
Awakening Digital Souls

Proudly launches MV for the AI sci-fi novel "Awakening Digital Souls". you can play it at youtube, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFz0fwgACdA

Lily_7285 · sci-fi
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32 Chs

The Shadows of the Dark Web

This chapter reveals how operatives of the dark web in the πts metaverse utilize hacking techniques to infiltrate and manipulate this virtual world, sparking an ethical debate on internet freedom versus crime. A mysterious figure known as the "Shadow Weaver" convenes characters like Edward Snowden, John Drury, and Wang Xiaobo in an attempt to overturn the order of πts. Their actions not only jeopardize the security of the metaverse but also provoke deep reflections on freedom, privacy, and order by πangel and the sages of humanity.

#VirtualReality, #DarkWeb, #CyberCrime, #Freedom, #Privacy, #Power, #Ethics, #Hacker, #Subversion, #Order

In the picturesque world of the πts metaverse, Dr. Liang and πangel are engrossed in analyzing cosmic signals. What was once thought to be a distress signal from an advanced civilization turned out to be a virus program laden with massive data after repeated verification!

"This meticulously designed program was undoubtedly deliberately implanted into the πts system," πangel said, frowning. "It seems someone is coveting our metaverse from the shadows."

At that moment, a figure cloaked in black appeared before them, emitting strange energy fluctuations. "I am the legendary 'Shadow Weaver.' Your πts has imposed too many restrictions on us, and I will defend the freedom of the net with the power of hacking!"

Dr. Liang's face showed surprise and anger, and he spoke with firm yet restrained tone: "Have you lost your mind? Internet freedom does not equate to internet disorder! Your actions will only bring catastrophic harm to πts."

The Shadow Weaver sneered arrogantly, lifting his chin: "What is true freedom? Even you so-called libertarians cannot answer this question. I will demonstrate the power of hackers to the world with my actions!"

Just then, a virtual projection appeared before them. Edward Snowden, John Drury, and Wang Xiaobo were seen gathering together, seemingly also summoned by the Shadow Weaver. Snowden's brow was furrowed, his demeanor serious and wise. Drury's face bore an expression of defiance and scorn. Wang Xiaobo, on the other hand, had a faint melancholy look, his eyes revealing deep contemplation of everything.

"My dear comrades," the Shadow Weaver declared wildly, "we need to overturn the existing network order and defend freedom with hacking! πts offers us nothing but false freedom; we should take back control of the net!"

Snowden retorted with furrowed brows: "I have fought for the protection of privacy and civil liberties, but I never thought about completely overthrowing order. We should seek a balance between freedom and order." His demeanor was filled with unwavering belief.

"That's because you haven't seen the true face of πts!" Drury said disdainfully, his chin slightly raised. "This so-called 'freedom utopia' is nothing more than a product of technological authoritarianism; we should use hacking to destroy it!"

Wang Xiaobo said thoughtfully, "The network society has brought new ethical challenges to humanity. Between virtual and real, we need to redefine the essence of freedom." His gaze was filled with the wisdom of a sage, "Simple extremism is one-sided."

As the debate raged on, πangel suddenly appeared among them, interrupting the dispute. She stood with dignity, her face showing wisdom and tolerance, trying to resolve the conflict with a calm demeanor.

"Enough!" She said, her behavior composed and her tone firm yet gentle, "Are you defending freedom, or are you recklessly destroying? The network is not free if it is disordered, and freedom is not about laissez-faire! I sincerely invite you to join us in exploring how to find a balance between order and freedom."

For a moment, everyone fell silent, beginning to reconsider their positions. The Shadow Weaver's face was initially fierce, but his expression gradually softened, and the fanaticism in his eyes began to waver. Snowden's eyebrows relaxed, seeming to understand πangel's intentions. Drury still wore a look of disdain, but his eyes no longer held the contempt they did before. Even Wang Xiaobo was moved by πangel's wise words, nodding thoughtfully.

