
Became a daughter-in-law at the age of eighteen.

He was four years older than her, a final year student, and she was just a confused girl who had just entered university. The two accidentally met while participating in the school's Volunteer Club, then progressed to a love relationship. She was originally a young girl born in a poor district. Her family has no conditions. So, since she understood the story, she also encouraged herself, trying to study. She understands that knowledge can change her whole life, will also help her out of poverty She has many dreams, her dream is that she will try to work after graduating from school and try to earn a lot of money to take care of her children. However, it all fell apart from the moment she met him. He came to her gently, warmly, just like his love for her. No hustle, no waves, very calm. And in the end, whatever comes will come, he and she, have also gone beyond the limit of two lovers.

BilyMoonMoon_07 · Teenager
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9 Chs

Chapter 5

"What's up son.?" Mrs. Leona asked worriedly.


He looked at Mrs. Leona said nothing, went straight to the hospital. The image of a small woman sitting crouched in a corner of the bed, her shoulders shaking. He nodded to Mina, gently approaching her to hug her. Noticing a familiar shoulder, Maria Linda raised her head to look at him, crying loudly:

"My son is no more."

He said "Yes" softly, squeezing her into his arms.

The next morning, he took her home. Because it was a holiday, Mr. Brene, Mrs. Leona and Amec are also at home. Seeing him lead her into the house, the Amec immediately said:

"Don't you have a mouth? Parents at home don't even say hello."

"My wife is tired, I would like to take her to my room."

Aubrey looked at her parents and said, the Amec beside her pouting:

"Teach your wife from a lonely age, Mr. Aubrey. Don't pamper your wife too much, and one day she will climb on top of you and sit there."

"None of your business. Shut up."

"You don't have to shut up. The married woman who is about to become a mother arrives and then leaves the next day. What a promiscuous thing."

Maria Linda wearily glanced at Amec. She hates, hates not being able to strangle it right now. It's true that a dog's mouth can't spit ivory.

"Chat" A slap fell on the beautiful face of the Amec. The slap was so strong that it immediately marked five fingers on its face, and Aubrey looked at it coldly:

"I forbid you to insult Maria Linda. If you don't know anything, shut up. Don't let me see you insult my wife again. Until then, it won't be just this one slap."

The Amec put his hand to his cheek, he turned to Mrs. Leona:

"Did you see that? He beat me up because of him. Since he came back, the house has been in chaos."

"Apologize to your sister-in-law."

"I don't apologize to her. An uneducated person like her doesn't deserve to be my sister-in-law."

"You... do you know where Maria Linda went and opened her mouth to say that? My wife's water broke, she gave birth prematurely. While calling her mother, she didn't answer. Now that's good, she doesn't either. Where are the grandsons?"

Mrs. Leona heard him, startled, lost consciousness for a few seconds, clenched her fists tightly on the arm of the chair, and did not get up for a long time.

After hearing that, the Amec's eyes flashed with some anger, he jumped in, pushed her down, pointed his index finger at her face and said:

"Speak up. Originally that pregnancy was not my brother's. It was you who set a trap and forced my brother to shed the shell. Now, she devised a plan to give birth prematurely, so as not to save the baby. Can't do a DNA test, right? Or let your perfect plan blind my whole family. Who said your ethnicity is stupid, ethnic people like you are old foxes."

The pain of losing her child had not yet subsided, and Amec's words made her unbearable. As it turned out, everyone was skeptical of her, thinking that she was plotting to enter this house. Ridiculous, the corner of her mouth raised a weak smile, faintly said:

"Okay, if you say so. I'll leave this house."

The room suddenly fell silent, Aubrey caught her, angry eyes looking at Amec:

"You want to get a few more slaps before you shut up, don't you?"

"Mr. Aubrey, don't let her fool you. It was all her plan."

"Chat" Another slap fell on Amec's beautiful face. It widened its eyes in surprise at Mrs. Leona:

"Mom, did you hit me?"

"Isn't this house chaotic enough? Hurry up and apologize to your sister-in-law. As for Maria Linda, you don't have to go anywhere."

The angry Amec glared at her, then struggled to leave the room. Mr. Brene was always silent from beginning to end. His eyes were as deep as a lake looking at everyone, and after a long time, he spoke softly:

"Bring your wife and children back to the room early."


Aubrey took her up to the room, he took a warm towel to wipe her body, his eyes were full of tenderness:

"Let me endure the pain."

"No problem." She shook her head, smiling.

Aubrey hugged her tightly, the pain of losing a child he understood, he felt sorry for one girl and left ten, he hurt one, she still hurt ten.

The next morning, Aubrey had left for work early, she was still resting when Amec banged on the door from outside. She got up to open the door, looked at Amec, and said tiredly:

"What's up?"

"Do you still ask about anything? What time have you not eaten yet. Then what do I eat to go to school?"

"I'm still tired, can I have something to eat outside today?"

"No, I can't stand it if I can't eat at home. Come down and cook."

The Amec snapped, not being able to eat at home was just an excuse for him to torture her. Originally, the number of times he ate at home was still counted on his fingers.

"You go down first, then I come down."

"You're fast, or I won't be in time for the exam."

Maria Linda "Yes" for an hour, then changed her clothes and went downstairs. There was not much food left in the refrigerator, she looked at Amec and said:

"The refrigerator is empty. Let me make you a plate of fried rice. But in the fridge, there are only eggs and vegetables."

"No, then I won't be able to take the exam. I want to eat steak, you go buy the ingredients and make it."

Seeing that she still hesitated to go, the Amec continued to speak:

"You don't go quickly. You're late for my exam, can you bear the responsibility?"