
Became a daughter-in-law at the age of eighteen.

He was four years older than her, a final year student, and she was just a confused girl who had just entered university. The two accidentally met while participating in the school's Volunteer Club, then progressed to a love relationship. She was originally a young girl born in a poor district. Her family has no conditions. So, since she understood the story, she also encouraged herself, trying to study. She understands that knowledge can change her whole life, will also help her out of poverty She has many dreams, her dream is that she will try to work after graduating from school and try to earn a lot of money to take care of her children. However, it all fell apart from the moment she met him. He came to her gently, warmly, just like his love for her. No hustle, no waves, very calm. And in the end, whatever comes will come, he and she, have also gone beyond the limit of two lovers.

BilyMoonMoon_07 · Teenager
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9 Chs

Chapter 9

Seeing her silence, he gritted his teeth and continued:

"What's wrong? Got it??? Are you sneaking around with someone behind my back??? Tell me quickly??? I'm working hard to earn money, leaving you at home to fight with another guy like this? ???"

Two lines of tears ran down her cheeks, at this moment, the physical pain could not be compared to her mental pain. Looking up at him with red eyes, her voice was lost:

"I don't have. I really don't."

"Huh. Do you think I'm that stupid? You blatantly cuckolded me. Tell me quickly, did you intentionally let the baby die, so you could blatantly have sex with another guy? Right?"

"No, I don't. How can I kill our baby?"

"Are you still arguing? With such clear evidence, do you still argue? These days you and I are not close, can you bend down and kiss yourself?" Maria Linda, she said Come on, I didn't treat you badly. On the contrary, I still love you, why are you cheating on me? Why are you sneaking around behind my back???"

He sat down in front of her, his hands clasped her shoulders and shook her vigorously.

"Tell me, are you doing this to want to be with that guy? Okay, if you want to be with that guy like that, I'll do it for you and him."

Aubrey said through gritted teeth, his eyes were bloodshot, and a few tears were also silently falling from the corners of his eyes. The tips of his fingers dug into her shoulder until they drew blood. However, she couldn't feel the slightest pain. Apart from the sobs, she couldn't say a word, her throat seemed to be blocked by something, making her unable to say anything.

Looking at her husband's figure coldly turned his back to leave the room. From behind, she could still clearly see his shoulders shaking. She knew how hurt he was, but how could she tell that these red kiss marks were caused by his father. How could she cause more pain for him. It would be better for her to accept everything, for her to accept that he was misunderstood. At least, his father-son relationship will not become fractured because of her.

These sufferings should still be borne by her alone.

Her hazy eyes looked at the space in front of her, tears kept running down her cheeks, her dry lips moved slightly:

"Sorry, I'm sorry."

Downstairs, Leona and Amec saw him leave, Leona hurriedly called:

"It's late, where are you not at home???"

"I won't come home tonight, just lock the gate."

Aubrey spoke as she walked, her eyes not bothering to glance at Leona even once. It wasn't until he drove out of the house that the Amec's eyes widened in surprise:

"Mr. Aubrey and her were arguing. Mom. I was passing by and saw two people shouting, it seems that she was also beaten by Mr. Aubrey?"

"Really?" Leona frowned.

"Really mom. The magician's charm is effective, Mom. It's really good, it's already like that after eating it once."

Leona looked at the Amec, the corner of her mouth curled up in a smile as if it were not:

"Let me go upstairs and see how it goes."

There was a knock on the door, she quickly wiped her tears with her hands, hurriedly dressed to open the door. Leona saw her puffy eyes and said:

"Can I come in?"

"Okay okay."

Leona's sharp gaze looked around the room, Leona took her hand, her voice filled with concern:

"What's wrong with you two? I saw Aubrey scurry away, telling me not to leave the door open for him."

"Did he say that, Mom?"

"Yeah, that's why I asked you what's wrong with you two?"

Hearing Leona's words, tears once again fell down her face. She didn't know how to say it, so she just answered it:

"My wife and I just quarrel, mom. It's not a big deal, don't worry."

After listening to her, Leona narrowed her eyes and looked out the door, pretending to sigh:

"It's normal for husband and wife to quarrel. But they both just lost their child, and Aubrey is also real. Let him go back to his mother and teach him a game. What a man, he doesn't know how to love his wife and children chief."

Maria Linda heard Leona say that, scared and grabbed Leona's hand:

"There's no need, mother, we can handle small matters by ourselves."

"Why are your cheeks raised like that? Don't tell me that Aubrey hit you."

Maria Linda startled and shook her head: "No, Mom. Aubrey is not going to hit me, don't think about my husband."

"It's a real woman's part, but if something happens, let's be gentle with each other. Don't make your parents worry."


Maria Linda replied softly, she didn't know how to tell Leona, so she remained silent until Leona left. Medium came out of her room, the Amec ran up to her and pulled Leona's hand into her room:

"What's the matter, mother? Is it true what you say?"

"That's right, but I asked her to cover it up. Definitely don't want to say."

"How do you say it. Mom must be a grown-up employee."

"Mom got it."

Leona finished talking and went back to her room, and Amec eagerly waited until tomorrow to see a good play.

Maria Linda looked at the phone in her hand, she called him many times, sent him a lot of messages. However, there was no reply from his side. She held the phone in both hands, until she was too tired to fall asleep.

