
Battle of Ages Zero

LOGIN_HERO · Fantasy
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3 Chs


?|Your family is dead your fiends are dead your home is destroyed

?| yet you still try to face me

Filo|You may had took everything i loved but you can't take my wil

?| oh really

Filo|Yeah (gets ready to attack)

?|Come at me


Filo|grins) Zeros Bind

?| No you couldn't have that's a fourth wall move

Filo| I know because I Made it

*Elven years earlier *

Filo|looks like it's going rain

Jay|yo filo

Filo|hey jay

Jay| what's the grandmaster doing up here

Filo| please don't call me that

Jay|you should be happy you came a long way

Filo| I'm happy that I created magic but...

Jay| hey don't worry about that


Jay|come on the ceremony about to start

Filo|sure lets

Honestly I had no idea what I was doing I have all ways had a story in my mind but never knew how to get it out so I guess I’ll try and see what happens? Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Ps. This is my first time doing this so I may not be great or good

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