
Screwed up

Clara's POV

He turned towards me. His eyes were fixed on mine.

"You will have to come back!"

"What?" I was surprised.

"Yes! The day you freaking left me, Ivy's car crashed, she was in coma since then. I TRIED TO INFORM YOU!

as you girls are friends for such a long time, but you were so busy dumping me. She has recovered two days back and I had a call from her few Minutes ago. She wants to meet you, actually she wants to see us, as a...uh.. married couples because someone told her that we were waiting for her to get well soon so that we could marry. Summing up it all, we need to act out a marriage."

I stood silent.

He continued

"See...she trusts you even now. I know you won't come but I beg you. It can save her life. Nothing can make her happier than seeing us get married. And we just have to act for sometime. I promise I won't trouble you. She has fought four months and she's still fighting for her life. Her life is delicate right now. Doctors said, we must keep her happy and mentally satisfied. We don't have to stress her. So please.... I do beg you..."

"She's my bosom friend and you need not beg Noah, I mean Mr. Thompson... I'll go." I cut him off.

He looked at me for a while. As if thinking that...oh! I don't know what he would be thinking.

Men are strange.

And so was he. Strangest of them all. Whose emotions and expressions changes as slow as a cheetah.

"But don't think that we could be back together. We'll have to make it for some months and then you'll live your normal life. I'll call you for when ...umm"

"Yeah! Wait a sec. In case you don't have my contact number I should call you or what?"

"I'll manage, ummh...I have your phone number hopefully."

He told me and walked away.

Oh great so he didn't deleted my contact number. Isn't that nuts?


"Hey Clara, I'm sorry if you didn't like what I did. I know that you won't go with me for the date. It's fine. That was my fault. I never knew you liked me or not. Sorry...." Jason said.

He looked as if he was confused whatever happened.

"Calm down Jase, I'll come" I said taking hold of his hand and laughing.

He tightened the hold, smiled and winked

"That's better but why was Mr. Thompson disturbed?

Seriously, is he a mad man? And where was he going? What was happening?" He Chuckled.

"Everything's fine. You need not to worry. And trust me you don't like to know what's happening" I assured him.


Clara's POV

"Oh my goodness! Are we really? You just made me freak out. How did you know that Justin's my bae?"

I almost jumped and hugged Jason when he handed me VIP tickets for Justin Bieber's live show.

"You got VIP tickets for me. Wait how much did it cost?" I said frowning.

"No ways! I won't tell you. That wasn't too much. It doesn't matter." He frowned back

I knew he will never tell me.

"I don't know how can I thank you...I mean I really want to...but I don't know how to..."

"Come on baby, that's because you're special for me, you're more important than money" he said grabbing my shoulders.

He has no right to baby me. I didn't like the way he called me baby. I'm not his girlfriend or maybe I am because we are on a date? I'm confused.

All of a sudden he took hold of my hands...

"The show will start shortly, we have to reach Madison square" he said.

We got into his car in the passenger's seat.

I played the song 'back to you' by Selena Gomez in the cars music system. Car drives are boring without music.

The song must have been written for me because it suits my life perfectly.

I was lost in my thoughts. I faced towards the window. Observing random buildings which were passing as we drove.

Was I doing something wrong to Jason? I like him but I never loved him that way. This is bad. I should tell him that I don't love him.

I turned my head to face him. I saw him whistling as the song went.

"You can whistle so well" I said smiling.

"Yup! That's my weird talent. You have more things to know about me. I'm as talented as Justin. You'll see."

He smirked.

My phone started vibrating. I took it out of my hand bag. I saw I had a call from an unknown number. I didn't wanted to spoil this awesome drive, so I didn't pick that call.

Few minutes later. The phone vibrated again and then again.

"Hello? Who's this?" I straightly asked.

"Isn't your voice too loud for talking with your boss's boss and haven't you saved my contact number?" The man on the other side replied.

He was Noah Thompson. I wonder what he wanted then.

"Listen, Ivy wants to meet you right now and you know you would have to come. I'll send you the address and reach by time."

"Mr. Thompson I can't come right now. Will you please adjust? Because I'm out and busy."

"What business of yours is more important than my sister? You will come right now." Saying this he cut the call.

Isn't that great? I'm stuck with my friend who has a misconception that I'm his girlfriend. But he has been so sweet and taking me to Justin Bieber's live concert and my ex-boyfriend is calling me to meet his sister who has been sick for four long months.

I'm totally messed up I dunno to whom should I deny. I must find a way out this.
