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hey I'm rewriting this story

Plafu · Spiele
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109 Chs

Chapter 9

Bo says.

"Nonono it cant be what is the name of your other account".

Juan looks at him and says.

"What other account this is the only one I have right now".

Bo gets angrier and screams.

"You are a top 200 player right".

Juan answers happily.

"Yea and but it is a couple of years ago".

Bo slams his hand on the table and screams.

"So what the fuck is your name just tell me".

Juan answers very calmly.

"Wenn you can beat me then I will tell you but only when you beat me".

Bo answers.

"Okay, but you know this is not fair".

Juan answers.

"I know but you want something from me so I think it fares".

Juan looks at Xia She answers.

"Yea you want something from him, Juan why didn't you tell us you are a Top 200 player".

Juan answers with a curious face.

"Ahh, you didn't ask me what rank I am so why should I tell you when I didn't get asked, can we talk about this after I finished this 1vs1".

Xia answers.

"Of course"

Juan spawns in and he turns around and looks for Bo he walks past the only Hause on the map and he hears steps inside.

He walks into the building and he listens to the steps and hears him upstairs, he walks up the stairs and he sees him jumping out of the window he only sees his head and he flicks his mouse over his table with a speed and stops right on his head and kills him.

This goes on like this for the rest of 10 kills he only kills him with a head shot and after the final 20 kills Bo screams.

"Yea I get that you are better in a 1vs1 but then let's make a team fight your play with HanAnd all the others and I play with my team".

Juan says.

"But we have 2 matches left wat is with them or are you scared".

Bo answers.

"No no of course not but think it is more fun for everyone if we play in Teams against each other".

Juan answers.

"Wenn you want but let me ask them if they want".


Juan looks at Xia, Han, Tian, and Luan and als them.

"Do you guys want to play or not".

Xia answers.

"Yea I'm down but maybe we could get a little break because we need some strategies".

Han answers.

"Yea I'm also down for it".

Tian answers.

"I'm down to".

Luan answers.

"Yea I'm down to".

Juan answers.

"Ok then we do it but Xia you have a point then I ask if we get 30 minutes break".

Juan Looks at Bo and asks him.

"Bo we are all down for it but can we make a 30-minute break".

Bo answers.

"Ehh why but ok but It doesn't make a big difference but you can have the 30 minutes".

Juan answers.

"Thank you Bo we will see us in 30 minutes".

Juan turns around and asks Han.

"Is there a room or a place where we can talk about strategies".

Han answers.

"Yea there is a room on the second floor I will go and ask the manager everyone wait here please".

Everyone answers.


Juan looks at Xia, Luan, and Tian and asks them.

"I never ask this but what Class are you Playing".

Xia answers first.

"I'm playing Revolver and shotgun".

"O cool another Revolver player".

As the second answer's Tian.

"I'm playing Main support".

"That's cool".

As the third Luan answers.

"I'm playing the Main tank".

"O a main tank player nice I'm glad you are one".

Juan asks.

"What is Han Playing is he playing off support".

Xia answers.

"Yea he is playing Off support".

"That's good so we have every Class in our team that is an advantage so we can play a lot of strategies".

Some chapter after this one will be rewritten so please keep read them it will be come better

Plafucreators' thoughts