

Thousands of years ago, there was an extremely advanced civilisation on Earth. This civilisation had technology so advanced, they could do just about anything they wished. They had discovered the secret of unlimited energy: the ability to draw strength from the life force of any living creature. They had discovered time travel, and some used these time machines for ill use. This was the cause of the first war of the races. Each race - the ten dragons, the elves, and the humans - believed they were the best to use this technology to better society. Eventually the petty bickering grew to angry debate, which eventually got to killing. Thus the war started.

Fourteen years into the war, a group of scientists and wizards from each race called the first meeting of the Colentium, a society devoted to peace and the preservation of knowledge both mundane and arcane. They elected two Headmen - one wizard, one scientist - to watch over the proceedings and resolve any disputes. The Colentium decided that the fighting had to be resolved, so they combined their knowledge and power and created the race of dwarves. These dwarves joined in the struggle and persuaded the elves and humans to join together against the dragons. When the ten dragons heard of this, they called a truce, saying they were also sick of the fighting.

The peace lasted for many years, with the Colentium as supreme head of the world. Then, one day, a new race emerged from deep under the mountains - the Fírtena. These Fírtena were a dark, shadowy race that no one had ever seen before. One Fírtena walked into the Colentium and killed the two Headmen, taking their seats for himself. The rest of the assembly fought, but one by one he got into their minds and subjugated them. Only 10 escaped with the knowledge they had protected.

As soon as word got out, every race declared war on the Fírtena, who had shown that they had mind-controlling abilities. The dwarves, a hasty and impatient race, were the first to attack them, but one-third of the race stayed behind. The other two-thirds were subjugated quickly, and each third became different in appearance to the other two. The first, a greenish skinned people, became known as the race of gnomes, while the second, a heavy, greyskinned people, became known as the race of trolls. The gnomes had an affinity with all plant life, and were even able to control it to a small degree. The trolls had an ability to disguise themselves so thoroughly it would take the most cunning elven hunter with the smartest tracking technology to find them. The dwarves had a much simpler ability: regeneration. If they were ever hurt in any way, all they had to do was place stone on the affected area and it was instantly healed.