
Another ring ?


I looked out of the car's window then closed my eyes leaning back to my seat. I tried myself to calm down. I set my phone on silent mode and placed it on the front above the AC.

Few minutes later...

"Get up babe, we are on..." Jason Shaked me.

Oh great, I just took a nap!

What else I would have needed?

"Are we? I'm freaking excited, I can't explain, I'm so happy." I replied tiding myself, setting my hair.

Jason took my hand and we paced towards the concert hall.


After the concert, Jason and I went to an ice cream parlor.

"Am I forgetting something?" I asked him.

" I don't think so" he raised his left eyebrow.

"No wait I'm forgetting something, I've got a gut feeling." I searched for my phone but I could not find it.

"Where's my phone. I had to go somewhere Jason, it was so important. I was not supposed to come with you. I need to find it. It must be in the car."

"Calm down, stay back here I'll bring it." He said.

He returned back after few minutes.

"Are you sure you left it in the car?"

"Yeah I'm pretty sure. I'll see by myself." I searched for it and found it lying on the floor under my seat. I wonder how it get there.

I unlocked my phone and to my surprise there were almost 23 missed calls from Noah. Now I got it. It vibrated till it reached down the seat.

But, he could have just left a voice mail?

I know I'm in trouble. He would perhaps kill me.

"Jason, I need to make a call, I'll be back. "

I called back.

" I'm so sorry Noah, I could not come, it just went out of my mind, I never wanted to do so... can I come now?"

" It's ok, you need not to come here for now. But I think you should not play with someone's life. If you know what I mean..."

"I won't... I am sorry"

"Mmmm...good night." He cut the call.

Of course I was surprised, he didn't shouted anyomore on me.

What's the matter? I'm curious.

My phone vibrated at the moment.

"Clara, Mr. Ellison wanted me to sort something out. I wanted to tell him that the way is clean, we still have some problems though. But I think he has been troublesome with his calls these days so he asked my client to call Jason instead. But he didn't received any calls from me in the last hour. I thought he must be with you, since you guys are dating. So please ask him to call back to my client."

Why do you think we are dating? We ain't even dating. Everyone except me thinks that we are.... God forgive me!

"Mr. Thompson, can I ask you something? I mean if you won't mind?"

"Yeah...what you wanna know?"

"You didn't freaked out in anger. I didn't come and you were all normal. I mean that was better than your normal. Are you ok? I hope Ivy's fine."

"Everyone is fine. Dont think I'm supposed to be an ever angry man. I'm not a monster." He replied firmly.

Saying this he cut the call.

Now a smile has taken over my desquited face.

I turned around but I couldn't see Jason nowhere.

I shouted a few times but there were no reply. I was near his car, but he was nowhere around. I called him but there wasn't any response. I was afraid.

Was he fine or has he been tangled into some problem?

Why can't I be out of problems for atleast a few seconds? Lol.

I'm sorry but was that funny?

"Jason! If you are trying to punk me, then listen I obviously know how to drive car and I'll drive straight to my house leaving you all alone." I shouted and chuckled.

"Wait!" I heard a voice from behind.

Jason was standing there with a bouquet in his hands.


He came closer and handed me the bouquet with a smile.

I gave him a fake smile. He then took out a ring from his right pocket of his suit.

"Will you marry me?" There were some artists around, playing violen

Damn typical!. He had actually prepared. One was playing guitar and then there were ballerinas.

He didn't wait for a reply and lay hold of my hand to pass the ring in my finger.

"Wait.. what?" I pronounced taking my hand back. A genuine frown acquired my face.
