
Becoming the strongest in the shinobi world

Chad was a normal yakuza who like to watch anime in his free time, he was killed by his mission target and reincarnated in naruto in the hidden ............. Village and through his efforts he rises to become a kage but will that level of power be enough for someone who knows what is to come will he leave is fate in the hands of naruto and sasuke

DarknessAuthor · Anime und Comics
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149 Chs

Conversation with Onoki & type of ninja

Looking at Onoki, Ren really wanted to know what made him ask such a question, was the second shinobi war closer than he had thought, it didn't matter much as Ren's actions would remain the same destroy any that dears try invading the land of earth.

" There is no question the if war were to start today the leaf would have the upper hand, they have the Uzumaki as allies that alone with cause problems not to mention the Kage level ninjas they have, but once the Uzumaki are out of the question the leaf will still be the strongest, but it won't be by as much as before," says Ren

" So even after the Uzumaki are dealt with you also think that the lead will still be the strongest," Onoki says with a sigh

" the leaf currently occupies a unique position in the five Great Village being able to have a Kage level ninja on all fronts, the Hokage, Danzo, Sakamoto Hatake, and the three students of the Hokage there might even be more, even though they are mostly low-level Kages it is still a Kage level powerhouse, let's ignore the other villages the stone has you, Jacken, Myers and me. That may be less than the leaf but there is one thing that is to be taken into consideration, the Hokage and Danzo will not enter the war early or until the leaf is pushed into a corner, the fact of the matter is if we deal with the other villages first then quickly take care of the leaf we can take there Kage level powerhouses hostage or even kill them, after all, it wouldn't be hard for the two of us to take care of some low-level Kage powerhouses," says Ren

" Your plan sounds good but how are we going to both appear on the leaf front, before they retreat once we deal with the other villages they will start retreating since the full force of the hidden stone would fall on them, while they may still be fighting on numerous fronts, after all, I was thinking I would take care of the cloud and you the leaf since they are the biggest threats we will take care of them and leave the mist and sand to Jacken and Myers," said Onoki

"It won't be a problem, I can even appear on three fronts. After all, my usage of space release has become better being able to teleport to the different fronts of war wouldn't be too much trouble, so after helping on the other fronts I will bring you the leaf if needed, then we will act dealing as much damage as possible," says Ren

"Your idea is fine we will use this then, but we have something else to deal with first, the Raikage has calmed and been informed of our plans to annihilate the Uzumaki clan, he has agreed to join forces with us and the mist village. We will depart in two months and attack from different sides cutting off most of their escape routes. It was agreed on whatever we find we get to keep, as soon as things are finished we will be leaving returning to the land of earth." says Onoki

"Things are happening sooner than I thought, what about the leaf?"

"The leaf is not a problem, information is being leaked from the village easily someone high up is currently leaking sensitive information from the village, anyone who has met Hiruzen and Danzo would know what's happening, the leaf isn't a problem for us right now, but if I'm wrong I'll need you to teleport us out," says Onoki.

"No problem, I'm going home," says Ren as disappears

(Next day)

"So have you three decided the type of ninja you want to be?" Ren asked as he looked at his three students.

All three looked straight at Ren eyes full of determination while nodding their heads.

"I want to be able to adapt any situation whether it be attacking, defending large or small scale attacks I want to be a ninja capable of acting in any situation.," Answers Kitsuchi.

"A fine goal Kitsuchi, it will take some effort for you to learn Jutsu other than earth release, and I also have a way to make your earth release more flexible," says Ren as Gari starts speaking.

"Sensei I understand how limited I have been when it comes to the explosion release, I would like to start learning to fully utilize the potential of it, I will blow away all obstacles in my path and keep charging forward to kill the enemies of the village," says Gari

"So, you want to focus fully on attacks that fine sometimes attacking is the best defense, even more so when it comes to explosion release," Says Ren

"I want to become the best ice release user while being able to fill in all the gaps these two can't."

"An all-rounder, very well. You all have made your choices don't regret your decision when the training starts." Says Ren

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