
Become An Extra In My Novel With A System

Hiroshi Sakamoto, a failed novelist, suddenly finds himself trapped in his own novel as Leonhardt Ainsworth, a minor character destined to die early on. With a System Window granting him powers and quests, Leonhardt must defy his fate and survive in a fantasy world populated by various races such as Elves, Dwarves, and Orcs. Faced with unexpected dangers, Leonhardt is determined to change his destiny and become more than just a side character

Yuhi99 · Fantasie
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8 Chs

Basic Training

Leonhardt walked out of the hall with heavy steps. His mind was still filled with thoughts about the System Window and his new situation.

His bad reputation, his status as the troublemaking son of a Marquis, and his weak Mage Talent all felt like a heavy burden to bear.

"I have to attend training," he murmured, looking at the still-open quest window.


Quest: Basic Academy Training

Description: Complete basic academy training and learn how to use the Mage Talent

Reward: 50 XP, 10 Gold Coins

"Basic training... This should be easy."

Leonhardt tried to convince himself, even though he knew that things wouldn't be that simple. He needed to prove himself, not only to the other students but also to himself.

As he walked towards the training area, he started to notice the stares of the other students passing by. They recognized him.

Leonhardt Ainsworth, the notorious son of the Marquis. Some whispered softly, and Leonhardt could feel their scornful gazes.

"They don't believe I can do anything." Leonhardt gritted his teeth. "I have to prove them wrong."

The training area was wide open, with several groups of students already gathered, each grouped according to their Talent.

The Knights looked confident, holding wooden swords for physical training, while the Mages stood on the other side, preparing for basic magic training.

The Rogues and Rangers were warming up their bodies, ready to practice agility and speed.

Leonhardt stood among the Mages, feeling out of place. Some of the other Mages turned to look at him, a few recognized his face and quickly averted their gaze, as if they didn't want to be associated with him.

"Ainsworth, is it?" another Mage student said softly, his eyes narrowed.

"I heard you cause more trouble than study. Don't ruin today's training."

Leonhardt didn't respond, simply ignoring the comment. He knew his reputation was bad, and it would continue to haunt him. But what mattered now was learning how to use his Mage Talent.

The Mage instructor, an old man with gray hair, stepped in front of their group, his eyes scanning the students carefully.

"Today's training will focus on mastering basic magic. Those of you with the Mage Talent will start by learning to control the basic elements. We'll start with the easiest one:Fireball."

Leonhardt took a deep breath, trying to calm himself.


he murmured softly. He had already seen the skill on the System Window.


Fireball (Level 1): Basic fire magic. Deals 50 fire damage. Costs 10 MP

"This is the first exercise," thought Leonhardt. "I have to be able to master this."

The Mage instructor gestured to the students, and they began to try to summon fire magic. One by one, the young Mages began to form small fireballs in their hands.

Some succeeded easily, while others struggled to summon the fire element.

Leonhardt extended his hand, trying to focus his mind on the magic.


However, only a small spark appeared, far from the fireball he had hoped for.

The Mage student beside him chuckled.

"What do you expect, Ainsworth? Even with your noble background, you're still a useless Mage."

Leonhardt gritted his teeth, trying again. He focused all his mind, remembering how the System Window described the skill.


This time, a small fireball appeared in his hand, spinning slowly before disappearing. It wasn't perfect, but it was better than his previous attempt.

The Mage instructor approached him.

"Control your focus, Ainsworth," he said sternly. "Magic isn't about how much power you exert, but how you control the elements around you."

Leonhardt nodded, although his heart was still filled with anxiety. He had to do this right; this wasn't just training, it was the first step to proving that he was more than just his bad reputation.

After several attempts, Leonhardt finally managed to summon a stable fireball in his hand. Although it was small, it was an achievement that made him feel a little more confident.

However, the other students still stared at him with scorn.

"Do you think that's enough?" another Mage student approached, his voice full of mockery.

"Ainsworth, you're really making me laugh. Even with all your family's resources, you still fail at something as simple as this."

Leonhardt felt his anger boiling, but he held it back. He knew that attacking or retaliating would only worsen his reputation.

"I have to focus," he thought. "I'm here not to make trouble. I'm here to survive."

The training ended after a few hours, and the students began to leave the training area. Leonhardt felt tired, both physically and mentally, but he knew this was just the beginning.

The System Window appeared again, notifying him that the first quest was complete.


Basic Academy Training

Reward: 50 XP, 10 Gold Coins

"Quest complete," Leonhardt murmured as he looked at the window that appeared.

Gold Coins? XP? It all still confused him, but he began to accept that the System Window was an important tool that only he could access.

Leonhardt turned around, ready to leave the training area. Suddenly, Reinhard appeared behind him, patting his shoulder enthusiastically.

"How was your training, Leonhardt?" Reinhard asked with a wide smile.

Leonhardt nodded slightly.

"It was fine," he replied, though his heart still felt heavy. He couldn't let others see his weaknesses.

"I'll train harder," Leonhardt thought as he walked away. "I have to survive here, no matter what."