
Battle of a warrior: Princess or a Saviour

She was born as unwanted child unknown about her true origin.Her sacrifice was unknown to history,she remained in shadows...some said she died in childbirth...some said she did not exists...its her story...its princess Durdhara's story...her pain for her people, her valour for her country...her revenge for family....and her strong determination to unit India It story of ancient India, the period of changes and war when Alexander was standing on the gate of India by crossing the Hindukush mountains..the great king Porus is defeated and Greek satrap are ruling the fronterir kingdom slowly sewing inwards. India is divded.It was a hour to unite india and hero did rise to unify, he was called chandragupta and his power was Durdhara. Its a lore of true love, that started with scarifice,hate,tears but they achieved it all together...she was his shadow, his support and he was her protector...her Chandra and she was his Dhara. The story of earth and moon..the eternal couple that together made history his name is still known and her name is lost in the dust of time. Chandra: My face is not something a beautiful princess like you can handle, our union is just based on a arrangement don't push it. Dhara: Hmm, ur afraid ill will reject you, i don't have that option. I have promised to fulfill my promise to your guru(teacher). i wont backout, i will be called coward for it. i may be many things but im defiantly not a coward Kumar(Mr).

kirti007 · Geschichte
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4 Chs


At the early hour of bhrama prahara a women was screaming in agony their was lot of hustle and bustle in the palace. all the doctors and midwives of the palace were moving around. strong smell of blood and herb were spreading all over. the whole palace was awake as if it getting ready for the war. everyone was afraid and waiting in anticipation because the crown prince consort, crown princess was giving birth to her second child and everyone hoped it was a boy because the royal priest as announced that the baby that will born today will decided the destiny of bharatvarsha( India) and the childs sword will be like a shield protecting these land. The emperor Mahapadmananad and his son crown prince dhananand were pacing in corridor, the empress was in with the crown princess. the emperor suddenly stopped and looked at his son and than saw outside the huge city of patalipurta thinking about the new arrival, he may ignore his son's alcohol habits and womanising tendency but he have fate in his daughter-in-law. he hoped everything will be fine, his son dhanaanad is quit capable in politics and administration out of his all nine sons. he hoped like him, his son also had one wife in his bed and beside his throne but it waste hoping that. suddenly there is loud scream of the women followed by a loud cry of the child. the maid came running out and announced the birth of a princess. the emperor removed the ornaments from his neck and gifted the maid with a big smile on his face, and turned towards his son and went and hugged him saying and crying the cure is lifted the crime of there ancestor have been pardon, a girl child is born after the seven generation. while princes is in dazzz, he is shocked and title unsteady due to alcohol and surprise that a baby girl is born. the empror's laughter wake him up and he looks at his father that if he is disappointed as royal priest announced a birth of a warrior but its a girl. suddenly the door is opened again and empress call both of them inside, the mother and daughter a taking rest suddely the women pick up the baby and hand it over to her father. he lift her and look at her with mixed feeling of utter happiness and disappointment. on the other hand the grandfather is radiating happiness and took the child from his confused sons hand. after holding the baby near his heart he cried and kissed her temple. the empress, the prince and his wife are shocked due to the emprore show of emotion. suddenly he took away the girl with him towards the royal court were ministers are waiting and empress is running behind him. when mahapadma nanad reached him mighty lion throne with huge court in front of himself all the ministers waiting in anticipation due to royal priest prophecy. the royal court have huge arch made up on the sandlewood with gold designs in it, the floor is made of black marble. the hall is made is a way that if somebody even wisphers in any corner the king will be able to here. there are royal shadow guards station in all the corners in position to protect king and royal family. as the emperor took the throne the empress also arrived. suddenly everyone started asking question about the new born child , the emperor with his hand he signale the court to be silent. Than the emperor of Magada who is know as stiff, cold and ruthless give a brilliant simle and had shocked many. than the king announced, my dear fellow magadians, i am proud to announce that by grace of lord shiva my house is grace with the first girl in seven generation the curse on my house is lifted. the goddesses of wealth (lakshmi) as grace my home. Prime minister go announced in the kingdom their will be seven day festival is the kingdom give gift and food make my dear granddaughter arrival a festival. Go....

there is quit of mixed feeling but the most prominat was happiness. they all knew how much their king wanted girl to be born in the house. all the Nanda's from generation had sons even the illegitimate offsprings were male. it was shock to many and many were disappointment that the warrior is not born because its a girl. than the royal priest came ahead with twinkling eyes to loom at the child, when he saw the child he blessed the girl and gave a secrets smile than was not missed by the emperor. than the royal priest announced the child naming ceremony will he held on the seventh day from today in the swati nakashra( constellation of goddess shakti) seventh day the thursday. the empress took the baby from the emperor hands and gave him a scolding look to took the new born away from her mother and return to the princess chamber. when she neared the chamber dhana nanad voice was heard, who was consoling his wife and defending his enthusiastic father. the empress came in the room and gave the baby to the princess who than took her and started feeding the child. while the empress left wishing and blessing the couple.

This chapter is kind on jump back in time, it a memory of a person you all will know who in future.

this chapter o a base why the princess have so much power..

this chapter is all lovely and all but wait..

kirti007creators' thoughts