
Beast Evolution

[WPC #288 - Silver prize winner!] Ray was more of an average guy in almost everything, whether it was appearance, in sports, or in school except for strength. Ray lost his parents in a car accident when he was little so he grew up in an orphanage. He had no friends and was always bullied in school cause he was skinny so he was an easy target. Then one day when he was running away from bullying he ended up in front of a truck that crushed him and he died. But his life didn't end there as he reincarnated in a fantasy world but as a beast. But with his bad luck, he was reincarnated as a low level beast with low stats, but he has a trump card, An evolution system that helps him in this new world. How will he evolve and become the strongest of All. ..... Author's note Mind you this is not harem, but a few explicit scenes late in the book. This is my first time writing so the early chapters are a little sluggish but it gets better, my English is not the strongest but please bear with me, I'm improving everyday. The cover is not mine I just found it online, so if the owner wants me to take it down, contact me. Check out my new book: MMORPG: Strongest Assassin Online.

Mhizta_Ray · Fantasie
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291 Chs

Chapter 7 Blood weapon

He looked at his system interface and saw his current exp, "this golem mage is a real blessing" Ray said on the ground.

Experience (100/200)

Quest completed

Quest: Defeat lair boss

Reward: 100 Exp 1Ap and 1Sp

Experience (200/200)

Leveling up

+1 to all attribute

+10 to health

+2 to mana

+3 to stamina

+1 Ap(Attribute point)

+1 Sp(Skills point)

Name: Ray

Race: Beast

Level: 3(0/300)

Evolution crystal: (3/10)

Health: 30/30

Stamina: 4/14

Mana: 9/9






Free attribute point(s):[2]

Skill(s): [Power punch] [Inspect]

Free skill(s) point:[2]

[Power punch] level 2: when activated makes the first punch of the user 40% stronger than his normal punch. stamina cost: 4

[Inspect]level 1: view stats of anyone within view range by looking directly in their eyes. stamina cost: 0

"Ha nice" Ray said as he was exhausted, ray crawled on the floor to pick up the mage crystal, it was slightly bigger in size than the ones he had swallowed before.

Stone golem mage crystal

+2 to evolution

*gulp* Ray swallowed the crystal, a tingling sensation filled Ray's body as his lost energy was replenished.

Stamina +2

Stamina refilled: 16/16

"Argh!" Ray shouted as a sharp pain engulfed Ray's entire body as he was on the floor, all his muscles were screaming and his head was on fire.

The pain died down and ray relaxed, "why did this one cause pain?" Ray questioned, Ray stood up ready to leave, "why isn't there a portal?" Ray said, "are they joking with me".

Ray looked around the room searching for doors or a way to leave this secret lair, he found a stone not in place like the first one, "another stone not in place" Ray shouted, so they plan to take me to another secret lair.

"That isn't fair" Ray shouted, a blue light shinned at the back of the room and Ray immediately looked back.

Secret lair cleared proceed to continue dungeon.

The system notified him, "if that is the way outside then" Ray said as he looked at the stone, "what is this?" Ray muttered, "I have an idea" Ray shouted with excitement in his voice.

"One two go" Ray shouted as he pushed the stone in place and ran towards the portal and stopped in front of it, "nothing happened," Ray said as he was ready to jump into the portal any minute.

"Wait nothing really happened" Ray sighed, Ray came back to where the stone was and saw that another of the stone was not in place after pushing the first one.

He pondered whether he should push this one or not, in the end, he pushed it, he heard a crack in the wall but just slightly, then a hole opened in the center of the room and a chest came out.

"Treasure" Ray said excitingly as he ran towards it, it was big in size and locked, with no key around ray looked for other ways to open the chest.

A hole was on the chest but only one hand could fit in, Ray put his hand in the hole, "Arr" Ray removed his hand immediately as he felt himself getting cut, "shit am bleeding" Ray said as he looked around of any piece of cotton to stop the bleeding.

The chest opened with a cracking sound and Ray focused on it and forgot his bleeding hand, the chest opened fully and a pair of weapons were inside, "are those spears, no they are swords right, no" Ray didn't know how to describe the weapon inside.

It had the sharp metal tip of a spear but was short in length like a sword, Ray examined the weapon more closely and picked both of them up.

"Ah!" Ray felt a rush of power entering his body, his body felt weak and he couldn't keep himself standing and fell to his knees, his vision was getting blurry by the second till he let go of the weapon and finally passed out.

Ray's eyes shot open, he tried to remember what happened but his memories were betraying him, he struggled to sit up, when he sat up he saw the short spear and his memories flooded his head, he stood up and moved back from the spear.

"What is that," Ray said inwardly, as he moved more closely but was careful so he would not touch them.


The system prompt came in

You have found the [Blood Spear]

Touch the spear to synchronize with the system.

"Synchronize with the system," Ray said, that is a dangerous weapon I don't want it.

Blood spear

power: -------

Skills: -------

"What is the system trying to tell me" Ray muttered, I should take the weapon, I wonder how powerful it is.

"I would pick it, but if I feel dizzy I would throw it away" sound like a plan Ray said, Ray breathe loudly and picked the weapon, "nothing happened," Ray said.

The system prompt came in

Synchronize blood weapon with system

[Yes] or [No]

"Yes," ray said.

Synchronizing Blood weapon

Blood weapon synchronized

Nothing happened and Ray looked at the spear, "what kind of spear is short like this" Ray said, "but it is nice to have a weapon even though I don't know how to use it".

Ray thought of the main screen so he could see what benefit the blood weapon added.

Name: Ray

Race: Beast

Level: 3(0/300)

Evolution crystal: (5/10)

Health: 30/30

Stamina: 4/16

Mana: 9/9






Free attribute point(s):[2]

Skill(s): [Power punch] [Inspect]

Free skill(s) point:[2]

Weapon: Blood spear

Weapon skill(s):[Ownership] [Blood swap] [Locked]

[Ownership]: Blood spear will return to the hands of the owner anytime he wants.

[Blood swap]: When user health is low, any successful hit will drain opponent health and add to the user.

"Whoa! Whoa!" sweet Ray said as he saw the skills of the weapon, wow who knew such a weapon would be here, "at least with this my survival rate has increased" Ray smiled.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Mhizta_Raycreators' thoughts