
Battle of a warrior: Princess or a Saviour

She was born as unwanted child unknown about her true origin.Her sacrifice was unknown to history,she remained in shadows...some said she died in childbirth...some said she did not exists...its her story...its princess Durdhara's story...her pain for her people, her valour for her country...her revenge for family....and her strong determination to unit India It story of ancient India, the period of changes and war when Alexander was standing on the gate of India by crossing the Hindukush mountains..the great king Porus is defeated and Greek satrap are ruling the fronterir kingdom slowly sewing inwards. India is divded.It was a hour to unite india and hero did rise to unify, he was called chandragupta and his power was Durdhara. Its a lore of true love, that started with scarifice,hate,tears but they achieved it all together...she was his shadow, his support and he was her protector...her Chandra and she was his Dhara. The story of earth and moon..the eternal couple that together made history his name is still known and her name is lost in the dust of time. Chandra: My face is not something a beautiful princess like you can handle, our union is just based on a arrangement don't push it. Dhara: Hmm, ur afraid ill will reject you, i don't have that option. I have promised to fulfill my promise to your guru(teacher). i wont backout, i will be called coward for it. i may be many things but im defiantly not a coward Kumar(Mr).

kirti007 · History
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Ahead in the memory

After the empress went the whole court was silent and agitated that what to do, the miracle they were hoping was not true. the more shock how did the royal priest prophecy was false it never happened. the emperor saw all the doughnut faces, than while smiling he announced ' it does matter to this king if the child is not boy, we Nanda have boys in every corner of this place , it first time a girl is born. so forget and celebrated it not less than a miracle'. the one person with higher sense of Serena on his face wearing a white angavastra and dhoti with Rudrakas ornament on his body and sandalwood Tika on his forehead came head everyone attention was him. when emperor noticed him he said ' say acharya chanak what you want to say, my day is dry with ur witty comment and intelligent thought'. looking at such a interesting permission to speak, this Wiseman rply ' my lord. this advisor would like to Congratulations you on this auspicious event, it the will of permeswara( god) that lakshmi ( its a way of referring to girl child) as arrived in your home, i am envious of your fortune my lord'. the emperor was puzzled by this reply and asked him what do u mean by envious your son vishnugupt is a scholar among the younger generation, a son that every father can be proud of why ur envious is beyond my understanding. the bramana archaya reply my lord a girl can bring wisdom, power and fortune to a household she join all the family together with her love and laughter but i have only one son who is a serious as a old 90 year old man even being 23 what the use of such scholar son if he even can't make me happy just looking at him when i go home. the reply got quit bit of laughter from all the minister, courtesan and advisor and all of them agreed with this head advisor chanak that indeed a daughter was the light of the house. the previous doubt and unhappiness was forgotten. suddenly the empress with long line of maids and servant carrying all kind of sweet and drink for the whole court to enjoy on this occasion. the celebration final date and time was decided and all the placed prepared for the festival. the emperor than dismissed the court and signal his prime minister and other advisors to join him for private meeting in inner court. Discretely all of them arrived one after another in total Seven minsters three advisors and emperor. the emperor acknowledged them with serious look, the room the arrived was closed round space with a blooming lotus above it and 11 chairs around it,it was designed in a way that no voice will go out but the single change in the corridor will be vibrated through the whole room, this room had many traits only the person with imperial token that act as allot when put in the 11 different door assigned to each individual can enter. the precaution was extraordinary. the empror observe all his ministers the head advisor chanak, the second advor ravindra, the third advisor banabhut. the minister of finance, Chandrabhan, the prime minister vatulyabhat, the military head veerbhadra, the spy head Vikrant with other minister like vajrabhahu, Dilip, deepnanad and kishor.

the emperor was in deep thought, but Vikrant had to convey a urgent message to the emperor so he got up and went to the employer and gave him the letter. the emperor took it started reading and the letter was ending the emperor dace was dark. minister vatulyabhat asked ' what happened my lord is there a serious problem' the emperor looked at all the minister and said 'my fear was right our gates are not safe' persian emperor Dharush ( Darius III) is interefereing with the Greek politics, many assassins attempts are done one the King Philip of mesopoteniya, i fear it will invite the invader to our land' our india is not united and i cant do that due to my old age and none of sons and grandsons are capable enough to do it'.