Early the next morning, she heard the door of her room open and quickly sat up. She looked tired when she opened the closet to get clothes, not even a glance at her. Maria Linda looked at him, hesitated for a moment before speaking:

"Where did you go yesterday? I'm worried."


In response to her concern was his unnerving silence. The corner of his mouth curled up in a smile like he didn't, then he left.

As soon as the door to the room closed, her whole body froze. Her chest felt like it was being rubbed with salt, causing her pain to paralyze her heart. His coldness made her so lonely.

Downstairs, Leona has boiled eggs and prepared orange juice for Amec to bring to the company he works for.

Con Amec drove straight to the company he worked for, because this is also the company his family owns, so as soon as he arrived, he went straight to the deputy director's office.

There was a knock on the door, and from inside the room came a voice:

"Come in."

The Amec opened the door to come in, put the food on his desk, and before he could open his mouth, he said:

"What am I here for?"

The Amec looked at him and pouted: "Mom told me to bring you things."

Aubrey frowned, confused and asked: "What? Did you forget anything?"

The Amec smiled brightly, reproachfully:

"It's not because you and your sister-in-law left each other in anger, my mother worried that you couldn't eat enough. Forcing me to bring you food."

The Amec said as he put the things out, he glanced at the food once, frowning:

"Eggs again, I ate eggs yesterday."

"This egg is a country egg, my mother put it in the countryside for me, I try to eat it all, lest I lose my mother's work."

"Yes, leave it to me."

The Amec sat next to him, watching until he determined that he had eaten all the food, then brushed his ass and got up to go home.

Throughout the day, she called him many times to no avail. Messaged him also did not reply. When the Amec got home, he rushed to her room:

"Sister Maria Linda, what's wrong with you and my brother? Mom called him to eat, but he didn't come back. I went to the company to ask him, and he said he didn't want to see her face?"

She looked up at the Amec in surprise, her thin lips moved:

"Did Mr. Aubrey really say that?"


The Amec said as he sat down next to her, he took the initiative to hold her hand and sighed:

"I don't know what you two are arguing about, but I advise you to stay away for a while, let him cool down, and then go home."

Her hands clutched at the hem of her shirt, her small head bowed, and whispered:

"But, but do you know where to go?"

The corner of Amec's mouth curled up in a cunning smile:

"I think you should go home for a few days. Anyway, it's been a long time since I've been back to visit my uncle and siblings. By the way, I'm going to visit everyone. Besides, the fact that I lost the baby, my parents don't know yet. I should go back to talk to the two of you again. Or you two will come down to visit your birth sister in a few weeks and you'll die."

Amec's words made a lot of sense, and Maria Linda herself heard it very well. However, in her heart she was still worried:

"So, is it possible?"

"Fine. As for Aubrey, let me and mom talk for you."

"Then let me give him a call and tell him."

The Amec nodded in agreement. He knew that even if she called, Amec wouldn't pick up the phone, so he continued:

"He's so mad at you, you won't even answer when you call him. Never mind, sister, let me help you pack."

Maria Linda looked at Amec and nodded, then also prepared some things to go home. During these months of being in a stuffy house, plus the recent events, she herself wanted to be quiet for a while. Because every time she saw her father-in-law, those images appeared again, making her feel extremely scared, not daring to look directly.

Carrying her bags downstairs, Maria Linda greeted Leona:

"I'm sorry to go home for a few days. Is there anything I can ask you to help me talk to my husband?"

"Yes. Go home and come down early, son."


Leona took her hand and told her a few things, then told Amec to bring another bag of things to give to her:

"Parents have some gifts for grandparents at home. I'll take them home to help mom. Please send our regards to your grandparents' health."


Maria Linda smiled in response, watching her mother-in-law prepare everything so thoughtfully. Her parents would surely be delighted.

After she left, the Amec turned to Leona:

"Why do you buy so many things. Why buy gifts for them?"

"Only then will he believe it. Our mother and daughter's plan was like that, we can't let it doubt."

"I see. Your mother is really tall."

The whole living room was filled with the joyful laughter of Leona and Amec. While Maria Linda is overjoyed as her mother-in-law prepares for her home, behind that is a plan that has already been planned for her.

After finishing work at the company, he tiredly returned home. Looking at her phone screen full of missed calls and messages, plus pictures of her heartbreak this morning. There were a few traces of guilt in his eyes, also because he was too hasty himself, refused to calmly listen to her explanation, and hastily blamed her.

On the way home, he didn't forget to stop by the bakery, buy her favorite cream cake to make up for her. However, when he reached home, Leona and Amec were already sitting in the living room, in a depressed mood, sighing.

Leona saw him coming back, and immediately turned to look at Amec with a worried expression. Seeing his mother's unusual attitude. He frowned and asked.

"What's the matter, mom? Why hasn't the house served dinner yet?"

"No... it's nothing, baby. Let me tell you Amec to go make dinner."

"Is your wife still in the room?"

He asked as he walked up to the room, seeing him up, Leona hurriedly said:

"My wife and I went out to have some business, come back now. You change clothes and come down to eat."

"Where is your wife going????" He asked frowning.

"He... he went to buy medicine." Leona stammered.

The Amec standing next to him couldn't stand it, turned to Leona and shouted:

"Why did you lie to hide her? Why didn't you tell her that she left."