
Ballad of the Crows

He reincarnated with the mission of the one above all, but not everything is as it seems. War on all scales. This is not a typical protagonist story, so don't expect the protagonist to be someone who achieves everything with the power of friendship. The protagonist's ideology is 'the end justifies the means'

deimospendragon · Anime und Comics
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164 Chs

"Arrival to New Lands."

All the people Katahara brought were observing everything around them.

Katahara: Communicate to everyone to prepare their weapons and keep all systems on alert.

Judge: Sir, we are taking temperature and environmental measurements, even soil measurements at the moment. A probe has been sent to the surface.

Katahara: Very well, we will maintain this position for some time. System, purchase the map of the Naruto World, Katahara thought.

At that moment, a scroll of paper appeared in Katahara's hands.

Katahara: Now, let's see where exactly we are.

While he began to analyze the map, the place they were in was the Northwest coast of the Land of Water, far from what is known as the Village of the Mist.

Katahara: Judge, take this map and recreate it in the system.

While Judge began to analyze the map.

Judge: Right away, my lord.

While Katahara headed to his private cabin, upon entering, he activated his secret compartment.

Katahara: Now, where is that book?

Katahara wrote the history of some worlds he remembered, which is why they were in that secret compartment.

Katahara: Here, the mind is fragile. Luckily, I wrote all these texts as soon as I arrived in One Piece. Now let's see, 36 years before Naruto is born... The Ninja Training Institution is officially called the Ninja Academy, and Blue B, the future Jinchūriki of the Eight Tails, is also born before Killer B.

Katahara: Well, I have plenty of time to carry out my plans... but before that, I have to take care of one person to ensure my plan is successful.

The next day, Katahara was holding a meeting with all the high-ranking officials: 5 High Lords and the FABRICATOR-GENERAL.

Katahara: Any news on the data?

Judge: The atmosphere, gravity, air quality, even the water density is completely different. Gravity is much less than that of our world, which is why we feel much lighter than before. Air quality is excellent, and the damage caused by countless factories is not present in this world.

High Lord Sonkire Ragnar: So, what is the reason for coming to this world? Conquer it, with the forces we have?

Katahara: No, conquering this world is not in the plans. We are here to increase our strength with specific groups.

High Lord Vismoke Reiju: Then why not send a reconnaissance force to get an idea of what this place is like?

High Lord Hitsugisukan: The Mechanicus has already provided us with a detailed map of everything around us.

Katahara: Let me tell you about the government system in this place. Ninja Villages: This world is populated by ninja villages, which are secret and highly militarized communities. Each village is governed by a supreme leader known as a "Kage." Each village has its own Kage, with specific titles according to the village, such as Hokage in Konohagakure, Kazekage in Sunagakure, Mizukage in Kirigakure, Tsuchikage in Iwagakure, and Raikage in Kumogakure.

High Lord Kozuki Hiyori: So, we are in a world similar to Wano Kuni.

Katahara: Save your questions for later. Council of Elders: Each village usually has a council of elders composed of high-ranking ninjas and wise individuals who advise the Kage on important matters. These elders have extensive experience and knowledge of village affairs and provide guidance to the supreme leader.

Ninja Ranking System: Ninjas in each village are organized into different ranks based on their ability and experience. The most common ranks are:

Genin: Novice ninjas, usually children and young individuals in training.

Chūnin: Intermediate-level ninjas who have demonstrated superior skills and knowledge.

Jōnin: Elite ninjas with a high level of skill and experience.

Kage: The supreme leader of the village.

High Lord Boa Hancock: Do these so-called Kages have the same level as a Yonkō, or a similar level?

Katahara: In our understanding, a Kage has a level relatively comparable to a Yonkō. As for a Jōnin, we could say they are close to a commander level, but it's not always the case. I'm confident that any of my commanders can easily handle several squads of Jōnin. Chūnin are simply children no older than 16, and Genin are just kids in training, essentially cannon fodder in their wars.

High Lord Sonkire Ragnar: CHILDREN... how is this allowed? In war, it's even likely that an experienced adult won't return home. Using children in war is despicable.

High Lord Boa Hancock: This place is much more despicable than I thought.

Katahara: Let me finish... Missions and Duties: Ninjas receive missions of varying difficulty levels based on their rank. These missions can range from simple tasks like escort or information-gathering missions to dangerous combat and espionage missions. Ninjas undertake these missions to protect and maintain peace in their villages and countries.

Inter-Village Relations: Ninja villages can have friendly or tense relationships depending on historical and political events. Sometimes villages cooperate on common matters, while other times they face conflicts and wars.

Governments of the Countries: In addition to the villages, the ninja world is divided into different countries, each with its own government and leader. Some countries are dominated by a particular ninja village, while others have their own independent political structure.

Lastly, "Daimyo" refers to the feudal lords or rulers of the various countries that make up the ninja world. Daimyos are political leaders and nobles responsible for governing their respective countries and making important decisions for their people. Daimyos are powerful and wealthy individuals, and some of them have connections with ninja villages, especially the Five Great Villages like Konohagakure, Sunagakure, Kirigakure, etc. Ninja villages often need to maintain good relations with the Daimyos to gain political and financial support, and at times, Daimyos can influence political decisions related to the villages.

High Lord Kozuki Hiyori: This place is so different from what we are accustomed to...

High Lord Hitsugisukan: My lord, we still don't know what our objective is, gathering forces but what specific forces.

Katahara: Well, now that you know how this place is, let me tell you about our next moves... Kirigakure, also known as the Hidden Mist Village, is one of the Five Great Ninja Villages in the Naruto world. It is located in the Land of Water and is famous for its rigorous training system and its fighting style focused on water and mist techniques.

I will take care of controlling this place, while one of you will be in charge of controlling the Daimyo of Kirigakure. This way, we will have total control of the Land of Water.

High Lord Kozuki Hiyori: I volunteer to undertake this task, of course, if everyone agrees. This place resembles Wano too much, and I am confident that I can carry out this mission successfully.

Katahara: Remember the rules we all proposed when creating the High Lord of Terra. It requires 3 out of 5 votes for any significant and relevant action to be carried out. The person chosen will be escorted and protected by our strongest men...

High Lord Boa Hancock: I support you in this task. With us, that's 2 votes.

It didn't take long for everyone to vote in favor.

Katahara: Well, with that decided, until then, I will go down to the land with a small escort. Now, you need to know something. We will be in this land for a long time.

High Lord Hitsugisukan: I suppose it will be a few years...

Katahara: Some decades. With Pure Gold, we won't have any problem living for centuries, even more.

High Lord Sonkire Ragnar: Centuries... I guess with the project underway, Fabricator General, that problem is solved.

Fabricator General Judge: Right now, we have many projects in progress, but that one is in NVL1, so it's among our priorities. I would like to request some specimens from this world.

High Lord Sonkire Ragnar: Human experiments... I'm still not convinced about that.

High Lord Boa Hancock: Experimenting with that Lunaria, an extinct race. I don't want to think about what that poor being is going through.

Katahara: Remember this. We don't do it because we enjoy those experiments. We do it because if we don't, someone else will, and we can't allow that.

High Lord Hitsugisukan: As our lord said long ago, everything is for the future empire, and you don't build an empire with good intentions alone. Every empire is paved with hundreds of thousands of lives... don't you agree, Ragnar?

High Lord Sonkire Ragnar: Every great empire was created by sacrificing thousands, if not millions, of lives in the process. We will use our stay in this place to improve our armies.

"Thank you! It's a pleasure to welcome all readers back. I'm excited to continue with the work and provide weekly updates. I hope you enjoy the rest of the volume!"

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