
Chapter 20

Chapter 20

3rd Person POV

Gulf eyes widen because he can't believe that Bright is kissing him, he is struggling to get away from the kiss but Bright grab the back of Gulf neck and deepened the kiss.

"THE FUCK BRIGHT! HOW DARE YOU KISS ME!!! I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!!!!" Gulf said after he push Bright with all his might and punch Bright in the face until Bright fall down to the ground.

Gulf take his lunch box and with that Gulf leave the parking lot and went back to the cafeteria as fast as he could without even looking at Bright.

Bright was on the ground just smile sadly and regretting his action, 'Damn I am so stupid' with that thought he is now sure that he didn't love Gulf, what he was feeling was just his ego got triggered because Gulf was always there by his side all those years no matter how much he hate Gulf, Gulf never hate him back and was always there, always.

Maybe that's why he can't accept the fact that Gulf can move on from him and leaving him that fast. It hurt his pride to know that Gulf can smile or blush like that to someone else but he can't blame Gulf, he was the one who wanted Gulf to leave his life on th first place. *Sigh* he get up and leave the parking lot to go back to his class.

Gulf reach the cafeteria but he can't see Mew anywhere, Gulf directly called Mew but it was keep ringing until it went to the call operator. He sent a text message to Mew wondering if Mew is running late or not.

To : My Moon ❤️

Where are you? I'm at the cafeteria already. I'll be waiting here okay, can't wait to see you hehe. 🥰🥰

After Gulf sent the text, he sit down on one of the table there nervously and anxiously waiting for Mew. He hope Mew love the breakfast that he make this morning and also would love the food that he make for lunch.

It has been 15 minutes but still no Mew, not even his shadow appeared in front of Gulf and it got Gulf a bit worried because Mew never did this before. Mew didn't even reply or even read his text message. 'That's odd, Mew always tell me if he is running late or something urgent come up' Gulf thought.

Gulf try to call Mew again but it's still the same, it was not answered by Mew. So Gulf call and call until he didn't know how many times already and it was near the end of his lunch break "Did something happen to him? I hope not." Gulf mumble to himself, he was worried something might happen to Mew.

"Maybe he got some kind of emergency, that's why he can't reply or answer my called. Yeah that must be it." Gulf mumble to himself while walking to his class after lunch break was over. Gulf enter his classroom with his worried face, where he frown so hard that his eyebrows look like a unibrow.

Tay notice on Gulf sudden mood change, Gulf was smiling from ear to ear this morning but now he was gloomy all of a sudden. "What's wrong with you?" Tay ask and Gulf told Tay what happen, well technically he told Tay what happen because he left out the Bright kissing him part.

He is not ready to tell that yet, he is still piss off of that asshole, how come he love that person like that once. If he knew this would happen, he would have get away from Bright at the very beginning. Alas, he was young, dumb and in love.

After Gulf told Tay what happen, Tay said "Maybe he really has an emergency or something to do that's urgent and can't tell you right away. Don't worry about did, he will be fine." while he tap on Gulf's shoulder.

"Yeah, maybe." Gulf said while he look down on his lap and pout.

Gulf can't even focus in class, his head is still thinking about Mew and what happen between him and Bright. He still can't put his head around it, why the hell Bright become such an asshole like that or maybe he is an asshole to begin with but Gulf is too blind with love to see it. Gulf keep messaging Mew but it still the same result, Mew still didn't read nor reply to his messages.

As soon as their class finish at 4 pm, Tay rush out from the classroom and Gulf didn't have to ask him where is he going, everyone knew he was going to see his cute lover. "He is so whip." Gulf mumble to him self as he look at the disappearing Tay.

Gulf in the other hand let out a heavy sigh looking blankly at his phone, "Still no reply or any call." *sigh* Gulf try to call again but *sigh*, Gulf continue walking to his faculty gate to wait for Mew; who know maybe he will show up to pick him up.

Gulf wait for Mew in front of his faculty gate for 2 hours now *sigh* Gulf didn't give up, so he called and text Mew for don't know how many times. He wanted to go to Mew's faculty but he is scared because he never been there before and he doesn't want to call Gun because he don't want to disturb him having a date with Tay but he decided to call anyway because he really want to know if Mew is okay or not.

Gun and Tay are having an ice cream date, Tay doesn't like sweet stuff that much but his baby love it, so anything for his baby right? Tay sometime wipe the corner of Gun's lips because of the ice cream with his thumb then lick his thumb.

