
Battle of Ages Zero

LOGIN_HERO · Fantasie
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3 Chs


Jay|so what you gonna after becoming grand master

Filo|well magic school gonna take a year till it's ready I might take a adventure

Jay|so this good bye

Filo| for now anyway let's get this over with

Jay|Good luck



Filo|That lasted forever it's almost sunset now

¿|so your filo

Filo|who's asking

¿|chill out I'm on your side


¿|staring today I'm your teacher

Filo|do you even know who I am

¿|filo the grandmaster creator of magic

Filo|what makes you think you can teach me

¿| try and attack me

Filo| easy (attacks

(:/¿:\)|TIME STOP

Filo|*How is this possible freezing time is this really possible with magic*

¿|it is

Filo|when did he and how

¿|so I think it's safe I'm your master
