
Behind Our Masks

Her family deals in stealing and fencing art. His family deals in killings, drugs, and everything else. Her family has nothing but it's name which is still feared even though it's not as powerful as before. His family has the fear of everybody because they put fear in everyone who crosses them. So what happens when they're put in an arranged marriage a day after they had a one night stand. Follow the rollercoaster of emotions and see whether they make it through. And just for kicks we get a bad guy with plans that no one can predict.

DamonKane20 · Urban
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

Are We Moving Too Fast?

Becca's POV

Let me just start by saying that I didn't wear the nurse outfit, and I think it made Nathan a little sad but I wasn't risking my dignity for a simple moment of glee for this blue-eyed demon. Although I have to say that watching him sleep in my bed is a dream come through that I never knew I had until I saw him 4 weeks ago.

Who would have thought that my life could change so drastically in such a short amount of time? In three months I'm getting married to a gorgeous blue-eyed demon, I increased my circle of 'ride or die' friends, I have a stepdaughter who actually likes me (yeah, that's right, suck it Cinderella and lady Tremaine. Charlotte and I are absolutely killing it), and did I mention that there's a blue-eyed Greek god, I mean demon, in my bed.

'life is good' I think to myself as out of the corner of my eye I see Nathan waking up and just looking into those captivating blue orbs literally turns me on in places I didn't think that there were light switches, he looks over and the moment he sees me he smiles weakly signalling that he is still a little drowsy but handsome nonetheless and then he moves closer to me and I feel it, his hidden member pulsating in all its strength and I am sure without a doubt that he did this on purpose, but I was dripping nonetheless.

"Morning beautiful" he started before placing a kiss on my lips and following it up with "you look a little pale and you're breathing heavily, feel anything you like?" he asks in a sexy whisper as he leans in

"No" I lie, then just as he was about to kiss me again the alarm clock rings signalling the start of my or should I say our day. Gloria comes in and proceeds to start arranging things as she looks surprisingly unaffected

"Good morning young miss and Mister Nathan," she says as she pulls the curtains open and just like we've been doing for the past three days, Nathan and I pull the covers over our faces in defiance but Gloria pulls it off in one strong tug and with a stern look she points at the bathroom as Nathan and I get up and begrudgingly walk to the bathroom.

On the counter, there are two toothbrushes already laced with toothpaste, and since we were running out of time we had to share the bathroom like we've been doing since he got sick four days ago, and was healed the next day. To be this is quickly becoming the favourite part of my day, we rush in and it doesn't take very long for his hands to be on me as he 'helps' me lather soap over my body and I repay the favour.

We look into each other's eyes as our hands simultaneously head for the magical place between our legs but just as we start kissing and as we start to get each other off, we are interrupted by the same gremlin that interrupts us every time we even think about sex, Charlotte.

The minute Nathan moved in the wicked witch of the west moved in to be closer to her father but really she lets us do everything but have sex which is annoying as hell.

"Dad, I made breakfast," she says in an annoying sing-song voice that I'm sure is a message to me. It's like she's saying 'you can kiss him and be his temporary fling but you're not having sex with him'.

I turn to Nathan who has an apologetic look on his face and I smile to reassure him as we quickly rinse off and get out of the shower. He gets dressed and I help him button his shirt which made me feel like a love-struck housewife.

We scoff down breakfast with Isaac and Ryan who have decided to step in and chauffer charlotte to school so that Nathan and I can 'finally bump uglies, and get rid of all the sexual tension that has them on edge', you'd be surprised to learn that Ryan is the person I'm currently paraphrasing. Who knew the silent guy could be such a savage when you got to know him a little?

Nathan and I decided to walk to my office and then he'd take a cab to his office. As we walk I can't help but feel a little jealous at the way people keep gawking at him. It makes me wonder when the law of gawking changed (law of gawking: if you see two people in a relationship walking together, gawk at the girl because she's obviously hotter and deserves all your attention). As we get closer to my office I feel even worse but as we stand in front of the building Nathan suddenly whirls me around and draws me closer till our faces are mere inches apart.

"time for me to mark my territory" he whispers to me before he leans down and captures my lips in a very long but slow and sensual kiss that turns my legs to jelly and causes explosions of fire and desire to spread throughout my body. He pulls away and his focus is no longer on me as he stares off into the distance before he shouts for everyone in front of the building to hear "have a nice day babe" as he runs off in the opposite direction.