They're feeding each other like the world is just only the two of them but both of them come back down to earth when Gun's phone is ringing. Gun is confuse when he saw the name of the person who called him, Gun answered the phone, "Hello P'Gulf... No he haven't call me or text me... Okay P'Gulf I will tell him if he called me... Bye, P'Gulf" Gun put his phone away.

"What is it baby?" Tay ask.

Gun answer "It's P'Gulf asking about P'Mew, he said that P'Mew didn't answer or reply to his messages." Tay tell Gun what happen after Gulf come to class after lunch.

"That's odd P'Mew never did this before let me call him." as Gun said that he try to call Mew but it was not answered, he try again but the same thing happen. Now Gun is worried if something happen to Mew but Tay assured him that it was nothing. Gun take a deep breath and they continue their date.

After the phone call, Gulf decided to go back to his house via grabcar. When he arrive home, he directly lay down on his bed. He was so exhausted mentally and physically, so much was going on today, it was suppose to be a happy day for him and Mew but it was ruin by that bastard of a person.

"What's wrong with Bright? Why the hell that he kiss me?? Shit!! I feel like I wanna throw up just remembering that kiss. *sigh* where are you Mew, I really need you now to tell me everything is going to be okay." Gulf mumbles as he look at the ceiling of his room.

He try to call Mew again a couple of times but still there is no answer, "Where the hell are you Mew? I miss you!" Gulf said as he look at his phone screen because he save Mew's picture as his wallpaper well as in secretly taking picture of Mew and put him as his phone wallpaper, he caress his phone screen and let out a heavy sigh.

He get up from his bed to take a quick shower, after his shower and he put some clothes on, he goes back to his bed. He has no appetite to eat his dinner, all he wanted now is just Mew to answer his call or reply to his message and said that is okay nothing to worry about.

Gulf look at his phone again and he don't know what to do anymore, all his life, he never wanted anyone like he want Mew now. If you compare this to when he was with Bright, his love, care and attention is more than when he is with Bright and that's the reason why he can't lose Mew.

His feeling for Mew is growing each day and it will continue to grow until he can't love anyone else but Mew and he can't live without Mew anymore. The space in his heart is filled with Mew.

At this moment a single drop of tear drop from his eyes and it followed by a couple more tears until the owner of the eyes is crying until he can't breath properly.

He tired to stop his tears but the pain of thinking he might losing Mew is unbearable, how did the day ended like this? It was supposed to be the happiest day for him. Gulf cries until he fall a sleep but then he was woken up by a phone call.

He get up immediately and pick up the call thinking it was Mew but as soon as he hear the voice on the other side of the call he was disappointed. It was Gun calling him but what Gun inform him just now surprise him, Gun told him to come to his house A.S.A.P because it's regarding to Mew, he will send the location to Gulf because Gulf never went to their house before and after the call ended Gulf quickly get up from his bed, take his car key, wallet and even wearing mismatch shoes because he was in a hurry.

When Gulf arrive, Tay greeted him at the door and lead him to Mew's room. Gulf was stunned and his heart break when he saw Mew's condition, Mew's face and hair was a mess and the strong smell of alcohol is unbearable.

"What happen to him?" Gulf ask Gun that was standing beside him.

"I don't know either, after I arrive home and invite P'Tay inside for a coffee. We saw P'Mew in the living room sleeping with all the beer bottle scattered around him. P'Mew never drink like this before, why is he drinking like this?" Gun said as he knotted his eyebrows to figure out what happen.

"I also don't know Gun, he is okay this morning and we were supposed to have lunch together but he didn't show up...unless... Fuck!! It can't be??!!" Gulf said the last sentence almost in whisper 'and maybe that's the reason why Mew become like this' Gulf thought.

"Unless what P'Gulf?" Gun ask curiously and Gulf said "It's nothing Gun and I hope is not." while smiling thinly at Gun.

"Well I better get going then, see you tomorrow baby." Tay said as he peck on Gun's lips, hug him and lead himself out to go back home.

"I will get a bucket of water to clean him okay P'Gulf?" Gun said and Gulf just nodded.

After Gun left the room Gulf come near to Mew's bed and he touch Mew's hair. He let the his finger dance in Mew's silky hair that is now a mess, how he miss Mew so much *sigh* and then Gulf look around on Mew's room but his sight was stop at something that he never thought in his entire life he would see. Surprise is an understatement, he really didn't expect to see this.

- End of Chapter 20-


A/N : I feel sorry for both of them 😔😔 when will they get their happines? 😔😔 and what did Gulf see?? 👀👀 Thank you for reading and stay safe everyone 😘😘