and my grandmother is just screaming 'kick him in the nuts.

"it all makes so much sense now," Nathan says with a chuckle as he moves closer to me, while Isaac is currently trying to save Ryan from certain death as he tries to not anger the war goddess that is currently inflicting said certain death.

"What makes sense?" I ask curiously as to what he means.

"Well, I see where you got your idea to always go for the balls from," he says as Isaac finally manages to free Ryan but at a cost since they have now turned on him.

"Shut up you big doof," I say with a laugh as I try to hit him in the face with a throw pillow which he dodges. I try again and fail to hit him and then the sudden reappearance of Ryan brings our little game to a close.

We watch as Isaac manages to ditch the two killers who are still trying to kill him, by backflipping over the couch and climbing onto the kitchen island with what appears to be a broom sword in his hand.

But even then he is still distracted by his phone so I decided to ask Nathan about it

"Nathan, do you know what's wrong with Isaac? He's been looking at his phone all day and for the first time he is being totally responsible" I say with a shudder at the change in Isaac's behavior.

"Oh, we don't know," Ryan says as he picks up another cup of coffee and attempts to drink it.

"What kind of shit friends are you guys? How can you not know what's on the mind of your so-called best friend?" I ask angrily as I snatch the cup out of Ryan's hand because I'm pretty sure that the strippers are meant to be at the bachelorette party and not currently giggling while touching my fiancé's face.

"Well, he doesn't tell us, and trust me we've asked. So all we have are our speculations. We even made bets" Nathan says as Ryan plays with his ears.

"Maybe it's because you gave up after trying only once," I say as Nathan rests his head in my lap to escape Ryan's hands which only causes the 6 ft 5" giant to start trying to braid my hair.

As he ties my hair in knots and tangles I begin to think that the world health organization might have had a point when they told me not to produce coke beans.

"Well I tried tailing him when he was in one of his moods, but he smashed the windows of my car and then broke my nose. And as for Ryan…. Oh, fuck that feels really good" Nathan says with a purr as I run my hands through his hair.

"Don't sweat it, dude, I got this" Ryan says as he gives Nathan a fist bump before continuing "I hacked into his phone but when I got through his firewall I found another level of encryption that somehow enabled him to track me down. Let's just say 20 minutes later he broke down my door and cut off my pinky toe. Although it was kind of nice to sleep with the doctor who did the reattachment surgery, I would have preferred to keep my toe" Ryan says as he finally finishes tangling my hair up.

"wow, that's exactly what both of you deserve for going about this the wrong way," I say which causes Nathan to sit up before turning to face me and pacing his hands on either side of me.

"Hey, I thought you were on our side," he says in mock hurt

"Well I am but you totally went the wrong way in trying to find out Isaac's secrets," I say as I tap his cheek in a sort of 'you're my good boy so I expect you to not complain' way.

"But I would have been totally justified if I found out that his problem is because of his parents," Nathan says with a pout

"No, I would have won when we eventually find out that his problem is because of an ex-lover," Ryan says with an equal amount of cute.

"And you're both cute but it's been a long day and it's time to go," I say as I get them to their feet and we go off to find Isaac, charlotte, and my grandmother.

Apparently, we missed all the fun because we walk in on charlotte and my grandmother arm wrestling. Charlotte wins, by the way, no surprise there. But I don't have time as I push them all into the elevator amidst Ryan's rendition of 'call me maybe' that sounds like nails across a chalkboard, and my grandmother's screams for a rematch.

Roughly an hour after they're gone I climb out of the shower and into the bed when somebody who should have been resting immediately drapes his large arms over me and pulls me closer till we're spooning.

"You know, you probably should have gone home with them Nathan," I say groggily as his scent overpowers me and the heat from his body causes some reactions down south.

"Fuck that, I'm not going anywhere till I'm better. I'm not passing up the chance to see your curves in a sexy nurse outfit" he says in a sultry tone as I feel the vibrations of his chest on my back.

'Sure' I scoff out with a sarcastic roll of my eyes as I drift off to sleep. But as you've probably already guessed I did dream of Nathan and a hospital bed. Looks like nurse feel good might make an appearance after all...