
Ballad of the Crows

He reincarnated with the mission of the one above all, but not everything is as it seems. War on all scales. This is not a typical protagonist story, so don't expect the protagonist to be someone who achieves everything with the power of friendship. The protagonist's ideology is 'the end justifies the means'

deimospendragon · Anime und Comics
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164 Chs

Duel of Swords

Katahara and Augur entered the office, which was quite spacious, with only a desk and two chairs. The plaque on the desk read "Sheriff Laffitte."

Van Augur: So our next member is named Laffitte.

Katahara: I'll tell you about him while we wait for him to arrive.

Katahara: Sheriff Laffitte is a bit cruel and violent, but he's also a talented navigator, not to mention his stealth skills. Like you, if he joins us, he'll be quite a force in the near future. Listen, we have to be cautious about him, Augur, until we can trust him.

Van Augur: So he has particular skills. It'll be interesting to meet him and see if he joins us... Don't worry, Captain, I'll keep an eye on him until he's someone we can trust.

After saying that, Katahara went to the chair and sat down to wait, while Augur stood behind him.

After a few minutes, footsteps were heard, and when the door opened, a man incredibly pale and sickly-looking could be seen, very tall and thin. He was wearing a white long-sleeved shirt with yellow and navy blue crosses patterned on it, along with a pair of gold earrings and abnormally dark red lips. He wore a black top hat and carried a red wooden cane.

He glanced at two men with black cloaks with red clouds, one of them wearing an oriental hat covering his face, while the other had his face uncovered and carried a long rifle slung over his shoulder, so he grabbed his cane ready to shoot if anything were to happen.

Laffitte: How can I help you?

Katahara: Calm down, Laffitte... it would be wise not to draw your shikomizue in front of us... I've heard you like to be violent with criminals.

Laffitte: So you know me.

He replied, smiling, as he waved his cane.

Laffitte: Tell your boss that everything I hear is just a rumor.

Katahara: You think we work for someone, but I must tell you that's a mistake. I came here to propose something to you, Laffitte.

Laffitte: Why should I listen to what you have to say? I don't even know you, and I can't even see your face with that hat you're wearing.

Katahara: It's curious, but you know, you don't have to listen to what I have to say, but I would appreciate it if you did.

Laffitte: Then tell me, what do you want?

Katahara: You think the Marines won't find out what you're doing here. Join me, and you'll have enough people to commit any violence you want as long as you follow my orders.

But before Laffitte could respond, a large group of people could be heard outside the building.

Marine: Devil Sheriff Laffitte, come out!

Katahara: Seems like I'm a prophet, Laffitte.

Laffitte only looked at Katahara without responding and left the building.

When Laffitte opened the door, he could see a brigade of Marines pointing rifles at them.

Laffitte: Tell me how I can help you.

Marine: The reason we came here, we learned about all the atrocities you committed as sheriff... we have orders to remove you from your position as sheriff, from now on, you're banished from this town.

While the Marine explained the reason for their visit, Katahara and Augur exited the building and listened to everything.

Looks like luck is on my side today, thought Katahara.

Laffitte turned around and headed towards Katahara.

Laffitte: I suppose your offer still stands, right?

To which Katahara nodded, receiving a courteous bow from Laffitte.

Marine: Who are you?

Katahara: Augur.

Van Augur only needed him to say his name to start shooting.


*BAM* *BAM* *BAM* 

Half of the marines died from Augur's rapid and precise shots, then Katahara unsheathed his sword and ran towards the marines, killing the other half of the marines in an instant.

Katahara: With this, I hope you realize you're not dealing with a couple of useless people.

Laffitte could only smile at what Katahara said.

Laffitte: I knew you were strong since I walked into the office, but I didn't know he was so good with his rifle.

Katahara: Oh, where are my manners, you still don't know who your captain is... I'm Katahara D. Uchiha and my comrade here is called Van Augur...

Katahara: I don't want any of you to interfere in this.

But before they could respond, a man with a pointed black beard with sideburns as well as a messy mustache appeared wearing a navy blue cap with flaps on both sides of his head and a piece of armor covering his back, he wore a black suit with two rows of buttons with a yellow shirt and a red tie.

Marine: Filthy murderers will pay for this, I, Commodore Daigin, will take care of this.

