

Elijah's life was moving swiftly or that is what he thought until his life got entangled with Riley also known as the troublemaker. ***** Riley knew that everybody hated her. It wasn't like the feeling wasn't mutual but the universe had to be so cruel and pair her with Saint Elijah, the guy she disliked the most. Elijah hated her and it never bothered her or that is what she thought until she is put on a project with him as a punishment. She loathed the idea of spending time with the self righteous Elijah more than anything in the world. It was stupid and she knew it, she shouldn't have kissed Elijah. She shouldn't have fallen ever for him. The price she has to pay for her sins are just so high. Which bad girl ever fell for the good boy? The ending is bound to be a disaster. Stick around to read more of the story of Elijah and Riley.

marjo_rhinah · Teenager
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5 Chs


It is the third day of the project and I can already feel the toll the last two days have done on me. Some hours with the children are sunshine while some others are just as ugly as they come. I have to admit, I never saw myself being the one to handle such a project but here I am trying to do my best.

With these children, I can pretend they don't know who the real me is. Sometimes I also don't know who the real me is. At least the kids don't get to experience mean Raven. They only have to see the Raven I show them, the sweet kind helpful Raven. It has worked so far. Some kids like me which is great.

While I watch Natalie on the swing, the red hair from the hallway approaches me.

"Hey." she greets. I force a tight lipped look on my face one that is less hostile. Around little kids is not the exact place for my attitude.

"You thirsty?" She rises a bottle of water for me. I am really thirsty. I am not going to let my big ego get in the way of free water. I take the bottle from her.

"Thanks." I open the cap taking a sip.

"I am Naomi by the way."

I almost groan at her introduction. What am I, an alien? I have been attending the same schools with her since first grade. And someone tells me why I don't like these people I go to school with, this is one of the reasons. I ridiculously stare at her outstretched arm.

"Did it ever occur to you that I know who you are or anyone in that damn school?" I lift a brow. She quickly takes away her hand giving me a sheepish smile. I look over at Natalie who is still enjoying on the swing with her new friend.

"I can call you Raven, right?" Naomi mutters hesitantly. Really? I can't believe she is going to make me do this.

"From what I know, that is my name." I reply sardonically. Everyone I know in that school calls me by my last name. Very few people call me Raven.

"How do you feel about the project so far?" she prods. I crease my brows in confusion. Matthews better not have put her up on this to get information out of me. If he did, it is not going to work. It will take more than her little girlfriend to coax information out of me. However if my memory serves me well, these two love birds broke up like four months ago.

I remember quite the drama the break up caused in school. Principal Tanner's daughter and the righteous Matthews' split up was some other chaos.

"Did your boyfriend put you up to this, the interrogation?" I narrow my gaze.

"Do you mean Elijah? He is my ex boyfriend." she defends quickly.

"I know. I just wanted to make sure. Teens lie all the time about their break ups." I shrug.

"We are not dating anymore. He also didn't put me up to anything." Naomi answers genuinely.

"I could ask you first. What are you doing volunteering on your ex boyfriend's project?" I ask curiously.

I have never had a boyfriend not that I needed one. The only time I have to close contact with a guy intimately is a kiss on the cheek with Landon Parker in third grade during one night of spin the bottle. That was it and never have I ever indulged in such situations again.

It doesn't mean I know nothing about relationships. I also know that if I was Naomi, I wouldn't want to be in the same space with my ex for anything in the whole world. Don't blame me, I hold my grudges real deep. It makes me wonder what the hell she is doing here.

"This project is not about Eli. It is about these kids."

Speaking of kids, my heart skips a beat when I witness Natalie falling off the swing. Shit! How I can move from my position to the young girl in a matter of seconds is beyond my knowledge. All I know is that the next minute I am holding the girl against my chest as I soothe her to stop crying.

"Jesus Christ! What the hell happened here?"

That can only be Elijah Matthews. I groan inwardly knowing the kind of trouble am about to get with him.

"Let me help you with that." A teacher takes Natalie out of my arms before I come face to face with a scowling Elijah.

"What were you thinking?" he blames immediately. What the hell?

"I gave you one assignment. All you had to do was watch the girl play. I guess I was wrong about you being responsible for once in your life." He continues.

Lord help me before I shut this guy's mouth for him. The scenario has already attracted a crowd as it is. Now everyone is watching him throw a fuss over something that I couldn't control. Maybe I could have if I hadn't been so nosy with Naomi.


Naomi tries to intervene but he cuts her off immediately.

"Don't try to defend her. She is to blame for whatever has happened. If that child is hurt, I swear..."

"What? Are you finally going to kick me off the project? I will be glad to hear the words coming from you." I smile furiously. Matthews clenches his fists. His lips are in a hard line as he glares at me.

"If anyone is to blame here, it is me. Raven was looking after the girl when I interrupted her." Naomi defends. I stare at her surprised. I didn't expect anyone to stand up for me. When it was something about me, everyone was quick to judge and jump to conclusions.

Matthews stares hard at her before he turns away walking over to the infirmary. The crowd disperses too making me sigh. I didn't mean for Natalie to fall. If it is any consolation, I feel bad that the sloppy seconds I didn't do my job, she fell. I care about her too. Is it too hard for people to believe that I have a heart and feelings?

"I can see why you two made a great couple." I joke trying to lighten the mood and not make things about me.

"Are you alright?" Naomi asks watching me.

"Is there a reason I shouldn't be?"

"It is unfair what Eli did back there."

"In my opinion, your ex was one second away from getting a split lip." I smirk. Naomi forces a tight lipped smile.

"I will go check on the girl." she excuses herself.

"I will go take care of that." I look over the boy having trouble with his train.

"See you later."

"If I am too sober for conversation." I mutter before I walk on the direction of the boy.