
Bed Bugs

noappetite · sci-fi
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9 Chs

Chapter 2

When you think about the world, you imagine nothing but it's refined normality. How people around you function every single day with the same cycle of activities. School bus arrives at 7:10 at the front of our white porch, our unmarried Chinese neighbors arguing because of the new freshly printed newspapers getting mixed with the old crumpled ones from yesterday's update, Mr. Clavinsky waving goodbye to his Labrador-Retriever dog as he heads to open his platinum 1961 Jaguar E-Type. He looks too hot for 35. The former guidance counselor of our school sitting at her own porch 2 blocks from ours knitting sweaters of pink and off-white for her cats and granddaughters which they never wore on school because they take the fame-whore ride. I peak at my blinders, decided to pull the lift cord revealing the sunlight bashing on my face. It's always the same. Nothing's new or different. And it bore the crap out of my peculiarity. I take a step back and slipped without notice of my papers reaching my window. I land on my butt tail and it hurts so bad

"Argh!" I shout not even caring if Karen heard my voice. Inches away I could hear her stomping briskly to my attention.

"Honey, are you oka-"

"What did I say about knocking Karen?" I cut her with my sharp words, still like a corpse.

"Is privacy more important than your life?" she uses her mother tone but I doubt she could even justify it.

"I just slipped.." I stand with my shuddering knees and my right palm on my butt. It still hurts though. "I'm okay. I'll get breakfast soon just let me get dressed".

Karen looks at me with solemnity. One of the things that I like about her is that she keeps her distance. she doesn't treat me like a child ever since I was in preschool. She would always refer to me as her 'tough girl' whenever talking to our relatives and family friends. Up until today she still does that, only without the whole literal talking.

"You sure?" now she looks serious and undaunted. I can sense it with her choice of tone.

"Yes mom." I knew just how to assure her. She smiles a little and pulls the tall wood to closing.

"Breakfast in 5 minutes" I hear each word faintly and I let out a deserving sigh. This isn't a good start but I can make it better.

I take a quick shower as my lower portion suffer in agony. Aloe Vera and a heavenly scent of vanilla surround the entire bathroom as I finally finish and wrapped myself in a soft cream towel. I skip like a goon while headed to my drawers. I don't dress to kill, however I make sure I'm femininely dapper. I decide to go with my basic white tank top and paired it with my dark denim skinny jeans. To finish it, I threw my tan long coat and wore my favorites high cut chocolate boots. I turn twice and I land on a perfect spot at the center of my mirror.

"7!" I score to my own look and grabbed my black Jansport backpack and head downstairs. Rushing through the living room and the kitchen counter, I zapped to reach for the door but mom was as quick as I was too.

"Breakfast Penny!" I'm annoyed at the second time.

"But mom the bus is here" I yell still holding our golden brown doorknob.

"We both know that's not your bus. Sit down and have some pancakes first" Karen is whisking the butter not even looking through the counter. She's certain I'll be sitting at the table for the next 5 minutes. Probably 10. I hate that this is factual. I release my grasp on the doorknob and dropped my bag to the side. I walk towards the table to sit and Karen has prepared a transparent circle with 4 fluffy beige pancakes stuffed with butter in between and chocolate syrup. Exactly how I undeniably like it to be. I salivate a bit.

"Thanks Karen" I say. She flips the pancake on the pan without looking back at me.

I grab the silver fork with my right and the knife with my left. Yes, a leftie at its finest. I slice the cake of fluffiness and filled my watering mouth. Mom's not an excellent chef, but her way of cooking shows how she's knowledgeable of a few chef tricks by just the taste of the food. I go for the second slice when she finally turned to me, the pink plastic bowl on her waist held by her tired but fascinating palms.

"I'll be taking 2 night shifts starting later."

"New patients."

"Nah, the usual homies."

"You tell Bob I said hi."

"He'll be informed." Karen smiles. Bob is one of the 4 patients that Karen can converse. That's because they're all keeping their cool on rehab and the rest still have bits of their beasts inside of them ready to take over any minute. She's been working in the town's mental hospital for 8 years and her patience and dedication to the job is commendable. I shove the last stack of pancakes in my mouth.

"You'll be okay alone?" she asked setting the bowl to the side of the burner.

"Can I hold a party?" I bubbly say while chewing my breakfast of delicateness.

"You mean Gabe and Mason?" she crosses her arms and I realize she's wearing the fuschia long sleeved fitted sweater I got for her birthday. I saved every penny of my allowance just to buy her that sweater. I remember peeping at my window as I see her shivering on her way in the house because it was raining and her coat was brought to the laundry shop. We didn't have our own washer then. She was from work and I swore I wouldn't want to see that expression painted on her beautiful face ever again. Yes, Karen's beautiful. And Gabe would always tease me for not inheriting atleast half of her aesthetics.

"I have many other friends." I never felt a sense of guilt when I lie but this one made me uncomfortable.

"I don't mind if you don't have much friends. Mason and Gabe are good guys." We both smile with that fact.

I gulp cold fresh orange juice from mom's red mug and I finally hear the bus honk. The actual bus I'm riding towards school. I move quickly to the door.

"I gotta go. Call me when you leave the house." I shout as I grab my bag and skipped 2 steps at a time to reach the door of my ride. I made it inside. I keep my balance as the vehicle moves to a start and I eye the inside of the bus while walking. Finally, I see my gang. I settle between them and secured my bag on my lap.

"Looks like sleeping beauty slept it." Mason teases me with his usual dork facade as Gabe is applying lip gloss and is laughing at the same time.

"Don't start with me Mason!" I spat and rested my back whilst watching other students minding their own very businesses;the way I pictured it to be, the normal way.