
Ballad of the Crows

New chapters will be released regularly on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

deimospendragon · Anime und Comics
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168 Chs

Beginning a Collection

Loguetown is a city on the Polestar Islands in East Blue, covering almost the entire island on which it is located, except for some steep hills. The city is also known as "The city of the beginning and the end" because it is where the former Pirate King Gol D. Roger was born and executed.

Before arriving at the port to dock the ship, Katahara decided to buy an Akatsuki suit for Augur, for which he paid 100 Cp. While in his cabin, after the suit appeared, he went out of his cabin towards the helm where Augur was navigating.

Katahara: Augur... before we dock, take this.

At that moment, Katahara handed Augur the long black cloak with red clouds, which was longer than usual for Augur's size.

Van Augur: Thank you, Captain, it's an honor to receive it.

After saying that, Augur took off the cloak he was wearing and put on the Akatsuki cloak, wearing it unbuttoned and resting his Senriku rifle on his left shoulder.

Katahara: I'm sure with what we're wearing, we'll scare some locals... HAHAHAHAHAHA... well Augur, I'll see you here in 4 hours. I want you to buy supplies for our journey, the same amount as last time will be fine. Will you need more money?

Van Augur: It won't be necessary, Captain. There's still money left from the 9 million you gave me last time.

Katahara: Then let's go. See you in 4 hours.

After arriving at the port, the two of them left the galley and headed in different directions. Katahara explored the city a bit. All the people who saw Katahara moved away from him in fear. They had never seen a man with a cloak like that, let alone with that kind of hat or who scared more than one person. But that didn't matter in the slightest. He wasn't going to miss out on the mythical place where the Pirate King was executed.

Katahara: I've explored most of the island. It's time to go look for those swords.

He immediately headed towards the weapon shop, the only one in the whole city.

When he entered the shop, there was someone behind the counter, a man with black hair that reached the sides of his head, bronzed skin, and wearing a blue shirt. It was Ipponmatsu, the owner of the store.

Ipponmatsu: Hello, can I help you with something?

Katahara: Good afternoon. I'm looking for swords, and from what I see, you might have some of quality.

Ipponmatsu: That sword you're carrying... can... can I see it?

Katahara: You don't have that privilege, old man.

As he turned around to look for the Sandai Kitetsu sword, he only remembered it was inside a wooden box along with many others. Ipponmatsu was a little disappointed by Katahara's response, but as he continued to look at it from afar, he marveled at never having seen a sword like that in his entire life.

Ipponmatsu: It's a rather old sword, but I'll give you 800,000 berries for it.

Katahara: The sword is not for sale, old man.

He said as he walked towards where there were dozens of swords inside a wooden bucket, and began to unsheathe them one by one, until.

He pulled out a sword with red scabbard and handle, unsheathed it, and it started to vibrate.

This must be the cursed sword, Sandai Kitetsu, damn... this thing is shaking, thought Katahara.

Katahara: I'll take it.

Ipponmatsu: NO!

Katahara: Why?

Ipponmatsu: That sword is cursed.

Katahara: Forget it, I'll still take it.

He seemed surprised and remained silent for a moment.

Ipponmatsu: Well, it's not my fault if something happens to you, then it'll be 100,000 berries.

Katahara: Wait old man, don't you have a higher quality sword? Well, what else can you expect from a shop like this?

Ipponmatsu: Don't disrespect my shop like that, I'll show you the best in my store!

It was so easy to manipulate him that I didn't even have to make an effort, thought Katahara.

He ran upstairs and came down with a sword, that sword had a black handle, it has a cross and a scabbard lacquered in black. The blade itself had a normal appearance and an irregular pattern.

Ipponmatsu: "This is one of the 50 expert grade swords, Yubashiri, it's my family heirloom and it's the highest quality sword in my store."

Katahara: Now, if there's anything worthwhile in your store, I'll take it.

He said as he grabbed the sword and drew it from its scabbard.

Ipponmatsu: Hey, give it back! Who gave you permission to touch it?

Katahara: I'll keep these two old swords, end of negotiation.

He said as he brought the Yubashiri close to Ipponmatsu's neck, then tossed 1 million berries over the counter.

After leaving the store, Katahara placed the Shodai Kitetsu sword on the left side of his waist while on his right side he put the Sandai Kitetsu, to carry the Yubashiri in his hand.

I've already messed up the canon once, why not keep doing it, anyway, I was going to give it to Zoro, plus Yubashiri is safer with me, no stupid marine will rust it to destruction, plus I paid for it, I'm not. "I don't want to be labeled as a pirate, not yet," thought Katahara.

As he walked back to his ship, he bumped into a woman wearing a blue leather coat with white trim around the waist, blue jeans, black shoes, rectangular glasses, and black hair reaching her chin. This woman was obviously Tashigi.

Tashigi: Excuse me... Could you take a closer look at that sword you have there, please? So Tashigi has... maybe I should take out my Shigure sword and add it to my collection, thought Katahara. As he stood there looking at her without responding.

Tashigi: You don't have to be suspicious, I'm a marine infantry soldier, my name is Tashigi and I'm under Captain Smoker's command.

Katahara: Why don't we make a bet, what do you say, marine?

