
Became a daughter-in-law at the age of eighteen.

He was four years older than her, a final year student, and she was just a confused girl who had just entered university. The two accidentally met while participating in the school's Volunteer Club, then progressed to a love relationship. She was originally a young girl born in a poor district. Her family has no conditions. So, since she understood the story, she also encouraged herself, trying to study. She understands that knowledge can change her whole life, will also help her out of poverty She has many dreams, her dream is that she will try to work after graduating from school and try to earn a lot of money to take care of her children. However, it all fell apart from the moment she met him. He came to her gently, warmly, just like his love for her. No hustle, no waves, very calm. And in the end, whatever comes will come, he and she, have also gone beyond the limit of two lovers.

BilyMoonMoon_07 · Teenager
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9 Chs

Chapter 6

"You're leaving now."

She pursed her lips and said, then went upstairs to her room, took the rest of the money in her wallet, and went out to buy things to make steak for Amec. From the day she was at home, she didn't earn any money, so she only had a little money saved up in advance.

It's not close to the market from home to the market, plus it's almost noon, so the shops also clean up to go home. She went around the market to buy a piece of beef to make steak for Amec. When she got home, she was sweating profusely and her face was pale.

"Amec, you go out to eat and then take the exam."

The Amec was lying down watching a movie, heard her call, and went down furiously. He looked at the dining table once, casually sat down on a chair near him. It just brought the piece of meat to its mouth, then put down the fork:

"Sister Maria Lina, you did it on purpose, didn't you?"

"What happen?" She looked at it in surprise.

"I don't think you're such a narrow-minded person. Are you trying to retaliate against me for yesterday? Are you making food for people, or for dogs. I don't eat anymore."

Said the Amec, tossing the steak that she took half an hour to make to the ground. The glass plate fell to the ground and shattered into small pieces.


"What are you. If I don't hurry to take the exam today, I'll be dead."

The Amec rolled his eyes at her and turned to leave. Maria Lina looked at the shards of glass that fell to the floor, next to the steak she had worked so hard to make. She gave a faint smile, then bent down to start cleaning.

That night, because Mr. Brene was busy with a city meeting, Aubrey took Mrs. Leona and Amec to her hometown to give gifts to prepare for the anniversary.

Mr. Brene finished the meeting and had a party with everyone, so he didn't have dinner at home. She was alone in this large house. A feeling of being lost, of self-pity enveloped her. She misses home, misses the warm feeling of a simple tray of rice. Thinking of that, the bridge of her nose was stinging, and a few tears just fell directly. Her parents did not know that she had lost her child. She also did not dare to tell her parents, afraid they would worry about her again.

"Where... why is it so dark at home? Isn't there anyone at home?"

From downstairs came the slurred voice of Mr. Brene. Maria Linda hastily wiped her tears, she had just gone downstairs when the image of a drunk Brene lying on the floor. She quickly ran over, her voice full of worry:

"Dad, are you okay?"

Maria Linda said as she shook Mr. Brene's arm. Mr. Brene swatted her hand away, drawling:

"Hey, let it go, I'm not drunk yet. Who needs you to help me?"

"Dad is drunk, let me help you in."

She wrapped her arms around Mr. Brene over her shoulder, one arm around Mr.'s waist. Brene, lead you inside. Mr. Brene was heavier than she thought, and it was extremely difficult to get him into the room.

"Pow." Maria Lina put Mr. Brene lay down on the bed, then stood panting for a while from exhaustion. Fearing that her father-in-law would catch a cold, she immediately went to get a towel and warm water to wipe him off. The white hand unbuttoned a few buttons of her shirt, then she inserted the towel inside Mr. Brene to clean him up.

But she herself did not know that, her carefreeness was a medicine to sign the anxiety in Mr. Brene.

Eyelid Mr. Brene opened it slightly, revealing bloodshot eyes full of passion. His eyes were lustful as if he wanted to eat his daughter-in-law. Mr. Brene snatched her hand that was holding the towel, startling her.

"I'm afraid you'll catch a cold, so I'll just wipe your body. Dad, rest, I'm done cleaning."

After saying that, Maria Lina was about to pull her hand away from Mr. Brene was attacked by Mr. Brene jerked back. Her whole body lost control and fell on Mr. Brene. Mr. Brene was wrapped around her arms around her. Maria Lina panicked and struggled:

"Dad, what are you doing? Dad let go of me."

The more she struggled, Mr. Brene hugged her tighter. Looking at her with lustful eyes, Mr. Brene leaned close to her face, smiling.

"You're so beautiful... I want you."

The vapor from the mouth of Mr. Brene smacked her face directly, making her feel extremely uncomfortable. A liquid from the bottom of the stomach that came back up was swallowed by her.

"Dad, I'm Aubrey's wife, your daughter-in-law."

The mind of Mr. Brene was now under the influence, he did not realize what she was saying, he only knew that the more beautiful lips moved, the more he wanted to kiss her.

Maria Linda's eyes widened as she looked at Mr. Brene, tears running down her cheeks, she pursed her lips tightly, shaking her head:

"No.... are not.... do not..."

Mr. Brene suddenly flipped her body under her body. His whole body was on top of her, one hand he held her hands, the other he squeezed her chest to make her panic.

The corner of Maria Linda's mouth twitched, she couldn't believe what was happening to her, and opened her mouth with difficulty:

"What are you doing? Dad let go of me, don't scare me."

"Chat." A slap like heaven fell on her face forcefully, immediately imprinted with five fingers:

"I'm not your father. Tonight, you're mine."

Her legs were damaged by Mr. Brene clamped down, making it impossible for her to wiggle. Her panicked gaze darted around the room, finally stopping at the bedside lamp right next to it. She used all her strength to reach for the bedside lamp, while Mr. Brene didn't notice, so she used all her strength to hit Mr. Brene.

Mr. Brene was hit suddenly, cried "Ah", the whole body writhed, letting go of her and holding her head.

She quickly got up, jumped under the bed, her whole body trembled to see a drop of bright red blood from the top of Mr. Brene flowed down her face. Maria Linda panicked and ran upstairs to the room, locked the door, and crouched in a corner of the room.

Maria Linda sat on her knees in a dark corner crying, her ten fingers fearfully clutching at the hem of her shirt. Sweat from both palms was growing more and more, before she was too scared to run away. Don't know he. How was Brene now, but honestly she knew that the blow she had just received was not strong, just enough to escape.

Although she was very worried about Mr. Brene, anyway Mr. Brene is also his father, unfortunately he has a destiny, surely he will never forgive her.