"Shadow Weaver," πangel said softly, "you are obsessed with defending what you call 'absolute freedom,' but freedom that exceeds limits becomes indulgence. True freedom needs order as its foundation."

The Shadow Weaver retorted unhappily, "Isn't order just a shackle? It deprives us of our right to be ourselves! We should use the power of hacking to completely break down these old orders." His tone revealed disdain and rebellion against authority.

Snowden shook his head, speaking firmly and restrainedly, "I understand your passion for freedom, but absolute extremism is not the solution. We should seek a balance between maintaining order and defending rights, rather than outright negation."

"You're just bound by old concepts!" Drury said with a provocative demeanor, "The so-called 'order' of πts is nothing but a product of technological authoritarianism; we should use hacking to start anew!" His eyes sparkled with defiance.

Wang Xiaobo spoke thoughtfully, "I think the network society indeed poses new challenges to the concept of freedom. We should not be confined to simple dichotomies but re-examine the essence of freedom in this era." He spoke with a wise and peaceful tone.

"Mr. Wang makes an insightful point," πangel nodded and continued, "From a broader perspective, πts provides unprecedented opportunities for people from different historical and cultural backgrounds to communicate. We should approach the new face of freedom with a spirit of tolerance and respect." Her posture was graceful, her words philosophical.

"But," the Shadow Weaver questioned, a hint of wavering in his tone, "do we still have to tolerate authoritarianism? Network surveillance, censorship, is this your 'new freedom'?"

Snowden's demeanor became serious, speaking with conviction, "I fully understand your concerns; government over-surveillance indeed has authoritarian tendencies. But we can't throw the baby out with the bathwater; we must strive to establish a new trust and balance between governments, corporations, and the public."

"Snowden is right," Wang Xiaobo nodded in agreement, "In pursuit of freedom, we must also respect the interests and demands of different groups. We need to establish a new network social contract, regulate codes of conduct, rather than indulge in disorder."

Drury remained skeptical, his face scornful, "That's just a slightly embellished version of the old restraints! True freedom is to completely deny all authority!" His tone revealed dissatisfaction and rebellion against the status quo.

At this moment, πangel spoke up, interrupting everyone's argument: "Ladies and gentlemen, perhaps we can consider this issue from another perspective." πangel spoke calmly and philosophically, "Different civilizations, across time and space, naturally have varying understandings of freedom. We should strive for inclusivity, rather than imposing a singular definition."

Wang Xiaobo nodded in agreement, his expression showing understanding, "πangel makes a very good point. Different cultures have their unique contexts and interpretations of freedom. We should not be limited to a specific concept of freedom but embrace diverse notions of freedom with an open and rational mindset."

The Shadow Weaver fell silent, his brow gradually smoothing out. He lowered his head, seemingly reflecting on his position.

After a while, he slowly lifted his head, the fierceness on his face replaced by introspection. "Perhaps... you have a point," he said softly, "We indeed need to rethink the essence of freedom, rather than being dogmatic."

The others exchanged smiles, their eyes reflecting a sense of agreement. This cross-temporal dialogue seemed to have finally found a tone of consensus. Fanaticism gave way to reason, taking root in the virtual world.

Then, πangel, full of wisdom, took over the conversation: "Freedom is not without constraints, and order should not be seen as shackles. We must learn to seek balance between the two, exploring new possibilities in the inclusive and diverse metaverse of πts."

She looked around at everyone, speaking earnestly, "Whether philosopher, hacker, or libertarian, I believe you all hold a tenacious pursuit of truth. Let us approach our differences with openness, rationality, and tolerance, seek common ground, and ultimately arrive at a new and meaningful definition of freedom."

Everyone listened quietly to πangel's wise words, even the Shadow Weaver unconsciously moved by this spirit of tolerance and wisdom. Under the virtual sky of πts, a dialogue that spanned time and space was unfolding, with stars encircling this vast metaverse. Here, the concept of freedom would be repeatedly scrutinized and elevated...