
Battlepet Masters

An asteroid crashed into a planet, forever changing the environment and all the creatures living there. Afterwards, portals started randomly appearing, with hordes of alien lifeforms pouring out and killing what lies in their path. For the human civilizations to survive, humans started harnessing the environment to help empower themselves to the extreme, and to contract animals to help strengthen themselves and fight. Follow Jamie on his journey as he embarks on the path of becoming the ultimate Battlepet Master.

Ultravioletx · Fantasie
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60 Chs

Chapter 37 - Meeting at a Bar

As they drew closer to the grey building, they could hear a bland voice coming from the situation room.

"Douglas, a friend of Yara Davis, has been detained last night after lashing out at a Sherot at Carlos's Bar after drinking too much. Here's video footage of him as he lashed out."

A loud sound of clattering could be heard from the large black television as Jamie and Emily approached the Situation Room, shortly followed by sounds of a scuffle, of wheezing, grunts, and thuds. A man bellowed out loud.

"Let go of me F*ckers. F*ck H-Supreme. F*ck the Sherot."

As the cursing rang out, Lennox's hand involuntarily clenched, and Taylor's body tensed. They both paused briefly, before continuing to make there way to the situation room.

As Jamie and Emily arrived at the Situation Room, they saw everyone in it looking at the large television, where a large, bulky male was displayed wearing a blue and red checkered shirt has his arms pinned behind him by a man in a crew cut wearing a black, loose shirts and pants, with white stripes on the sleeves.

A scattering of wooden tables and chairs lay demolished on the floor, and the wooden, glistening floor had a couple of holes in it, and the brown dirt was faintly visible. Two people were getting up from the floor, and the another man wearing a black, loose shirts and pants, with white stripes on the sleeves, was standing in front of a Sherot with a mangled left wing, with blood pooling on the floor.

As the people on the floor were getting up, a couple of people in green military uniforms entered the bar, and walked towards the bulky male wearing a blue and red checkered shirt, and grabbed him, restraining him and leading out of the room as he continued to cuss out loud. The feed cut back to the man in a suit, with a backdrop of a forest behind him.

"A reminder to everyone, that our allies are not...."

A hand lightly slapped Jamie on the back. He turned his head, to see John, wearing a blue and white long sleeved padded shirt, and blue pants. John's eyes raised as he saw Jamie didn't flinch.

"Congrats on getting to Martial Warrior stage 1."


"Hey John. How has it been on this planet so far?"

"It's been great. The yellow suns are a bit w.....wait, planet?"

Emily smirked. "You didn't know? Planet."

Johns mouth hung open for a brief moment, and Emily started giggling at his reaction. John's mouth closed, as he saw people wearing the same clothing walk past him. He frowned, then looked at Jamie "Would you guys be up for joining us tonight? We were all going to grab a drink at a place called Goxuboon's liquor."

Jamie looked around the room, and noted that there were five others wearing the same clothing as John. A brief frown appeared on his face, and his mouth opened up, to refuse, before Emily opened her mouth.

"Sure. I know the place you are talking about. We will see you there."

Jamie turned to look at Emily, as she tapped into her soul, projecting her thought to Jamie. "Don't try get out of this one. It's just one night."

Jamie face twitched slightly, finding it slightly disorientating. Jamie forced a smile and looked at John. "See you there."

John's eyes widened slightly. "Damn, you agreed easily. Were meeting at 10:30pm. See you both there."

John rushed forward to join his group, led by a seemingly harmless, frail old man with white hair. Jamie turned to Emily, saying in a flat voice.

"Thanks. Much appreciated."

Emily shot him a grin "Any time."

Jamie took a deep breath, closed his eyes briefly, then walked towards the Creatures section, Emily, walking by his side. They reached a table in the 'Creatures' area just as Lennox started showing Taylor his findings."The only worthwhile creature left in a ten mile radius is the Lunar Wolf and Two Winged Lunar Snake, and those are rare to find, and competition for those beast's are harsh. Surely that would be enough to convince Ivan."

