
Chapter 19

Chapter 19

3rd Person POV


That is what Gulf felt right now; he didn't think that the ill feeling would appear on the person who was dragging him right now, not even once. He never thought that word would ever cross his mind but it did.

He thought that when this person touch him it would be electrifying or would cause some spark when they touch but now he feel so disgusted by this person touch. It felt so wrong, that he just wanted the person to let go of his hand and doesn't want this person to touch him at all.

Gulf is still struggling to get his hand away from this guy, the more he struggle, the more this person grip becomes tighter. He was dragged to the parking lot and now is facing that person that if you ask Gulf months ago maybe he is happy but now that person is in front of him, the only feeling that he has is nothing but hatred and disgust and it is really funny how Gulf feeling can turn from love to hate just like a flip of a switch or maybe because Mew show him the true meaning of love and happiness, maybe that's it.

Every time he thinks or he is with Mew, the only thing he does is smile, laugh and be happy. He thank God everyday for sending Mew to him, not a day goes by that he never felt like it was a dream and right now he doesn't want anything or anyone to ruin his happiness.

Gulf was about to run away when that person let go off his hand but he was caught again by that person, "What the hell Bright??!! Let me go off me!!!" Gulf said while trying to take off his right hand from Bright's strong grip.

"No!!! Not until you promise me not to run away and listen to what I want to say to you!" Bright said looking directly at Gulf eyes.

"Let go of me, please Bright!! There is nothing to talk about between us!" Gulf pleads to Bright.

Bright said "There is... there is something to talk about, so promise me first."

Gulf sigh and said "Fine! What is it? And please let go off my hand." Gulf said as he put down his lunch box on the ground and Bright let go off Gulf hand when he feel like Gulf would not run away from him.

"Why didn't you return my call and my messages?" Bright asks and Gulf was dumbfounded by the question that Bright just ask him. Gulf really doesn't understand what Bright want from him because he clearly said that he don't want to be involve with Bright again.

"Really Bright?! You are asking me this now? Why?" Gulf asks while looking at Bright with his unamused look.

Bright reply "Just answer me will you? Please..." with his pleading tone.

The tone that Gulf never heard from Bright before, when Bright talk to Gulf the tone he use was always a cold and distance one but today Gulf realize that it was soft and warm but it's too late now, Gulf heart if only for Mew and he is confident that Mew is the one for him.

"The fuck Bright! Why would I pick up the called or replied the messages from someone who broke my heart?!! And I have move on!! THE HELL YOU WANT FROM ME NOW?!" Gulf didn't mean to shout he isn't that kind of person but Bright really testing his patient right now.

Bright just let out a heavy sighs and look directly at Gulf eyes and said "I want you, I don't care anymore. I ONLY WANT YOU!!" Hearing this from Bright really make Gulf want to punch Bright so that he can knock some sense into him.

"Are you insane Bright??!! What about your lover?? Don't you care for him?? Don't you think about him when you say this?" Gulf asks.

Bright reply "I will figure something out but right now the only person I want is you."

Gulf really want to punch Bright right now, his fist turn red from pressing on to hard "The F- hmmp..." before Gulf can utter the word Bright kiss Gulf.

At that moment like a cliché coincidence in a typical dramatic movie, somewhere in a distance there was two people watching them with a shock expression, both of them standing there like a statue and they can't believe what they saw happening in front of their eyes.

A single tear roll down on one of their cheeks and the other one already bawling his eyes out and struggling to breath and he press tightly his hand of his chest.

They are in tears for the same reason but different situation, one feel betrayed like he can't believe the one he thrust can do this to him and the other one feel that he has been defeated before he move further in his battle to win the heart that he has been dreaming to have and both of them goes away before they saw anything further with a broken heart that has been shattered to pieces and now is scattered on the floor.

- End of Chapter 19 -


A/N : well am I a bad person for writting like this?? I dont think so 😂😂 thank you for reading 😘😘