

Elijah's life was moving swiftly or that is what he thought until his life got entangled with Riley also known as the troublemaker. ***** Riley knew that everybody hated her. It wasn't like the feeling wasn't mutual but the universe had to be so cruel and pair her with Saint Elijah, the guy she disliked the most. Elijah hated her and it never bothered her or that is what she thought until she is put on a project with him as a punishment. She loathed the idea of spending time with the self righteous Elijah more than anything in the world. It was stupid and she knew it, she shouldn't have kissed Elijah. She shouldn't have fallen ever for him. The price she has to pay for her sins are just so high. Which bad girl ever fell for the good boy? The ending is bound to be a disaster. Stick around to read more of the story of Elijah and Riley.

marjo_rhinah · Teen
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The bus is already half full by the time I make it to the parking lot. I am glad about the turn up for my project. I enter last when I realise all those who are supposed to be on the bus are inside. What is almost freaking me out though is that I haven't seen Saltzman anywhere. She better not have...

My thoughts stop mid sentence when I find her seated at one of the back seats. Our gazes lock, hers a murderous glare, mine a narrowed stare. At least she is early for one thing in her life.

My gaze stops again when I notice someone I last expected. Naomi.

I didn't know she was on the list. When her stare finds mine, she quickly looks away.

"Eli." Kirby waves excited. Jackson waves me over. I don't waste time walking over to where they sit.

"I am so excited for the project." Kirby mumbles happily.

"Thanks to Eli. I feel good I don't have to see Mr. Brown's face today." Jackson grins.

"At what time did she arrive for the bus?" I nudge my head in Saltzman's direction.

"I can't remember but she was pretty early. Everyone was surprised. I was surprised too not going to lie." Kirby replies. I glance at her before I return my attention to my friends.

"You didn't tell us principal put her on the project Eli." Kirby rises an accusation brow.

"I didn't think it was important I guess. It is not a big deal." I wave her off.

"It is, especially if we all know her behavior. She can't be trusted." Kirby murmurs.

"There is nothing for you to worry about her. I have got everything figured out. She won't cause trouble to the project or anyone." I answer.

Both my friends stare at me not convinced. Raven Saltzman is not anyone's problem but mine. Principal Tanner made sure of that when she assigned her to me and the project. I won't let her or her attitude ruin the work my team and I have organized for weeks.

The ride from school to our destination takes about an hour and a half. We are welcomed by the couple which are the owners of the elementary school our project is going to commence and last for two weeks.

Clinton Elementary is a special school for kids who have suffered traumatic experiences, children struggling with autism and dyslexia. This school came to my radar when dad mentioned it one dinner night. A strong urge to make a difference for these kids since then has been my main priority hence the reason for my project.

The students help in unloading the equipments while some others help with the set ups. I am surprised to find Raven keeping herself busy with helping with the unloading. I sigh hard. If she is complying with the situation, I am definitely on the right track.

Once our preparations are done, the first thing on our agenda commences which is introduction. All the kids are gathered in the hall when Mrs. Clinton, the Deputy director of the school starts her speech at the podium. She invites me on stage once all the formal greetings and introductions are done.

Excitement and nervousness fill my body as I make it for the stage. Seated on the chairs in the hall are fifty students we are going to work with for the next two weeks. The thought fills my heart with joy.

"Hello guys. My name is Elijah Matthews. I won't mind if you call me Eli too." I start. One girl squeals Eli something that makes the room break out in gigles.

"Yes Eli. My group and I are here for a reason. We are here to have fun with you guys. What do you think about that?"

A few minutes of noise passes before it dies down.

"Like I said, I came with a group of other friends too to make this even merrier. Do you want to know who these other friends of mine are?" I ask. They all reply yes loudly.

"First off I am going to start with my girl best friend, Kirby Clarkson. Do you all have best friends?" A few murmurs fill the room.

"You don't have to worry about that. By the end of our meetings, all of you will have best friends like I and Kirby." I smile. Another round of murmurs fills the room.

By the time I end with the introductions, I can tell the kids are already excited for the experience. I am excited too to do anything to help. After all I wasn't too different from these kids twelve, eleven years back.

Our first session starts with toy giving and playing. The play rooms are buzzing with all kinds of noise. While I show Cassey how she can play with her frog toy, Julian interrupts.

"There is kind of a situation." he says panicked. I rush behind him to the other room where I realise what Julian is meaning. At the far end of the room is a little boy who throws the toy he has just been handed.

"He won't take it. We've tried everything but nothing has worked." Julian explains as I walk closer to the car toy the young boy just threw. Picking it up, I slowly walk up to him. I kneel before him his little glare finding my calm face.

"Hey buddy, what is your name?" I ask slowly.

"Thomas." he mumbles lowly I almost miss it.

"Well Thomas, what do you think about sports cars?" I ask.

"They are cool." he replies.

"Great answer buddy. Don't you want to own one of the fastest sports cars?" I slowly hand him back the toy car. He stares at the car and then at me for a while. Just when I think he is acquainted with it, he throws it away instead.

"No!" Thomas growls. I have to say I didn't see that coming. In my line of vision, someone picks up the toy car. When I lift my gaze to take in the  person fully.


She walks over to where Thomas and I are. Why do I have mixed feelings about this? I stand up for her to take my position before Thomas.

"Hey Thomas. Do you like being called Tom?" Raven asks. Thomas nods his head violently with a grimace.

"Thought so too buddy. This is going to be our little secret but I hate being called Rave too." she mutters.

"Really?" Thomas asks curiously. She nods. Saltzman looks down at the toy car and then back to the boy.

"You really don't like cars, do you?" she asks. Thomas nods again.

"Me too. That is why I got us both these. Ta da." Saltzman reveals two helicopter toys before Thomas.

Thomas' face immediately lights up. Saltzamn discards away the toy car. She hands one helicopter to Thomas and remains with one.

"Do you want to try flying it?" she asks. He nods. Before we know, Saltzman and Thomas are best of friends.

I didn't know she could pull that off. She did it so smoothly and wisely. Most of us go back to helping others while we watch the kids have the time of their life even if for a little while.