"I agree with you, but will that be enough to convince Ivan?"

"It should, if we both argue this case with Ivan. Are you with me?"

Taylor hesitated. "Sure."

They got up, and turned to leave as Jamie and Emily were seated at another table. Jamie looked at the beasts in the region and scrolled through them. His eyes lit up as he say the details. There were five creatures they could grab in total, one being the Two Winged Lunar Snake. He could take the opportunity to ….."

A squeal of delight broke out next to him, cutting off his thought process, and he saw Emily looking at a picture of a Pink Fur, Red Eye Rabbit. Jamie got up from his seat, and tapped into his Astral Energy, projecting his thought to Emily, mentally shouting.

"I will see you at Goxuboon's liquor! I found all the information I need!"

He saw Emily cut off mid squeal, face twitching slightly, and walked out of the Situation Room to the apartment complex, smiling.


Jamie stood in front of a mirror, looking at himself dressed in a black, long sleeved collar shirt and black pants. He took a deep breath, and looked at Eve besides him, who was lying on the floor next to him, looking at the mirror, with her head up, ears perked, and her two tails twitching,

"Eve, do you know what to do?"

"Yes. Start whimpering and pretend I have a stomach ache. Why do you need to go through all this effort though? This should be fun."

"To get out of this situation. I don't plan to linger for too long. Alcohol plus a large group, give me a break."

"Why didn't you just refuse earlier then?"

"Because Emily has a point. It's only one night."

"She said that? When?"

"She projected her thought to me, like I did to Blackwing when we weren't bonded. It wasn't exactly the most pleasant experience."

"And you did it back as you got up from the chair in the Situation Room earlier, didn't you?"

Jamie let out a light chuckle. "Payback's a b*tch."

Jamie looked at himself in the mirror, and took a deep breath. "Let's get this over with."


Jamie started walked towards a glistening yellow, wooden building, with Eve trailing behind. On the top was an image of a green humanoid face, with it's head tilted back, a small yellow cup at it's lips. Next to it, in large yellow words with a black outline was written 'Goxuboon's Liquor.'

Outside, he could see Emily dressed up in a plain pink wrap dress, talking with John and his group near the entrance, still wearing their blue and white uniform. He walked over to them, ramrod straight.

"Hey man, took your time."

Jamie watched watched John as he raised his hand, counting the people around them, and watching their expressions.. After a beat had passed after John had spoken, Jamie smiled. "Hello all. I don't think I am the last one to arrive."

A collective laugh broke out form the group. A muscular man with wide brows responded. "Just waiting on Brandon. He has always been slow. May as well head in now, by the time he gets here, one hour would have passed."

They joined the small line at the pub, and entered two minutes later, after being scrutinized by a man in a suit to make sure they weren't drunk. Everything in the pub looked to be crafted in wood, but had a yellow glow covering it. The tables were evenly spread throughout the bar, two wide by six people long. What was noteworthy though, was that the tables, and bar stools placed around the tables, were almost as tall as an average persons height.

"Whoa, those are some tall tables."

Jamie frowned when he noted the tables height, and looked around the bar, as the soft murmur in the bar filled his ears, His eyes locking on a tall humanoid figure with green skin, and large black, feathered wings sprouting out of it's back, cascading downwards, before everything clicked in his mind. He withdrew his gaze as the man with wide brows responded.

"Who cares. Lets grab a table."

The man with wide brows led the group to a vacant table furthest from the entrance. They all took a seat, with Jamie opting to sit at the chair furthest from the group, at the right end of the table. He had to use yellowish rings supports of the three wooden legs of the chair to sit on the chair, his face twitching slightly slightly as he sat on the seat, Eve sitting besides his seat. He looked at the table, and picked up the laminated paper showing images of the drinks and food available, and their names and prices.