I wonder what he's chasing but I'm not wondering for very long because roughly two minutes later a hotdog truck zooms past me as Nathan chases it closely behind before hopping into a taxi that zooms off in chase of Joe and his precious hotdogs.

"Well look what the cat dragged in" James said surprising me as he wraps his arm around me as he steers me into the lobby

"Hey I want to talk to you about something" I say the minute the elevator doors close

"What's wrong?" he asks and I take a deep breath to mentally prepare myself before saying

"Well it's just that I love the way I and Nathan are together lately, but I was just worried that we may be moving too fast. I mean we're not even married yet but he's moved in and it bothers me how I don't feel like we're moving too fast because I feel like we've known each other forever" I say as I look to him for answers and he turns serious as he prepares to lay down 'words of wisdom'.

"If you feel ok with it then what's the problem?" he asks with a shrug of his shoulders.

"What if Nathan feels like we're moving too fast?" I ask but James just laughs it off

"Becca he's the one who moved in with you, I think he feels you're not even moving fast enough. But I have an idea though. If you're so bothered about it then why don't you just ask him?" James says and I can't argue with his logic as he waves me goodbye and steps off on his floor.

Work was as stressful as ever, and I felt once more like a kid in class awaiting the ever loved lunch break when I could be free from all the troubles of high end work and go play outside instead, but in my case I would just go to a nearby restaurant and eat a salad of something.

I finish reviewing a contract that we had recently made with one of our clients and just like clockwork my office alarm rang, signalling the beginning of my freedom, but just as I was about to leave to enjoy the few rare hours of joy I was awarded, Nathan walks in with a paper bag in his hands

"Hey babe, thought I'd bring you some hotdogs" he says as he walks over to my table to give me a kiss which I happily enjoyed.

We move over to the sofas in my office and quickly scoff them down before sitting there silently while Nathan gives me a heavenly foot rub that has silent moans erupting out of my mouth.

"Keep that up and you're secretary is going to need to bring you a new change of clothes" he says in a husky voice that sends ripples of heat downwards as I feel my panties soaking and my confidence rising as I continue moaning while my fingers play with the buttons of my silk blouse.

"You gonna make good on that threat?" I ask with confidence that I've never felt. The look in his eyes turns feral as his hands slowly travel from my foot and up my skirt.

His hands make contact with my heat and it sends intense waves of pleasure through my body. I feel him shift my panties aside as his hands continue to work their magic as he palms and eventually fingers me till I have the most explosive orgasm that I've ever had in my life.

"Your turn" I say when I've finally come down from my high. I quickly straddle him as my pencil skirt rides up until it's bunched up on my ass but I don't really care as I attack his belt hoping to finally feel him inside me as we make love (or something close to love).

"Yeah don't mind me, I'm just here to watch" a voice says from the door startling both of us as we readjust ourselves and turn to face a not so old woman with an impeccable fashion sense who I just also happen to call grandma, "hello Nathan" grandma says with a smirk

"Hello Marcela" Nathan replies after clearing his throat.

"Well why'd you stop, I was enjoying the show" she says with a childish pout on her face as she folds her arms. Nathan moves to reply but think of it for a minute before muttering 'charlotte' under his breath

"Charlotte put you up to this didn't she?" he asks with an exasperated look on his face

"Guilty as charged" she says without even trying to deny it

"due to our deal from arm wrestling each other, I'm meant to stop you from having sex at work which is why I had to reactivate the cameras I hid in Becca's office years ago" she adds with a creepy smile on her face

"What the fuck grandma?" I scream as I look around to find the cameras but what she says next has me stopping in my tracks

'I'm meant to stop you from having sex at work but I need grandchildren and conveniently a job needs doing in Paris and I do own a private jet that doesn't have a flight log. So who wants to go?" she says with a mischievous smile on her face

"Oh grandma you scheming old hag, I fucking love you" I scream out in happiness and she takes my words like a compliment. Everything seems good until Nathan suddenly chimes in

"That's nice and very greatly appreciated but I'm going to have to decline your offer," Nathan says with an apologetic look on his face.