


Evelyn hummed as she brushed her lady's hair, dressing and adorning it.

The weather was bright and suitable to take a walk round the Palace.

The air was filled with excitement, every corner of the Palace the maids were either whispering happily or giggling as they walked through the place.

She had noticed how focused Clara was reading the book in her hand that she barely touched her breakfast or pay attention to her dressing.

My lady look at how lovely the weather is today...

It's okay ,

Clara's answer was short as she flipped over the book batting her lashes cutely and she gave a little yawn.

Just okay?...am sure am not the only one who appreciates the weather so why is it only OKAY.

She tries getting a bit of her attention,

Clara looked at evelyn reflection from the dressing mirror and found her bitting the corner of her lips, something she did whenever she had something to say.

What is it evelyn, if you want to say something to me then do so stalling me with this simp questions about the weather is a waste of time.

Well am happy that milady has become fond of visiting the library and reading, but there's surely other things you would enjoy apart from that.

Now she had her full attention, she closed the book and putted it aside and stared at evelyn through the mirror.

Is something wrong with the books I read?

Don't look at me like that milady just take a look at yourself from the mirror, you've been so engrossed with your books these days that you barely have time for a simple breakfast.

The sleeping bags under your eyes are too obvious, can't even hide them with the makeup.

She looked at the mirror and sighed, evelyn was right and she looked like the shell of herself.

It wouldn't be like this if only Arthur wasn't constantly jogging her with these assignments of his.

After meeting Arthur, the mysterious man the day at the library, things had taken a turn for her, the stranger who had introduced himself as a wondering soul locked in the East door of the library piqued her interest and occupied her mind for the past one week.

He had appeared twice in her constant visit and he only managed to stay visible for barely a minute.

And finally she had discovered something else, reading through the last book he pointed to before he vanished the last time she learnt things about him.

Most importantly that he was going to appear two nights from now on the PYDRON festival.

She was reading and studying the language he had spoken to her in, which was an ancient eastern language, she was determined to talk to this mysterious man the coming night.

So determined that she lost herself buried in these books all day.

What should I do evelyn, I didn't find anything else that caught my fancy, any ideas.

Evelyn brought the tray of food to the dresser and massaged her foot.

First milady must eat up and next we should talk about speaking with his highness, lord elroyan.

The food infront of her was tempting and her eyes glittered at the sight of the huge chicken serving.

As she seized one of the juicy wings she bit into it,and swallow it down barely chewing.

Milady...you have a visitor,

Evelyn informed her, but all she could think of was consuming the entire serving.

If she had known that she had been working out of her own body to the point that she missed good food like these, then she would have considered leaving Arthur's mystery.

"Ahemm..., milady lady gaiel is with us now"

Ohh..., that was the only thing Clara could say Realising that she was covered in the juicy sauce of the chicken serving.

She wiped her lips with the napkin on the table and gulped flustered.

Welcome lady gaiel....

The disgusting look she saw in lady gaiel's eyes stopped the words in her mouth, following her fixed eyes, they landed on the chunk of the chicken in her hand.

Clara rose from her seat, her eyes locked on Lady Gaiel's. "Lady Gaiel, what a surprise. I didn't expect to see you here."

Indeed, it's my first time here but milady seems to have known me.

Well you did leave an impression the first time I saw you, slapping your father's maid.


Lady Gaiel looked flustered, she hadn't expected anyone to be around that day why did this woman have to witness that little flare of hers.

Well I've been busy with issues in the capital and I was very surprised to find out that Lord elroyan had brought back a bride....without informing me.

The last part was obvious, that the lady assumed a close friendship with Lord Elroyan.

The young maid next to Gaiel showed no expression on her young face.

She didn't look like a maid and even the style of her hair wasn't ordinary.

Well things did happen fast,

Milady am sure you know.i didn't come her to drink tea and talk about me , can we talk of other things.

Yes of course.

It just that every noble woman in the capital have Neen wondering why yo haven't made a.public appearance since you arrived.

Everyone thought I was definitely going to be Lord Elroyan's bride , but what can I say he shocked me too.


Clara drew a questioning look and voice at her.

Am not human as you may know and neither is Lord Elroyan, bigns of the same kind are bound to link it a natural order.

So tell me what made the Lord of the Eastern emperor bend to marry the likes of you.

Every effort for this woman infront of her to sound neutral wasn't okay.

Lady gaiel it seems you can't even hide the fact that you're interested in Lord elroyan, more than a friend should , even after being aware that he is now married and has a wife....

A wife.....wi..fe...

Lady gaiel burst lnto a fit of laughter, her sweet voice that filled the air jingling mockingly.

A wife you say..Haahaa....,

Milady...or should I say lady clara, I don't mean to be rude but you certainly didn't think you were his wife..did you.

Evelyn's face quickly contoured to a frown, it qas one thing to speak to her lady, but speaking about where Clara held in the Palace was outrageous.

What do you mean lady gaiel?,

Lady Gaiel's gaze roamed over Clara's face, her expression a mix of disdain and superiority. "I must say, you look...different. Almost...radiant. One would think you're trying to impress someone."

Clara's heart raced as she sensed the direction of Lady Gaiel's words. "And what if I am?" she replied, her voice steady.

Lady Gaiel chuckled, a cold, mirthless sound. "Oh, milady, you can't possibly think you're the only woman in Lord Elroyan's life. He has...tastes, shall we say, that go far beyond your...limited charms."

Clara's face burned with anger, but she kept her composure. "Limited charms?" she repeated, her voice dripping with sweetness. "Ah, Lady Gaiel, your choice of word is bad. But I suppose it's to be expected from someone as...experienced as yourself."

Lady Gaiel's eyes narrowed, her face reddening. "What are you implying, milady?"

Clara took a step closer, her voice low and even. "I'm implying that you're trying to claim a connection with Lord Elroyan that doesn't exist. And even if it did, which it doesn't, I'm not sure I'd be threatened by someone as...as yourself."

The air was thick with tension as the two women locked eyes. Lady Gaiel's face twisted in anger, but Clara continued, her words dripping with venom. "You see, Lady Gaiel, while you may have a certain...reputation in the capital, I am the one who has captured Lord Elroyan's heart. And as for the capital, they may be dying to see me, but it's not just my face they're interested in. It's my intelligence, my wit, and my grace. Qualities you, dear Lady Gaiel, seem to be sorely lacking."

Lady Gaiel's face turned white with rage, her eyes flashing with anger. "You...you little fool," she spat, her voice trembling. "You think you can take on me? I'll have you know, I have the ear of the king himself!"

Clara laughed, a cold, mocking sound. "Oh, how quaint. You think being the king's daughter is something to be proud of? I have the heart of Lord Elroyan, and that's all that matters. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have more important things to attend to. Like my dinner, which I'm sure is getting cold."

With a dismissive wave, Clara turned her back on Lady Gaiel and returned to her seat, leaving the lady and her maid to storm off in a huff. As she sat down, Clara's heart raced with excitement and fear, but she kept her composure, knowing she had won this round. For now.

it's slow and not coming out the waybits supposed to be, sorry.

Let's smile 2oth our verified days to drop.


Wednesdays and


Lollita19piecreators' thoughts