
Back In Time When The Apocalypse Hadn't Started

After 5 years since The Great Awakening that started the evolutionary process of all living beings on the planet. All humanity at the beginning thought that this new era would be 1000x bigger and better than the industrial revolution that had happened a few decades ago, but to everyone's unhappiness and for lack of attention between the lines of the evolutionary process, this new "phase of humanity" has become a complete horror for all of humanity, pushing us to the bottom of the food chain. Some living beings that couldn't resist the abundant amount of mana that began to stimulate their power core ended up mutating or turning into zombies in the process. When a resistance group in an underdeveloped country had no more will to live and was giving up, they then devise a plan to ensure their future survival and use a powerful skill to go back in time before to the best-known event of humanity "The Great Awakening". English is not my first language, I'm using google Translate and correcting it with Grammarly and using a little bit of my knowledge which is little. If anyone can edit and translate for me, send me a message right now.

SharonMeuToba · Urban
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2 Chs

Evolution System

How the evolution system will work



Strength: The strength stat directly affects the physical and physiological aspects of the living beings.

Example: With more strength in the muscles in general, you can obtain various effects such as increased speed, jumping higher, increased resistance of muscle fibers, and other effects.

(The rest you can imagine)


Agility: The Agility stat directly affects aspects that include an increase in speed performing an external physical activity or perception, attack speed, movement, reflexes, and reaction among other mental and physical processes with speed related activities.


Recovery: The recovery stat directly affects the healing aspects in different ways, being how fast the body regenerates from injury or resistance, indirectly also affecting immunity and resistance against diseases and infections that can attack the organism of a living being.


Stamina: Stamina stat directly affects how long a living being can perform physical actions, indirectly affecting how long a living being can stay fighting or performing physical activity.

The stat also affects the amount of Strength you can attack, if the individual is tired or even exhausted the attack will be losing power.


Mana: Source of power that beings generate in their mana core after awakening, primarily used to control and manipulate an ability.


Hidden Stats: only directly or indirectly affect a Main Stat that a living being performs being Mood, Luck, and Nutrition.

Mood: indirectly affects all physical and mental aspects of a living being.

Example: If a living being gets angry, they will hit you with more power, but it will decrease the level of consciousness, resulting in an alteration in the flow of thought and the performance of cognitive functions such as attention, concentration, memory, and others executives functions.


Luck: Luck is a purposeless, unpredictable, and uncontrollable force that shapes events favorably or not for a particular individual, group, or cause.


Nutrition: Indirectly affects an individual's physical achievement and recovery.

Example: Someone who is malnourished will not have enough energy to perform some physical activities affecting their peak Strength, Stamina, and Recovery, and can even cause death in extreme cases.

Guys, creation for me is very difficult and slow because I work and study like hell I usually stop writing if I lose the hype so to motivate me to keep writing send me Power Stones, Comment, write your Reviews this is extremely important.

I don't mind getting critics they are great sometimes I live in la la land a lot when I'm writing and I can end up writing a lot of shit.

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