Katahara: You don't have to worry about them, this will be settled between us two.

The time has come to put all the training I've been doing to the test, thought Katahara.

He activated his Sharingan and took off his hat, unsheathing his Kitetsu sword.

At that moment, the commodore approached Katahara while delivering a vertical cut, which was dodged and countered by a vertical cut, which he managed to block in time.

Katahara began clashing swords with Commodore Daigin, who was able to keep up with the pace of the attacks without any issues.

Daigin used Soru to start surrounding him, appearing and disappearing around him.

At the instant he appeared behind Katahara, the commodore received a powerful blow that interrupted his attack. Commodore Daigin could barely use Tekkai to reduce the impact of the blow, yet he was still thrown back 4 meters from the received strike.

Daigin: I didn't expect you to be such a skilled fighter, but it's time, but that doesn't change the fact that you will die today.

Commodore Daigin got up and ran towards his opponent, clashing his sword against Katahara's sword, starting to deliver powerful sword strikes. Katahara received each blow with his Shodai Kitetsu, demonstrating his skilled sword handling as neither gave ground, to the point where the clash of the swords caused wind waves in all directions.

The commodore realized how skilled his opponent's swordsmanship was, so he became more cautious.

Laffitte's Point Of View:

Laffitte: Augur, the captain is a great fighter.

Van Augur: The captain practices with his sword every day, right after physical training, and he's been doing it for the months we've been searching for you, Laffitte. It seems the captain wanted you on the crew no matter what.

At that moment, they began to feel the wind waves caused by the confrontation.

Laffitte: The captain's sword handling is on another level...

Van Augur: You haven't seen anything yet, Laffitte. The captain is only using his sword in this fight. If he had started using his other abilities, this battle wouldn't have lasted so long.

To which he only received a wicked smile from Laffitte who was excited about the unfolding battle.

Katahara's POV: Commodore helped me realize my mistakes. I must thank him for that... Let's continue this fight, it's very stimulating.

Expressed Katahara as he continued attacking Commodore Daigin, who had noticed that Katahara's attacks had started to become faster and more precise.

At that moment, Commodore Daigin delivered a direct blow towards Katahara's chest, receiving a cut on the shoulder, cutting it instantly.

At the moment he stabbed Katahara, Katahara's body dispersed into a flock of crows, which began to caw.

Daigin: What is this ability? Are you a Devil Fruit consumer?

The crows regrouped at a safe distance, forming Katahara's body again.

Katahara: I must say, you surprised me. I didn't expect you to sacrifice your left arm to kill me.

At that moment, Katahara approached and began to launch fierce slashes at Commodore Daigin, who realized that Katahara was improving his swordsmanship with every passing second, to the point where the Commodore received a diagonal cut on his chest. Seizing this opportunity, Katahara delivered a powerful kick to Commodore Daigin's face, preventing him from flying towards the police station.

Then he began to make hand seals, while Commodore Daigin recovered and tried to approach Katahara.

At that moment, he grabbed the sword again.

Katahara: Launch Chidori.

As he aimed his Shodai Kitetsu sword towards Daigin's right leg, channeling the Chidori through the sword piercing his leg.


Daigin screamed in pain, Katahara had intercepted him while trying to approach, keeping him standing, while he placed his sword horizontally and swung it towards Daigin's other leg, piercing it slightly with the sword blocked by the latter's leg.

Katahara retracted his Chidori Spear and jumped towards the commodore and launched a diagonal slash, which was received by Commodore Daigin, who was thrown against the wall of a house.

He approached slowly to Commodore Daigin, who was on the ground leaning against a wall.

Katahara: Commodore Daigin, I hope you make better decisions in your next life.

After saying that, he pierced Commodore Daigin's chest, ending his life.

Katahara: Well, I guess with this I could officially say that I'm a pirate... Let's go to the ship, we'll sail immediately to the Grand Line.

Laffitte was amazed by what he had just witnessed, thankful he didn't have to face the person in front of him. Van Augur had a smile on his face, seeing how strong his captain was. Both were astonished by what they had just seen, yet they followed orders and headed to the ship.

[Congratulations to the host, for killing a commodore... you earned a total of 62,500Cp.]

Damn, I removed the big premium, I killed that commodore, but by killing him, I'll now be an enemy of the Marines. This advances my plans a bit, thought Katahara.