
Chapter One

The old '67 Ford hacked out a sharp cough as a tall, blond, well built man wearing a 2000's mechanic's habit turned the old ignition. Sam Colder sighed with satisfaction as the engine he had been working on for three months finally turned over. "Hey, Gunt, get over here." Gunter 'Gunt' Riley ran over to the car as soon as he heard the car start... without stopping again. "Did you find the problem?" he asked. "Yeah, the carburrettor was a little stiff. I gave it a bit of a clean off from all the dust that somehow got there, and she ran like a top." Gunter started turning red when he heard the bit about dust. He had been working on an MDF door frame and found out it was too long, so he cut a bit off, sending dust onto the car in the process. He cleaned all the outside up, but didn't think to check the engine.

"Don't worry, mate, I forgive you... but boy, if the car hadn't started, you'd be looking for a new job right now. You hear me?" admonished Sam.

"Yes sir," came the reply from a suddenly not so talkative Gunter.

"Well, don't let it happen again. Now, how about we take this girl out for a test drive?"

Without another word, Gunter hopped in the front and was about to put it in gear when suddenly everything was lit up by an electric blue light. The two mechanics leapt back with a cry as a man appeared.

"Can you tell me the way to your hold please?" he said as if randomly materialising from a blue light was a commonplace event.

"Our hold? What do you mean, 'Our hold?' " asked Sam as the man started checking a fancy watch he had. Suddenly the man blanched and said, "Oh dear, I am so sorry. Someone gave me the wrong Timestamp. Please forget that you ever saw me." And with that, he vanished with the same eerie blue light as before.

"Now what on Earth was that?" said Gunter, almost in hysterics.

"I don't know, but he said to forget we ever saw him, and I very much think we would be better off doing so."