Tashigi: What kind of bet? I just asked you to please show me your sword.

Katahara: If you win this bet, I'll give you this sword. Katahara said as he lifted Yubashiri with his left arm.

Tashigi: WOOO... you'll really give me the sword if I win the bet, wait a moment, I have to check something. Tashigi responded as she took out a small book with many illustrations of swords. Tashigi: It can't be a Meito, Yubashiri is a Ryo Wazamono, I'm convinced, now tell me what the bet is.

Katahara: But if you lose, you'll give me the sword you have there. What Katahara said made Tashigi think for a few minutes before responding.

Tashigi: Alright, then what's the bet?

Katahara: It's a simple bet, the first one to disarm the opponent wins, what do you think? Upon hearing that, Tashigi hesitated for a moment.

Tashigi: Very well, we have a deal, I just hope that after disarming you, you'll hand over the sword without resistance.

Upon hearing Tashigi's response, Katahara smiled, he didn't expect her to accept, he was just playing with her. At that moment, he took out a coin.

Katahara: We'll start when the coin hits the ground, ready.

Katahara tossed the coin and when it hit the ground, Tashigi made a slash towards Katahara, which was dodged by Katahara's swift movement.

She kept trying to hit Katahara who hadn't even unsheathed Yubashiri.

Tashigi: Stop running like a coward and unsheathe your sword.

At that moment, Katahara approached, being greeted by a vertical slash from Tashigi... Katahara stopped the slash by unsheathing his sword, to begin his attack. Tashigi couldn't keep up with Katahara's attacks, so she focused on defending, with each passing second, Katahara's attacks grew faster and more precise, applying increasing pressure on Tashigi. After a minute of attacking, Katahara stepped back.

Katahara: Marine Tashigi, it seems you can't keep up with me. It was my mistake to think you could do better.

Tashigi was furious at Katahara's comment, but before she could do anything, Katahara appeared attacking her with a diagonal slash. Tashigi wanted to keep up with Katahara's attacks with all her might, but still couldn't. She began to feel the pressure of the attacks again until Katahara launched a horizontal slash, causing the sword to fly away.

Katahara: Well, dear Marine, this was an encounter you don't have every day... Not every day you lose your sword, right?

Tashigi was lying on the ground, staring for a moment, until she regained consciousness.

Tashigi: I can't believe I lost.

Katahara: As you said... I hope you hand over your sword without resistance.

After saying this, he approached the sword on the ground, picked it up, and sheathed it.

Tashigi: I hope you take good care of that sword... I still don't know your name.

Katahara: Rest assured, little Marine, I will take good care of it. I'm Katahara D. Uchiha.

Tashigi: Someday I'll get my sword back, remember that Katahara.

She replied as she walked away down the crowded street, heading to the ship, where she would wait for Augur to bring the supplies.

After Katahara reached his ship, he placed the three swords in front of him to admire them for a moment, and then put them in his ring. After that, he began to practice with his sword.

He spent about an hour practicing until Augur finally arrived with the supplies.

Van Augur: Captain, now that we've restocked all our supplies, what's our destination?

Katahara: We'll rest here until tomorrow, then we'll head to West Blue to meet our next comrade.

Augur: I wonder who will be the next to join us?

After saying that, Katahara continued practicing his swordsmanship.

The next day, they set off for Reverse Mountain.

Augur: Captain, are we really going to climb that mountain?

Katahara: Reverse Mountain is a unique mountain located on the Red Line, where currents from the four seas converge at the top and form a downward stream to enter the Grand Line, but we will use it to reach the West Blue.

Augur: I understand now, Captain.

They soon reached the entrance to the contrary current and began to enter the great canal, where the water flowed in the opposite direction.

Katahara: You take the helm, Augur, I'll take care of the rest now.

I began to make hand seals.

Katahara: Water Clone Jutsu.

The water gathered, creating 5 identical replicas. Augur wasn't surprised to see what was happening, as he had already seen it for over a month while they did all the work on the ship.

The clones began to fix the sails to prevent them from coming loose, while Katahara himself made hand seals.

Katahara: Water Style: Water Dragon.

Then the water on the starboard side began to take the shape of a dragon, as Katahara manipulated it to propel the boat upward with great force.

The boat was quickly propelled forward by the water dragon, and moments later began to fight against the current. After a few minutes, the boat began to soar into the air. Augur held onto the boat as tightly as he could to keep from letting go, while Katahara simply stood there, watching it all unfold.

After a few seconds of struggling against the current, they managed to reach open sea.

Katahara: Finally, we're in the Western Sea. Now let's start looking for our navigator.

Augur: Captain, the skills you used...

Katahara: What you saw are some of my abilities. Did you expect to have a weak captain? Now, where do we start looking?


During those 2 months, Katahara practiced his swordsmanship every day without fail, along with Saitama's training, he had also mastered Crow Scattering. They passed through 3 islands during those 2 months without finding the person they were looking for.

Katahara: Augur, would you come with me to the city? I have a feeling about this island.

Van Augur: Alright, Captain.

When they docked at the city pier, the two got off the ship and began to walk through the streets. After a few minutes, they arrived at the sheriff's office.

Katahara: We finally found him.